Ryan Soosay Raj is EVIL
Being tipsy at noon is so not funny.
I made plans with people which i had to cancel
Cos i made them all for the same time *slaps flowerhorn forehead*
Sorry Eevon
Had delectable salmon for lunch
Which i threw up an hour later
I’m staying away from church friends for awhile
Watched The Aviator with AshleyCalvinSimonJoshuaKen
I thought it was an excellent movie
Movies are supposed to tell stories isn’t it
And The Aviator definitely told a marvelous story
A marvelous long story
A marvelous 3-hour long story
Cate Blanchett was GorgeousAmazingElegantEccentric in it
My friend is such a ho
It’s a guy btw
“I’m going through a ‘blue period’ of sorts.”
“What’s a blue period?”
“Like artists, when they go through a blue period, they paint nude bodies and the like. But my blue period… is when i go through alot of nude bodies”
“You slut.”