Malibu Rocks Indeedo
Tarry and QueenKanch were talking about Starbucks drinks
We were playing Scrabble in Starbucks with AshleyTheMonkey
I overheard Tarry saying ‘Malibu Rocks’
And QueenKanch correcting him saying
“No la… it’s Malibu Dream or something like that right.”
I wonder where that came from
I feel quite unstable
Haven’t slept yet
Partied till 7 in the morning
Walked into my house just as my parents were leeaving for Cheng Beng
Whoa, just in time
Scurried upstairs to change quickly and followed them to the temple
I’m Catholic but my father’s side practices Buddhist traditions\
omg la i seriously can’t think properly and write now
later okay
i have a family dinner in two hours and NEED TO SLEEP or else i’m going to pass out in my food
omg la seriously, joyce you need to get a grip on your life. hahah…
one time i stayed up for almost 30+ hours… i passed out in phases during lunch. damn was that embarrasing.
Goodness girl, seriously, how can you live without sleep! Sleep is important to your skin and health! Well, I can hardly talk, cos I went out on Saturday night and I went to work straight after, and when I got home at 5pm, I passed out on the floor in my living room. >< Still lah, harus tidur… cos it’s good for your skin! lol have a great week ahead! <3
yayyy i finally tried malibu last friday..hehez.,it was the yumz of course!
ok u should sleep like now… no sleep = grumpy fairy
shaun: the worst passing out i did was standing up in a bus on the way to college to hand up a huge project! was FUCKING SLEEPY GILA ๐ you can imagine la… i remember calling Jon Oh on my mobile after that to keep awake
bzbee: yes… skin… *promises to sleep more* haha i imagined you sprawled out on your living room floor fast asleep!
jellypixie: no sleep = mumbling fairy ๐
Ahhh! Another hyper-alcoholic person like me. Oh thank you, Lord. Heh!