I didn’t think i’d be as ecstatic as this when i get a new handphone after losing my last one
Despite what appearances may seem,
I’m not a gadgety person
Yes, i would love to have lots of those FancyTecheyThingies
But then i won’t have any money to do anything else
I didn’t get a new hp when i first lost it cos there were other bills to think about
It’s absolutely different sucking money off my father and living off my freelance paychecks since end 2004
Suddenly i don’t shop as much
When i want to buy a CertainWonderfulSomething
NeverBefore thoughts of ‘Do i REALLY need that?’
and “Remember have to pay for This&That”
pop up
Let’s see, AshleyTheMonkey used to love asking me
“Where did all your money go?”
Dentist bills
Driving school bills (yes Joyce is finally learning how to drive… soon)
Cab fare
All gone
Eh. Wait.
Why am i even talking about this
I’m supposed to happily blar about my new handphone
See how talented i am at deviating from the subject
Anyway the first thing i did was to…
Take pictures of FAIRIES and
put it as my wallpaper!!!
Then take BACKUP pictures of fairies
for a change in wallpaper!
And pictures of Malibu as well!!!
And My Little Pony pictures for
wallpaper too!!
I called AshleyTheMonkey and told her my HappyWallpaperAcitivities
And she was like, “oo-kaY.”
Then i bounded to DaddyDearest and made him call me
So that he could hear what his ringtone sounded like
“Nice right? Hahaha, it’s supposed to be kancheong so i’m like ‘omg’ when you call”
“What is that?” *listens to plops and buzzes*
Then i forced NickMyTallBrother to admire my Fairy Wallpaper
“HeY. Look what *i* got!” *shoves handphone into his face*
“Huh? What?” *blur*
“See my wallpaper!” *continues waving screen in his face*
“Ohhh.” *gives slight grin*
“See… SEEEE!!! It’s FAI-RY WALL-PA-PER!!!!” *voice rises up and down in drama*
“Erh, yea, i know.” *walks away*
“Wait! WAIT!! Don’t you like it?! Isn’t it WONDERFUL?!!”
“Mh-mmm. Yup.” *grins and walks upstairs*
Damn tak layan man
I’s actually looking around me to make sure he doesn’t see me editing this now
Or else he won’t let me put it up
But since it’s already up then nevermind, you see
Hehe. so funny..
Hehe. so funny..
ahahhaha….with his full name on it somemore… tsk tsk tsk…
ahahhaha….with his full name on it somemore… tsk tsk tsk…
Matching foreheads ๐
Matching foreheads ๐
avrilchan: :p i don’t think they think it’s funny ๐
jellypixie: kekeke purposely wan…
josh: WALAU-EY!!! kurang ajar… *bish*
avrilchan: :p i don’t think they think it’s funny ๐
jellypixie: kekeke purposely wan…
josh: WALAU-EY!!! kurang ajar… *bish*
hahahahaha i just realised nick has a big forehead too. how come i didnt notice it in highschool?!
hahahahaha i just realised nick has a big forehead too. how come i didnt notice it in highschool?!
sparkle_myst: -_- goddamn. now we’re going to be known as TheForeheads or something.
sparkle_myst: -_- goddamn. now we’re going to be known as TheForeheads or something.
no one seems to grab the gravity of this:
” Driving school bills (yes Joyce is finally learning how to drive… soon) “
I was like
i’ll bring my videocam. just tell me when and where woman. i’ll be waiting. snickering.
no one seems to grab the gravity of this:
” Driving school bills (yes Joyce is finally learning how to drive… soon) “
I was like
i’ll bring my videocam. just tell me when and where woman. i’ll be waiting. snickering.