Things i want to do for 2014

Comments (1) La la la

I find that so many bloggers do a recap of their 2013 and i… had the fleeting thought of doing that initially, but honestly i can’t be bothered to go back and research what i did the whole year. Also, why focus on the past and, possibly, gloat in its glory when there’s so much to think about for the future? Plus, i think i’m also kinda lazy right now cos i traveled 6 hours by car from Bordeaux to Melun today, and have just had a few glasses of champagne and wine (as we always do at Clem’s family dinners. Every dinner or lunch is an occasion with drink.)

Ok so to the point, things i want to do for 2014. I’d like to travel more… i feel i gave that a bit of a backseat cos i didn’t do a big trip in ’13. Mostly cos i wanted to use the money to start my company, and time spent away also meant opportunity lost to earn money. Ughhh i think i’ve been thinking about money too much in ’13! I’m putting it down to all the bills that’s weighing me down at the back of my mind – car, future renovation and mortgage. Not including my lifestyle.

I want to write for myself more. That means starting a diary again that does not count this blog. I read an interesting article about Virginia Woolfย on the creative benefits of keeping a diary, and i admit, my writing style has taken a backseat of late too. I have been using the same flow and punctuation for a few years now. What happened to my random lines and words.

That break randomly.





I want to cook and entertain more this year. I enjoy it so much yet abhor at the thought of not having a cleaner to take care of the mess the day after. Which is why i’ve confirmed with my cleaning agent i want one every Sunday without fail, so no matter what, we can do an impulsive gathering without worry of cleaning responsibilities.

I want to teach myself to hoop properly.

I want to be more loving and patient to the people around me. It’s kinda hard cos i have a sharp tongue on my bad days. I realise this may be my worst trait yet.

I want to get at least half my list of Projects I Have In Mind For Work done. I don’t know how i’m gonna manage it with all the above… so i think doing half of it is good enough cos at least i’m getting it on its way. I need to remind myself that work isn’t everything and that Everything In Life = Everything.

Ooh, i’m gonna work on decorating and making a beautiful home for Clem and i. I think that’s gonna be my best and favourite project this year. I want to make it so awesome that i never want to leave XD (Hence, throw more parties so i don’t have to leave and my bed is just a crawl away.)

Ok i got tired with whatever i wrote. Also it’s cold, i want to get under the covers, and we gotta wake up early tomorrow for Papi’s funeral. We leave France in four days and i feel kinda said it’s almost over. Must take more holidays this year. Or more down time. Or less work. Must remember that money isn’t everything!


One Response to Things i want to do for 2014

  1. Michelle says:

    But with less money means less holidays too! Perhaps strike a perfect balance!

    Happy New Year kinkybluefairy!

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