Wednesday July 13, 2005

Comments (22) Uncategorized

Filtering Like Fuck*

I’m taking ages *just to* filter through the photographs i took last weekend to post them up
This is taking DAMN CHAT FUCKING LONG so you can imagine how many there are!!!
So tonight
I won’t sleep at Adam’s
And blog instead

I just guest-blogged on PassedOutBen‘s blog

So. Cannot. Make. It. Dot. Com.

I’m back to that position of juggling time between
Work, boyfriend, family, friends, blogging, chores
And i’m only getting half of that done hand-in-hand with very little sleep

I really really wanted to edit the kuching pics last night
But i finished work at 11:30 pm again
Saw PassedOutBen and AdamPeterPan
And didn’t have energy to blog

So cannot make it dot com

I’m to watch FantasticFour  with Adam tonight
Just as he bought the tix this morning
EditorIan gives me two passes for it
The irony

So i’m giving it to AshleyTheMonkey and MafiaMary

KinkyPugKevin sent me this damn off sms yesterday:

The pug is tired and starts thinking of alcohol which leads me to missing you. Aww…

>_<   oi


Ants In My Pants

Yesterday i felt a sharp dot of pain on my bum
While having a conversation with someone in the office
Restraining from yelping out loud in pain and hopping
I ran into the bathroom to inspect my injury

… and found a giant red ant taking a happy stroll in my panties


Ants in my pants?! Wtf
Not funny man
Do you know how very the painfuls red ant bites are…
Whatmore on such sensitive areas
How the hell did it even get there?!

See even the ants wanna get in my pants

22 Responses to Wednesday July 13, 2005

  1. kamkuey says:

    Ants wanna get in your pants… AHAHAHAHAHAHA

    two tixs for Fan4? *ahem* I have not watched it yet *blink blink*

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ants wanna get in your pants… AHAHAHAHAHAHA

    two tixs for Fan4? *ahem* I have not watched it yet *blink blink*

  3. hoshi02 says:

    is the ant being kill by ur…er…. ur….er……

  4. Anonymous says:

    is the ant being kill by ur…er…. ur….er……

  5. wah damn fast got comments. looks like ppl in the office dman free today eh

    kamkuey: hee hee too late!

    hoshi02: OIIIII!!! i have a nice ass okay *sniffs*

  6. Anonymous says:

    wah damn fast got comments. looks like ppl in the office dman free today eh

    kamkuey: hee hee too late!

    hoshi02: OIIIII!!! i have a nice ass okay *sniffs*

  7. j0sh_w says:

    Insanely free.

    Yeah, had a comment in mind but I think it’s best not said… πŸ™‚

  8. Anonymous says:

    Insanely free.

    Yeah, had a comment in mind but I think it’s best not said… πŸ™‚

  9. Just dropped by..

    How did ants get in your pants?..

  10. Anonymous says:

    Just dropped by..

    How did ants get in your pants?..

  11. hoshi02 says:

    hehe alah~~~ just kidding jer…
    eh eh u from TOA yea?

  12. Anonymous says:

    hehe alah~~~ just kidding jer…
    eh eh u from TOA yea?

  13. josh: sometimes only la… don’t la make it seem like we’re such bums! 0_o

    kamkeuy: hee hee.. fuck man you’re not the only one making noise INSANELY. ish. next time won’t blog this kinda shit anymore!

    tinatamad2001: I don’t know…! You tell me.

    hoshi02: heh yea. Great lecturers there, no doubt.

  14. Anonymous says:

    josh: sometimes only la… don’t la make it seem like we’re such bums! 0_o

    kamkeuy: hee hee.. fuck man you’re not the only one making noise INSANELY. ish. next time won’t blog this kinda shit anymore!

    tinatamad2001: I don’t know…! You tell me.

    hoshi02: heh yea. Great lecturers there, no doubt.

  15. nightstar says:

    octopus-fairy..soundz good or not for the multi-taskin-roling you! πŸ˜‰

  16. Anonymous says:

    octopus-fairy..soundz good or not for the multi-taskin-roling you! πŸ˜‰

  17. headup says:

    give it to FaiTheMai!!!
    AshleyTheMonkey doesn’t care about Fantastic Four!!
    FaiTheMai wants to see Invisible Woman! πŸ˜€

  18. Anonymous says:

    give it to FaiTheMai!!!
    AshleyTheMonkey doesn’t care about Fantastic Four!!
    FaiTheMai wants to see Invisible Woman! πŸ˜€

  19. headup: haha heard you damn emo about it! >-< sowwie, give you next time k :p

    yea i know, adam kept on pinching my arm everytime Jess Alba came strutting on screen -_- heh

  20. Anonymous says:

    headup: haha heard you damn emo about it! >-< sowwie, give you next time k :p

    yea i know, adam kept on pinching my arm everytime Jess Alba came strutting on screen -_- heh

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