I Cannot Tahan Wei

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I cannot tahan ppl who talk big wei

Was standing next to some random guy
Who didn’t talk about anything that might pull
Or Interest typical ppl towards him
He was, perhaps, in our world (i say that term, because, yes, we sometimes get caught up in our own world of what’s important)
But i enjoyed talking to him

Then i got pulled to another after party
One of guys with full confidence
Impeccable English (which admittedly, i steer towards)

And you know what happened?

I walked away.


I got damn sick and tired of hearing this guy talk bout himself and how much he’s doing for KL
And i get damn emo
If you’re dong so fucking much for KL
How come my friends (who are very much underground and know the genuine ppl underground) don’t know about what you’re doing?

Then he was dropping names and all that jazz
I didn’t say anything
I don’t think i need to say who i know or whom i’ve worked with


I just cannot tahan ppl who talk big but don’t work to prove it

We RECOGNISE the ppl who work like shit and stay undercover

You, are just another rich man’s son who’s leeching off your family’s wealth, went for overseas education (good for you! I wish i had that!), came back, know your connections, have enough social intelligence to have you rubbing shoulders with the who’s who in KL, are trying to start some “business” (gawd, don’t you love these inverted commas) and talk big.

I cannot tahan wei.

I’m rolling my eyes to myself right now while i ignite what you look like.

So when i see you again, i’m not going within 4 feet of you.
Because i can’t be fucked talking to brats like you who think you’re all that.

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