Saturday August 4, 2007

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It’s Fairy’s Daddy’s Day!

Today is Daddy’s birthday. He turns 52.
Daddy works as an environmental consultant. Which needed alot of explaining in class last time when teachers made us talk on our parents’ occupation.

Which probably also explains why i’m called the office tree-hugger and insect/animal lover.

When i was a kid and couldn’t go out, i’d listen to his CDs over and over again.
So my adoration for Queen, Human League, MJ and Madonna came from him.
As did my exposure to Genesis, Meatloaf and so much more.

Daddy was a hippie. I found an old picture of him with long hair, hipster jeans and he used to ride a bike.
Then he became a Daddy so… i guess he couldn’t be a hippie anymore.
This might also explain why i feel i should have born in the 60s instead of the 80s cos i feel i’m so sunshiney happy clappy love the world chill out.

Daddy didn’t believe in giving me alot of pocket money in college; and RM500 a month for all food, travel and shopping was completely insufficient in this decade. Which pushed me to work heaps during college. For which i’m glad else i wouldn’t be where i am today.

He’s always been open-minded, rational and explanatory when it came down to my problems with drinking and shopping. Hence i’m much better and have also stopped using my credit card cos i seriously don’t know how to control myself. It’s cash all the way, baby.

Daddy is absolutely metrosexual when it comes to skincare. He’d squint at my eyebags, fine lines under my eyes and dry skin before chucking me some SKII and Sisley to save it all. But he’d also steal my toner when he runs out. (Fashion sense and colour coordination i got from Mummy)

He made me laugh during a funeral, which was terribly rude. “Why spend so much money on a funeral and people come and cry? When i die, i want a party with white tents and white wine on a golf course. Then my ashes should be spread across nine holes okay.”

Golf is obviously one of his passions. He used to dive in the 70s and my aunt claims he was superbly fit then. Like ‘Phwoar’ kinda fit. But now he just resorts to golf. Every weekend.

NickIsTaller got an abundance of Daddy’s sarcastic humour. I guess got some too but mine’s a bit lari topic sometimes.

There’s so much to say… guess i’ll put it all down in my book.
Hee hee.

Mucking Around With Facebook

Pool party really terbabased me
And i got a slight fever after swimming in the cold
Bloody asking for it

I *should* be sleeping, but i’m mucking around with Facebook
… At 4:30 am  -_-
Stressed myself out looking for particular magnetic words that i couldn’t find
In the end i just made a grammatically salah sentence on Sarah’s one
My englands very the goods
And how come Tyler has more drinks then me when he just started?
He’s got like scores of beers, cocktails and bottles!
I just have *one* lousy beer from Suanie ๐Ÿ™ (which i do* appreciate woman!)
Hmm hey, i’m not the only on facebook now… anita just added me hee hee
*mucks around somemore*
Sheesh! I just read this really nice thing this guy said bout this girl on facebook but padahal he’s called her a slut.
You’re such a slut yourself sheesh!
Okay okay don’t emo about facebook -_-

Ok i’m being so lame.
Sleep la.
I’m going to see LaughingLoga for lunch yay!
Then KelvinTSD who’s helping me out with his magic marketing skills, double yay!

10 Responses to Saturday August 4, 2007

  1. Anonymous says:

    hi there i’m hannah hancock!! how are you?
    say to your dad that some girl from blogrings said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
    any way come visit my site!!!
    i’m 15,
    i have blond hair and
    brown eyes,
    when you come to my site there will be no way that you could
    avoid knowing what my fave’ animal is!!! heeheeheehee!!
    well ttfn.
    Ps. my new site name is Anne, sorta like Hannah. ttyl.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hey your daddy looks cool, at least he;s got the aviator sunnies going on =) And you certainly look like him …

  3. Anonymous says:

    you have a young daddy!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    lol, okayla I’ll send you drinks over facebook hehe so cute emo over facebook. By the way, I’m detoxing for 5 days, I think my murdered my liver on Friday. Boo Hoo ๐Ÿ™

    xox, Su

  5. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday to the dad. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Anonymous says:

    whoa.. ur daddy look like a cop!!! hehehe..

    Reno 911!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    hee hee… *grin*

  8. Anonymous says:

    lols i like ur dad’s idea of a funeral ;p

  9. […] was Daddy’s birthday, and i thought by hook or by crook we HAD to have […]

  10. Jeanette says:

    Your dad is seriously cool and so are you. I’m turning 36 this year and I think it’s too late to even try to start pretending to be cool…

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