Friday August 19, 2005

Comments (10) Uncategorized

Holy Cow

Is it really 4 am already?!

My main lines for the night are

Ghetto Is Really Ghetto
Tag Is Losing Its Touch

I never want to go back there again
All these super kampung people jostling and staring
It’s gone to the dogs, i say

Tag, my love, what happend tonight?!?!

LaughingLoga and i went for a KFC picnic in a playground in Taman Tun
Then we went to Bisik @ Ampang for beer
Then to Cream where i spent most of my time with Thana and Paul (who was trying to convince me that AdamPeterPan is actually a closet gay 0_o  )
Then to Velvet for 15 mintues
Then to TAG


Where i got so fucking disappointed and bored with the music
I fell asleep

I drank quite a bit
Not drunk enough to pass out involuntarily
But tipsy enough to give no fuck and intentionally take a nap

Three people woke me up halfway
“Joyce, you okay or not?”
I’d reply, “Yea i’m fine. Damn boring la.”
And go back to sleep

I am champion.

Repeat after me…

I am champion

LaughingLoga thought i confirmed going to pass out
So we went downstairs to Terrace Bar
I made the mistake of leaving Adam alone with my friends….
In which he took the oppurtunity to tell them exceedingly embarrasing stories about me

You know how you tell your friends funny embarassing stories about yourself?


Adam told them the uncensored versions in which they found funnier but i didn’t find funny anymore


Gtg sleep man

Got work tomorrow


10 Responses to Friday August 19, 2005

  1. j0sh_w says:

    Fuck indeed, champion Fairy.
    Strange things happen on Friday nites.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Fuck indeed, champion Fairy.
    Strange things happen on Friday nites.

  3. ah bf/gfs. do love them or to strangle them…

  4. Anonymous says:

    ah bf/gfs. do love them or to strangle them…

  5. lynnzter says:

    Wow. How do you manage to go to so many places in a night?

    Really champion la you. ^^

  6. Anonymous says:

    Wow. How do you manage to go to so many places in a night?

    Really champion la you. ^^

  7. josh: Fri nights are the bestest! eh i think i saw you in megamall lunch time fri but i was rushing into a restaurant to meet my colleagues for lunch

    reza: jump on them!!!

    lynnzter: marathon. haha

  8. Anonymous says:

    josh: Fri nights are the bestest! eh i think i saw you in megamall lunch time fri but i was rushing into a restaurant to meet my colleagues for lunch

    reza: jump on them!!!

    lynnzter: marathon. haha

  9. j0sh_w says:

    Yeah that was probably me. Too lazy to go back to office after lunch.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Yeah that was probably me. Too lazy to go back to office after lunch.

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