These Shoes Were Not Made For Walking. They Were Made To Stand Around And Sip Champagne In.

Comments (7) La la la

That’s what i was thinking when i strutted up and down the sidewalk in my pointy black Aldo heels.
Was walking to Pavilion to buy lunch to scoff in the opis.

It was a super nice walk, breezy and sunny.
Saw the insane line at J.Co as i went to tapau Taiwanese Oyster Mee Sua for DatinTini and i.
Oh my God, i just remembered, i dreamt i got someone to line up for me to buy the doughnuts last night, haha!
Then i got an iced latte from The Loaf before heading back.

Okay, as you can see i’m just procrastinating cos i’m hating my work right now.

Can i like, just be a full-time blogger now?


Oh plus. My Dopod just died on me last night.
It just switched off and wouldn’t turn back on.
Just like that.
NotYourAverageJo suggested i throw it into the dustbin from across the room like how he did out of frustration.

I’ll get a new phone tomorrow, though i haven’t decided what i’ll get yet.
Hmm… suggestions?
Something small, sexy, slim and not pesky to sms.

7 Responses to These Shoes Were Not Made For Walking. They Were Made To Stand Around And Sip Champagne In.

  1. aw says:

    Since you’re used to the Dopod, the HTC Touch Dual (RM2,399 recommended retail) is a great choice. It’s faster than the HTC Touch. It’s slim like you. Like fairies, it also comes in multiple colors. And it’s kinky cos it slideeees out with a keypad for you to T9 your SMS’es.

  2. aw says:

    Actually, screw it. Get the Apple iPhone, for the same price. Then take lots of pictures for the blog. And write blog entries from the iPhone itself.

  3. supamamia says:

    Who wears 4″ heels to work?! Oh… it’s you! Haha!
    You just want to look taller right…*lol*
    Take it easy

  4. RacHie says:

    Samsung U600. slim. sexy. delicate. perfect for girls. got a must-have safety feature for chickas too!

  5. KY says:

    throw away those windows mobile 5 laaa.. get symbian 😀

  6. Ron says:

    Blackberry Pearl 8100 or wait for the totally new Blackberry 8800.

  7. […] year ago: I fell asleep backstage at MIFW 2 years ago: I joked about being a full-time blogger… and i guess… now i am! :p 3 years ago: I was dating AdamPoserPan and he blogged about […]

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