Sunday April 10, 2005

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Happy Birthday Azrin!

The Dunhill CME party last night was fun
Music was awesome
In some sort of effort to curb my dehydration from all the alcohol consumption from last night
I drank chinese tea, water, chocolate milk and 100 Plus

Don’t have time to edit those pics first so, later!
OldAlreadyEdited pics up first

100 Plus or beer?

Hmm looking at the title above
I can *just* imagine PassedOutBen  saying
“The choice is obvious.”

T’was the day
I went to watch the press preview of The Ring 2 -Samara
Had a hongkey lunch with IanYenAnnaKenny
Then followed FreckledAdam  renew his license

Such a procrastinator to not do anything about it till he *needs* it after that accident
I haven’t made my IC yet too…
I’m still carrying around my disgraceful police report

And my eyes were open all slit-like
As we trudged across this wide parking lot to JPJ in PJ State

“It’s damn hot it’s damn hot it’s damn hotttt!!!!”
“You know what will the *perfect* drink now? A nice cold beeeeer…”
“Actually… i was thinking more of 100 Plus…!”
“NO. Beeeeeeeer!”
“100 Plus!”
“100 Plus!”
“You alcoholic.”

i continued moaning about heavenly cold beer 
as we walked in the blasted Malaysian heat

He had to take a number for his turn
There were many numbers
Many many numbers

So we went outside where FreckledAdam whipped out his DunhillLights
Oh, but he’s quitting
So, good on him!

It was hot
And there was nothing to do
Except take pictures

This is why you have a digicam
So you won’t get bored as hell at times… ๐Ÿ™‚

He does! He does!
He’s got the wavy brown hair!
The pointy ears!
The freckles!
*claps hands in joy*

The first time i told AshleyTheMonkey  that
Her jaw dropped and eyes slit
“Oh. My. God. La. So what… he’s Peter Pan and you’re Tinkerbell?… HAHAHAHA!!!”
I just nodded my head and grinned like a maniac

FreckledAdam had a go at taking pictures
But obviously *i* have better picture-taking skills

So only one goes up

I know *looks at picture above*
I damn layan diri right

When our turn was up
He didn’t have any pictures to put on the license
So clever

Hence we left and i waited in the car while he hurriedly took them

Vanity Equals Obsession

I bumped into PassedOutBen at the gym  the other day
I was done with my workout and he was doing cardio
We chatted about nonsensical gym stuff and my nicely-toned arms

“Friend. You’re halfway there okay.”
“Halfway where? Eternal hotness?!”

I grinned sillily 
He looked at me exactly like this 

“I meant halfway to obsession la.”

8 Responses to Sunday April 10, 2005

  1. i know that feeling of being obsessed with toned arms etc. some of my guy friends go crazy abt their abs. ah well, i’m totally not there yet. good thing u know how to regulate urself when it comes to drinking… some of my friends’ kidneys are almost gone. really. not funny.

  2. “good thing u know how to regulate urself when it comes to drinking”

    Oi… i can just imagine all my friends falling over in shock if they read what you wrote haha.

  3. looney_v5 says:

    HAHAHAHhahahhah!! passed out fairy…

    who’s the fairy boy, fairy girl? hahahahha peter pan and tinkerbell eh?!

  4. andyrascal says:

    adam’s a poser….hahaha..

    damn it, i thought u were wishing ME happy birthday for a second there….hahaha but it was AZRIN…and not me…ehehe

    see u soon, fairy!

  5. looney: 8tv’s peterpan, didn’t you see him flying on tv? oops oh yea, you haven’t been in msia. muahaha.

    tinkerbell: oops. alco yes. trying to encourage you there.

  6. angel_vow says:

    Damn… no Captain Hook in sight. 100+ or beer on a sweltering day? Gimme both of them!

  7. looney: he’s not a fairy boy! *indignant* eh yea la…. there have been some passedoutfairy episodes… but all censored for now tee hee

    andyrascal: eh this is the SAME mistake Aaron made with lisa and you and azrin last time remember… he was asking you ‘how’s lisa’ haha. confusers.

    kimfluttersby: heck i bet even if looney *were* here he wouldn’t see him on tv. he wouldn’t be watching terrestial tv.. he’d be out pei-ing haha. :p anyway i never saw adam on tv till one night i was sick and at home (prollie one of the only reasons i’d actually bE at home) and remembered i told him i’d watch him once at least.

    angel_vow: eh good point. Hmm… *looks around and thinks*

    Beer would be first choice!

  8. dawnsquirl says:

    vibrant colourful pictures! such happiness *glee*

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