I managed to contract feverish spells during the course of my food poisoning experience, but i swear reading this article just made my head hotter and angry to the point i almost teared.
I managed to contract feverish spells during the course of my food poisoning experience, but i swear reading this article just made my head hotter and angry to the point i almost teared.
You call this biased publishing of one’s own personal beliefs journalism? This is bloody prejudice at it’s core. Disgusting. Damn digusting.
I’m surprised that the article was even published. Not only it was bias but has it even been proof read?!
wtf… it’s a matter of choice wad… I think if my not-so straight friends read the article, memang hangat lah…
Articles like this only make the world look at M’sia with even more shameful and disgusted eyes. As if the CNN coverage of our HIndraf demonstration wasn’t badly exaggerated enough, some bunch of religious idiots decide to form unadulterated and downright bullshit statements about what has been universally accepted and recently recognised in the state of San Fran as a holy/sanctioned union between two people. Why won’t people see love as an emotion between two human beings and that emotions are not gender biased?
Can anyone spell Bigot?
sheer ignorance.