I still think a bathroom mat is important

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So i’m dating someone who’s extremely OCD

The bath towel must alwaysย be hung evenly
Nothing must go on the bedroom floor
Toothpaste must be pressed from the end
Clothes have to be hung the moment they’re taken off
Everything must run according to plan and timed to the minute
Everything must be neat and clean 24/7

Anything unnecessary must be thrown out
Ironically, there isn’t even a dustbin (i kid you not) in the study room
Because a dustbin takes up space, he says


All paper and plastic is recycled
Cotton buds that i use for make up annoy him cos they can’t be recycled
So does a particular type of plastic
And styrofoam
Oh, i could go on
(But i’m not complaining
I find it endearing he wants to recycle everything)

You can only imagine his horror
every time he discovers something atrocious his girlfriend has done
Or rather, has not, cos i’m so disorganized

“Why is your car so messy!”
“It’s not that bad!”
He drags me to his car, “This, is what a car should look like.”
*pretends to look in car in interest*

“Ooh ah i see.”
“How can your car be so messy!”
“Seriously, you should see my friends’ cars. I have… stuff from events, and things. And no time to clear it :p”

He cleans my car for me.

“Why do you not have a smartag?” he asks as i pay cash at the toll
“I do… it doesn’t work, i don’t know why, battery or something.”
He fixes it for me.

That, and many more aside, i’ve also managed to fill his place up with a few things
Throwing his whole ‘minimalist’ approach out the window
I say ‘minimalist’ in inverted commas, “because it’s not minimalist!”
“Yes it is.”
“This is bare, not minimalist, you crazy OCD person.”

I want music, i need music, in the bedroom
So i asked to bring some over, “Can i bring my speakers?”
“Okay, are they big?”
“No, they’re quite small.”

I brought over a sub-woofer and two mini ones.
“Joyce what the fuck is that?!”
“My speakers…”

I further broke his rule of ‘nothing on the floor’
by demanding for bathroom mats after i fell down twice

Just the other day, i was brushing my teeth as i caught him tripping over one of them
“Stupid mat. You need it so you won’t fall down. And i’m the one falling down because of them!”
“But surely you’d rather you fall down than me right!”


I still think a bathroom mat, speakers, and dustbin are necessary -_-

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