For all sorts of things
The way i run things when it comes to work
i think i’m not doing things properly
cos things *should* be so much easier/less time-consuming
there’s never enough time for me to finish everything
there’s never a day/night i can leave work thinking, “i’m DONE”
cos it’s never done
i think i have no more life
The way i take care of my health
I never really gave a shit about my health before
Cos i always think, “Arh, i’m young, my body can take it, bla bla bla”
Till i went to the doctor’s on Monday and did a major overhaul
I got my throat and fever checked on
Then told her about my skin problems that have recently arisen
She said it’s eczema and prollie due from stress
I was like, “hmm okay, i’ve heard that before, i can take it”
cos hey, stress can be managed, it’s just a matter of thought
I got a PAP smear done
cos i haven’t got one since last year
Then i got a vaccine for prevention against cervical cancer
because every female should get one
and no matter how busy you are (like i am!)
you really SHOULD get your shots for it
admittedly it’s not cheap
RM400 per shot and one has to take 3 shots to complete the process
i was like, “DAMN. That’s a pair of shoes!!!”
What else
Oh, then she inquired about my drinking
“How much do you drink?” she asked, due to certain medication i was being prescribed that does not go well with alcohol
“…. …. …ย you mean… every day? … or like, per week?” i stammered, sounding like the absolute bimbo
“You drink every day? Then how much every day?”
Damn. I feel utter guilt admitting to her how much
Even though inside, i feel quite bangga that the amount is nothing like last time
“… Er, two three glasses a day..?”
After pap smear, cervical cancer vaccine, and all that
She told me that i have high blood pressure
Her words: Hmm. You have high blood pressure. You must take care… bla bla bla *goes on about precautions i have to consider*
Me in thought: High blood pressure?! I’m 25!! How can i have high blood pressure?!!!
Anyway, back to my points:
Enjoying time with friends
I got some really impactful smss and face-to-face talks from friends
whom i’ve been close to in the past year
saying how i’ve been different, a shadow, not in touch with emotions
theirs and mine
admittedly, i know i’m very impatient when people call me when i’m at work
i don’t have time
i don’t have time for petty talk
chitter chatter
for me, it’s just say what you want to say, it’d better be important, and get on with it
and i feel bad
cos i didn’t use to be like this last time
I was more carefree, talkative, and giving, in terms of time and self satisfaction
“You must not always think of the money, or else you’ll never stop.
Hmm okay after all that writing, i forgot what my point was
Anyhoo, i had a great night ending with Deep and DreadlockedHenry making sure i’s okay.
I love them!