So *That* Is Done With
BaveshCanDrive and i followed AdamPeterPan to last week where he and the others spoke bout their Kick It Beat It Campaign
I like Edwin for his eccentricity
Plus also because while they were on air, he said something along the line of
“…other things to compensate for cigarettes like alc… cOFEE!”
Heeheehee i think that was the only part i laughed at
Oh and besides that, he’s the only one who totally stopped smoking
Which is truly a marvel *applaudes*
We went for the dinner at Westin last night where all four of them got some funny-shaped award thingy (it’s supposed to look like a crushed ciggie -_- ) and made speeches
Upon walking around the floor
PhatFabs and i surveyed the dress code and worriedly commented
“Eh why is everyone wearing a jacket… shit.”
“Uh oh, i think my top is too transparent…”
It felt good attending an event where i didn’t have to take photos for once!
Thank god Marion was there or else i would have been so so so bored
We both agreed that Adam’s video speech was very cheesy
Discovering Old Bras
Thursday night and i was in
Someone asked me to go for the Absolut party at Passion
I’s too lazy to go
Some three asked me to go for Ghetto @ Zouk
I said i have to wake up early (in 4 hours actually) for work
I stayed at home
And cleaned my room
AdamPeterPan called me after work
“Hey, whatcha up to?”
“Oh, i’m in my room… cleaning it.”
*giggles* “Yes. I really am.”
“I must have called the wrong person, sorry, Mary, MaRY, is that yoU?!” *continues talking cock*
Anyway, the main thing i cleaned out was my CLOTHES CUPBOARD
I found so many tops that i *thought* i had lost
I found so many tops that i wish i had lost
I found my old bras which i had when i was a teenager
Wow what size *is* this… *flips tag*… A… Phwoar…
Put them to my chest and gazed in wonderment into the mirror knowing that i will never fit into them again…. ever
Which is a good thing
Then i found an old slutty skirt
My First Slutty Skirt actually… from Dorothy Perkins in London
I put it up to myself
And couldn’t even button it
Fucking hell
Looked down at it dolefully knowing that i will probably never fit into it again… ever
That one was a bad thing
So coincidental that i was just mentioning about my Donald Duck t-shirt that i loved and lost just two days ago
Wore straight away i did too!
Realised that my entire T-shirt-to-sleep-in Collection are all courtesy of ex-boyfriends
*nyuk* *nyuk*
Now i have more space in my closet
To make way for more new clothes
Something I Never Considered
I was staring at how much space my hard drive has left
I still have 2 gigs to spare
And yet i’m also leeching unto my father’s drive
I *had* to get rid of something because dl photography all the time takes up so much freaking space
If my pc crashes yet again, DaddyDarling will blame me for sure
And so
I had to bid goodbye…
To all my downloaded SexAndTheCity
Carrie and company alone took up 6 gig
I loved them so much i would dl them the moments episodes were released in the US so that i would be able to watch them ASAP and also not go thru shit like this
I had my fairy touched up today
My first fairy, that is
The one on my lower back
Her wings were getting raggedy and faded even though i’ve already touched her up twice in the past 3 years
So i went to badger Simon at Borneo Ink Tattoos (Desa Sri Hartamas) to redo it
Simon did both my fairies, fyi
He scared the hell outta me when he was tattooing the first fairy by saying he accidentally tattooed it cock-eyed
I freaked out cos
I didn’t want no cock-eyed fairy!!!
Aishoz suggested i wear a t-shirt bearing the words
‘I Love Cock-Eyed Fairies’
if that *did* happen
I have too many friends who think they’re comedians.
imagine if the fairy also had a huge forehead!
hahahahhahahhahahhahahahah cock-eyed fairy lol! ai~! does it hurt? props for the site!
i almost cried when i deleted my whole six seasons of satc for the same reason.
yish: yes yes heard that all before
motbob: well depends whether you *like* pain… *feels masochistic*
kimberly: urm…. okay la i didn’t feel like crying. Prollie cos the bf has the whole collection on dvd so can still watch whenever ๐
ish. some people just have all the luck!! jelus sial betul
tsk tsk, you never show us proper pics like :-
what fuck-me shoes look like (so that guys know what to buy…)
what transparents tops look like (so guys know what to … er… )
what old bras look like (so that… )
s’ok, will keep coming back to your blog when you post pics of food and stuff.
Exams are OVER! summer is calling etc etc. Thanks for keeping my link up, i’ll refurbish my blog again soon. Take care!
Btw, my hair has grown back a lil :p
Cock-eyed Fairy!! Hahahahaโฆsorry, but that really sounds funny.
But at least that was just a joke. Compared to my Distorted Butterfly!! *argh*
I LUV COCK-EYED FAIRY! BUahahahhahahahahaha
and ooooo! you got to meet marion?? she’s sooo hottt!
Seriously, that Kick It Beat It campaign should be expanded. There are so many people out there wanting to quit, but they just need a helping hand. A push in the right direction. Some inspiration. More alcohol.
Kudos to Adam et al for trying to quit.
Simon and Eddie do really nice work ๐