Monday June 12, 2006

Comments (26) Uncategorized

About a year ago, KinkyPugKev and i watched ShelleyLeong and AzSamad

About two years ago, Jess and me went happy swimming

Art For Me?

FilterheadzMaarten  sent me this file the yesterday

He drew me!

He said he started drawing and took a picture of it to send to me

I don’t see *my* boyfriend drawing pictures of me  -_-
*taps foot slowly*

And bigger celebs then you all the way in Belgium can draw me somemore


Sorry, i think this is all football angst pouring out amidst having my period

Since we’re on the subject, this was done by Singaporean doodle artist, EeShaun
He said it was KinkyBlueFairy
I said it looked more like FreakyBlueFairy

Trust me, his other work makes this fairy look like nothing

See his whimsically happy world art *here*
And i still remember the collab work he did with SexLiesAndFairyTales *here*
I thought LittleLuke in the second frame looked a lot like KinkyPugKevin and i giggled *here*

What happened to the Bass Agents’ website 

Fairy Vs Football Part 2

“I’m getting old la. I cannot club anymore. Did you realise i was clubbing four nights in a row and now i’m sick!?”
“Hmm so baby can spend more time with me!”
“Yeah, i’m all ready to just chill out and fall asleep on you.”
“Except… *pause*…”
“It’s World Cup month, go clubbing, go clubbing!”


Football – 2
Fairy – (still) 0


Fairy Vs Football Part 1 – *click*

I Miss Ashley

Suddenly only felt like putting that haha
Ash is coming back soon!
Ash is gonna hang out with us all the time!
Ash is gonna get jumphugged when she comes back!
Ash is gonna buy us all nice jewelry when she comes back, yeah?


“Don’t Let It Stop!”

was someone’s motto last night
Yeah, don’t let it stop and i super died right -_-
Kept chanting, “It’s an urban legend!” directed at people’s misconception on how much i can drink

“It’s an urban legend! It’s an urban legend!”
“Shaddup la Joyce, urban legend urban legend.”
“Urban legendddd!!!”
“Urban legend also the drinks were really made to kill lor.”
“Urban legend!”

Then had to maintain diri to walk past my father in the house at 3 in the morning

I Can’t Do It Anymore

I really can’t party so many days in a row anymore…
I didn’t party the past two weeks so went a bit nutso this week
Thursday party, Friday party, Saturday party, Sunday party

Last time i could party 6 nights in a row with HotAlcoJason
Now i go two nights in a row and i’m begging to be kept at home

But I Escaped Football!

NOBODY was watching football at La Maison last night

It was gay night
And the music was fucking awesome

It might have been Sunday night, but it was pretty darn crowded
Happs sial

Stupid me forgot to bring a tampon out and i needed one
So i smsed MaisonJoachim to help me find one cos i didn’t know anyone there
He walked up to me,

“In regard to your sms… you do realise it’s gay night and a bit difficult to find a tampon right?”

I slapped my forehead and couldn’t help laughing
But MaisonJoachim managed to find me one


26 Responses to Monday June 12, 2006

  1. placid26 says:

    Wahahaha I love that endearing term ‘BastardChild’. Hey at least you got away from the football madness. I am so indauntated with football right now, I see the black/white patterns on everything I eat.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Wahahaha I love that endearing term ‘BastardChild’. Hey at least you got away from the football madness. I am so indauntated with football right now, I see the black/white patterns on everything I eat.


  3. oo eh where’s La Maison?

  4. Anonymous says:

    oo eh where’s La Maison?

  5. andyrascal says:

    *uck yeah!

    Forza Italia!

  6. Anonymous says:

    *uck yeah!

    Forza Italia!

  7. Cheneille: at Asian Heritage Row, walk on the main row, and turn left just before you see the Kurnia building on your left.

    Ahwin: Oi oi oi! No polluting my blog with football cheers!



    I won’t allow it

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cheneille: at Asian Heritage Row, walk on the main row, and turn left just before you see the Kurnia building on your left.

    Ahwin: Oi oi oi! No polluting my blog with football cheers!



    I won’t allow it

  9. kanch says:

    joyce looks like an indian girl in that drawing =D like a jeyanthi or something…hehehehhe

  10. Anonymous says:

    joyce looks like an indian girl in that drawing =D like a jeyanthi or something…hehehehhe

  11. nightstar says:

    hahahahha boyz are SO dependable when you need them to get a pad or tampon hahahaha they squirmish in disgust but i think inside they feel damn proud of themselves for being man enough to go hunt and even hold ‘that thing’ hahahahha

    i remember i had an emergency back when i was still working at mid.v.. so i got the guys the go help me get sum pads.. and right away they were like damn pro “normal one or night one..wings or without wings..” hahahhaha

  12. Anonymous says:

    hahahahha boyz are SO dependable when you need them to get a pad or tampon hahahaha they squirmish in disgust but i think inside they feel damn proud of themselves for being man enough to go hunt and even hold ‘that thing’ hahahahha

    i remember i had an emergency back when i was still working at mid.v.. so i got the guys the go help me get sum pads.. and right away they were like damn pro “normal one or night one..wings or without wings..” hahahhaha

  13. hehehe i like the blue fairy thing
    so cuteee πŸ™‚

  14. Anonymous says:

    hehehe i like the blue fairy thing
    so cuteee πŸ™‚

  15. kanch: bitch, don’t always bang me la!

    nightstar: haha true that!

    kim: that’s cos it’s so weird… and you my dear friend, are not normal leh… hee hee

  16. Anonymous says:

    kanch: bitch, don’t always bang me la!

    nightstar: haha true that!

    kim: that’s cos it’s so weird… and you my dear friend, are not normal leh… hee hee

  17. kanch says:

    i want to bang and i will!!! because only ash and i…okay and a few others can do so without gettin into trouble….*woot* i feel so privileged…..

  18. Anonymous says:

    i want to bang and i will!!! because only ash and i…okay and a few others can do so without gettin into trouble….*woot* i feel so privileged…..

  19. kanch: bitch.

    See that’s the only thing i can say to you two. “Die, bitch.”


    So sad.

  20. Anonymous says:

    kanch: bitch.

    See that’s the only thing i can say to you two. “Die, bitch.”


    So sad.

  21. i miss you too! *blush*

  22. Anonymous says:

    i miss you too! *blush*

  23. lainieyeoh says:

    “It was gay night”
    explains so much about the lack of football and tampons, really. i’m surprised you managed to find one. heh.

  24. Anonymous says:

    “It was gay night”
    explains so much about the lack of football and tampons, really. i’m surprised you managed to find one. heh.

  25. albnok says:

    Before reading the text, I thought it was Doraemon.

    P.S. Shelley and Az are back!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Before reading the text, I thought it was Doraemon.

    P.S. Shelley and Az are back!

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