Tuesday April 12, 2005

Comments (16) Uncategorized

Blast All You Pony Abusers!

I do give a fair number of My Little Ponies out to friends i cherish
But they seem to be encouraging the ponies to misbehave

Instead of taking their ponies out for skips in the garden like *i* do
Someone taught theirs to smoke, then he sends me the pictures

Someone else made their pony drunk, then sent me the pictures too

Andrew  happily msn-ed me the other day to send me an image
He said
“I think your ponies are too sheltered. So i took them out, hahaha”

I clicked open the image and saw…



16 Responses to Tuesday April 12, 2005

  1. uje says:

    ahaha… u should send the ponies to rehab then….

  2. nightstar says:


  3. shaun7 says:

    wah.. didn’t know ponies could do that man. that’s so cool. where can i get me one of those ponies??

  4. lynnzter says:

    Can I have a pony too? ๐Ÿ˜› Clover … or Baby Lucky Leaf. Chuckle.

  5. jellypixie says:

    ahhahahaha… i’m sorry, but it looks cute in a way….

  6. hehe. aww shes jus doin wat her mama always do! LOL! but guess she got the wrong drink hihihihi.
    *runs away*

  7. bzbee says:

    Hahaha sorry Joyce, they do look so innocently “corrupted”! ^^

  8. angel_vow says:

    You should see what Vic @ reckless_eagle did to his sister’s Barbie dolls.

  9. lollita says:

    hey, like how you right. very cool. very slumber.

    i’m subscribing, if that’s ok.


  10. lollita says:

    sorry. meant WRITE.

  11. uje: mmmf* i think my *dad* wants to send me to rehab haha

    shaun: Toys’R Us la haiyo. Ponies can do soooo many things… you just don’t know ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Lynnzter: wooo you know some names! *add points* haha

    jellypixie: how come ppl don’t say that about me when i’m drunk… *scrunches up nose*

    purloined_utopia: wah…. so clever answers ey… 0_o

    bzbee: oh well at least my friends actually made the effort to layan my ponies haha

    angel_vow: i’m. kinda. afraid.

    lollita: haha thanks. Cool shit.

  12. haha thats not me in the red, im the brunette, although since then ive gone blonde ; ), thanks for the comment <33

  13. lynnzter says:

    I used to watch “My Little Pony & Friends” too! ^.^

  14. shaun7 says:

    ok ok remind me to get a pony ok?? i’ll teach it how to drink beer and surf… i’ll show you.

  15. dnamight says:

    i know i’m your friend. but damn woman! this reminds me so much of you! bwahahahah!

  16. lynnzter: eh eh! Now the new ones are SO MUCH CUTER and the graphics so much nicer! *excited*

    shaun: Surf… 0_o eh wait. i have a surf pony haha!

    dnamight: idddeeeeeeeoT! at least you still remember me all the way in NZ! *mwah*

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