Tuesday June 7, 2005

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Sat Night : Peter Chin’s Party

AdamPeterPan and i were supposed to go to Malacca
But we had to much fun in Duta Vista so we thought
“Argh screw it we’ll go another time”

Below are the many obvious reasons why we stayed on

But i didn’t have beer, really
I was all for the wine and Malibu!

You’ve already spotted two half-naked bodies so far
So this was obviously a pool party
There was lots and lots of yummy catered foooood

No, RainbowGayDave, Adam asking me to type that does not mean he’s gay
Adam joking about being gay does not mean he’s gay as well
Adam putting his arms around hot men does not mean he’s secretly gay
Adam having many gay friends does not mean he’s a closet gay

I’m sure you get what i’m trying to say…
So stop trying to get him off me for a bottle of Malibu and a fairy in a jar


Okay, back to that night…

“Guido has amazing skin…!”
i whispered to Adam while staring at it wondering whether there was make up on
“Well… he is a model.”
“Oh. Ya.”

For fear of being thrown into the pool like some others
i kept on hiding in the hotel room
Not that i was being a spoil sport
Just that i didn’t bring any extra clothes and was wearing the urm tiniest of underwear

AdamPeterPan: If you get thrown in you could borrow my clothes.
Me: *grunt*

SueThePixie, DreamerCyn and Peter were there as well
Small world   🙂

My braces look a tad yellow-ey
They always get like that everytime i eat curry but i love it too much to abstain from it for the sake of pristine braces

See below…
Everyone still sober and well-behaved



SueThePixe looks dazed and confused here right?

Actually she’s just pretending and in fact, looking around to make sure noone sees her take the Malibu


“Eh Joyce! Guess what, there’s MALIBU!”
“In the fridge… so nobody knows!” (all the alco are on the tables)
“YEa! We can drink it all!”

Woohoo Malibu kaki 

haha this is so cute

DreamerCyn steals the Pan’s thunder

We moved the party, people and decks into the room when it was much later
I forgot when

Poor Jon’s head kept on getting cut out
Being tall is not always good

Damn pei right  🙂
I’s drinking a martini given to me by Guido
Then he came up a few minutes later with another glass

“Try this one!”
“It looks the same! I already have a drink!”
“This is different, try it!”
“….*sips* Tastes the same to me!!!”
“No, really!”

Hence i’m holding two drinks
I couldn’t decide whether my tastebuds were damn off or he was damn off
Haih, alot of us were quite off by then heh

There were loads of Tronkies at the party
AdamPeterPan was scoffing them like anything

Fuck everytime i look at the photo above, i guffaw
It’s just so classic

Okay getting damn lazy to edit pics already, there are damn alot you must admit
L-R: Me, Nick, TzeYoong and SeaYen

This one stolen off Sue 🙂

Most left really late
We stayed and chilled
Rina was playing some guessing game with us and i was so tipsy and tired,
i couldn’t be fucked to figure it out
Adam on the other hand spent ages layan-ing

Went to the loo before we left and guess what i saw?
PassedOutPeter on the bed

TAG pictures up on SueThePixie‘s site
I’m too lazy to put those up now
Rather put up the Sat party ones!

Anyhow KevinThePug  and i had drinks and dinner at Alexis Ampang before TAG
Then we popped into Poppy to ladida with LaughingLoga and co
AdamPeterPan  finished work and met us at TAG
I vaguely remember KevinThePug putting his hand on my chest

But AdamPeterPan didn’t mind cos Kev is confuckingfirm gay
So hey
If you’re gay you can touch me all you want

16 Responses to Tuesday June 7, 2005

  1. shaun7 says:

    so gays can touch you all they want? cool.

    nope, still can’t say it.

  2. j0sh_w says:

    Can’t say it either, Shaun. Maybe if she threw in a bottle of Malibu and a fairy in a jar.

    Okay, that’s not going to cut it either.

  3. jellypixie says:

    Wah lau! i damn *shy* now…. =P


  4. LucidDr3amer says:

    Hahhaaa!!! Nice pics and it was a blast!!! Did we really do all that?  I stole some pics btw 😛

  5. Anatole69 says:

    Haa! You left a lot of incriminating evidence… better hope you never decide to run for public office!!!

  6. lainieyeoh says:

    OMG hahahha…I nearly pissed myself laughing at that photo of adam and alvin

  7. cykster says:

    I like you. and I want you to be happy. but he’s mine! bwahahahaha! ;P
    I’m making a very generous offer.
    Please reconsider.

    PS: I copped a feel at TAG too. But I won’t admit to whom I copped it off. could be you, Adam or Kev. hell, might’ve even been all three of you.

  8. sue_lynn says:

    hello fairy,

    errmm.. just a little correction. yoong’s name is spelled Sze and not Tze =)

    the last pic of her’s really nice btw 😉

  9. jellypixie says:

    sue_lynn : WOW!! i have the exact same name!

  10. jellypixie says:

    sue_lynn : oops…same name as urs…

  11. lullaby18 says:

    hun.. if u didnt already know.. i love love love love LURRRVE ur pix!! 😀

  12. nightstar says:

    luv ur skirt!

  13. shaun: ah…?? cant’ say wut? *blur*

    josh: *still blur*

    jellypixie: nvmind! We all shy together-together bwahaha

    luciddreamer: did we really do all that…?! what do you think *lol* looks like you and i have that forgetful memory thing 😉

    anatole69: i hightly doubt it! 😉

    lainie: it was too good, wasn’t it!!

    dave: He. Is. Not. Yours. The End.

    sue_lynn: wokay! But hey… they both are pronounced the same so, easy mistake! The last  pic is nice but… now its got wrong spelling! HAH!

    lullaby: thank you 🙂

    nightstar: i love it too *grin*

  14. Misz_Roxy says:

    heheheh joyce the fairy 😉 havent read ur blog for years..

    anyway have fun gal! 😉 all happiness for u and adam. nice pair la y u guys 🙂 so comel!

  15. that was fucking hot


  16. Ponk says:

    kantoi peter! bwahahaha

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