Tuesday July 5, 2005

Comments (14) Uncategorized

I *do* Have Meetings OkaY.

I’m seeing how long i can tahan
Sleeping at 3 every morning (which is early for me)
And waking up for work

No rematch last night
Drank a tad more beer and wine then i expected

I’m going to change my voicemail message

It goes something along the lines of
“Hi, you’ve reached the mailbox of Joyce Wong. I’m in a meeting right now, so if you’d bla bla bla…”

So far i’ve got some really stupid voicemails in return

My editor called and i *was* working
His voicemail was
“… Reaaaaaaaallllly…. you’re in a meeting? …. Hahaha… Call me bacccck”


Then LaughingLoga leaves me one too

“Meeting? Meeting my big black hairy balls la. Call me back.”


Ew *trying to think happy thoughts gagaga*

14 Responses to Tuesday July 5, 2005

  1. andyrascal says:

    i heard this is a dating service agent….hope i came to the right place…. ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Anonymous says:

    i heard this is a dating service agent….hope i came to the right place…. ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. kamkuey says:

    Wah… the fairy dating agency???

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wah… the fairy dating agency???

  5. andy: eh. do i look like a mamasan to you? *growls*

    kamkuey: hmm if can make alot of money, why not kekeke

  6. Anonymous says:

    andy: eh. do i look like a mamasan to you? *growls*

    kamkuey: hmm if can make alot of money, why not kekeke

  7. Yea i do laugh in my head everytime i got to your voicemail.
    Meeting. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Yea i do laugh in my head everytime i got to your voicemail.
    Meeting. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

  9. Stu-piD. hee hee hee

  10. Anonymous says:

    Stu-piD. hee hee hee

  11. KelT3 says:

    I once called my designer up on his cell because he was 2 hours late for work. I asked him where he was and he answered:

    “In office”

    “Eh wait….um…eh, wait ar….um….I’m in bed..hehehe”

    Nabeh not paiseh wan ar these ppl.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I once called my designer up on his cell because he was 2 hours late for work. I asked him where he was and he answered:

    “In office”

    “Eh wait….um…eh, wait ar….um….I’m in bed..hehehe”

    Nabeh not paiseh wan ar these ppl.

  13. angel_vow says:

    I have meetings in office in the mornings
    …AND meetings in the studios at nights.
    So much for productivity.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I have meetings in office in the mornings
    …AND meetings in the studios at nights.
    So much for productivity.

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