That’s what i was thinking when i strutted up and down the sidewalk in my pointy black Aldo heels.
Was walking to Pavilion to buy lunch to scoff in the opis.
It was a super nice walk, breezy and sunny.
Saw the insane line at J.Co as i went to tapau Taiwanese Oyster Mee Sua for DatinTini and i.
Oh my God, i just remembered, i dreamt i got someone to line up for me to buy the doughnuts last night, haha!
Then i got an iced latte from The Loaf before heading back.
Okay, as you can see i’m just procrastinating cos i’m hating my work right now.
Can i like, just be a full-time blogger now?
Oh plus. My Dopod just died on me last night.
It just switched off and wouldn’t turn back on.
Just like that.
NotYourAverageJo suggested i throw it into the dustbin from across the room like how he did out of frustration.
I’ll get a new phone tomorrow, though i haven’t decided what i’ll get yet.
Hmm… suggestions?
Something small, sexy, slim and not pesky to sms.
Since you’re used to the Dopod, the HTC Touch Dual (RM2,399 recommended retail) is a great choice. It’s faster than the HTC Touch. It’s slim like you. Like fairies, it also comes in multiple colors. And it’s kinky cos it slideeees out with a keypad for you to T9 your SMS’es.
Actually, screw it. Get the Apple iPhone, for the same price. Then take lots of pictures for the blog. And write blog entries from the iPhone itself.
Who wears 4″ heels to work?! Oh… it’s you! Haha!
You just want to look taller right…*lol*
Take it easy
Samsung U600. slim. sexy. delicate. perfect for girls. got a must-have safety feature for chickas too!
throw away those windows mobile 5 laaa.. get symbian
Blackberry Pearl 8100 or wait for the totally new Blackberry 8800.
[…] year ago: I fell asleep backstage at MIFW 2 years ago: I joked about being a full-time blogger… and i guess… now i am! :p 3 years ago: I was dating AdamPoserPan and he blogged about […]