Friday June 9, 2006

Comments (14) Uncategorized

About a year ago, the men were having their Kick It Beat It campaign
Kinda tak jadi ey
& I was still cleaning my room

Exactly two years ago, I was getting too little sleep thanks to college


Today was RunAroundDay
White boy was my coolie for the day
Usually, QueenKanch helps me out driving me around for my stuff  >_<
In return, i buy her lunch or dinner
But with boyfriends, all they need in return is a kiss

Haha damn value.

But i seriously had a load of stuff to carry today…
So it would have been quite a feat to lug everything around with me in a taxi

In short,
KLue office – KLCC – Megamall (then i was done) – teppanyaki and salmon dinner – Mont Kiara Starbucks – McDs with BhaveshCanDrive

Caught in typical KL jam -_-

Marathon Thurs Night!

Ah what a great feeling, after almost two weeks of not super partying
I went out with AzwinAndy last night
He’s one of my favourite dates to bring out 

Me: Yay so happy! I finally partied kau kau last night after two weeks of not drinking alot
PassedOutBen: Wow. Do you want a trophy?
Me: -_-

We spent 7 and a half hours at Asian Heritage Row
Seven and a half!
Maison practically had to kick us out! 

Went to Wine Room for their 2nd Year Anniversary Party
Very crowded, hot and smoky
I kept on shifting between red wine and cocktails
Lotsa people, but i didn’t take many pictures

Last night was all play and no work!

Then Maison was having their Dior party
But alot of people didn’t seem to be invited for it

AnonymousCeleb: “I know! I didn’t get invited for it. Hmm. Neither did – – – -“

So Ahwin and i made ourselves feel better by thinking, “Hmm if all of them weren’t invited, then it’s okay we’re not too…”
Even though MaisonJoachim made us feel horrible by saying, “Haha my event more dapat!”

Bumped into StephChai who told me how Smellie made her cry in the chicken rice shop thanks to the “Gotcha!” prank Pietro and him played on her
“Ohmygod, you made Steph cry!”
“Urh hee hee.”

AzwinAndy and i were going to hop off to Laundry at around 10 something
But some pug ffk-ed us so we stayed on at AHR

Atrium (new club across Cynna) were having their soft launch yesternight as well
So many places to jump to and so little time!
We went to Maison after Wine Room where everyone was quite gone as well
There was freeflow of champagne *hic* cos of the Dior event

Alet was lying on the opium bed and i joined him
I got up after realising how shameless we looked
TL was so cute and tipsy
Forgot to take a picture of him grinning away, daymn

I’m horrible horrible horrible with people’s names and faces
I’d either remember one, or the other
Damn fail

Like for example, Yen

I’m met her like, 5 times
And everytime she’s so damn nice to say hi
But once she tells me her name, i can state every place and event i’ve met her before
I just cannot remember her face!
That’s why last night i said, “Oh my god. Let’s take a picture so i can remember your face.”


So shameless, can you imagine if she wasn’t so nice?
She’d probably think i’m some lancee bitch who never says hi  0_o

I spent most of the night having fantastic conversations with two girls
Alicia i met in Wine Room
And Fizah i met in Maison

Fizah’s gonna teach me how to bodyboard tomorrow! 
Not going to wear my bikini cos it’s so tiny, i’m paranoid it’ll come off and i’ll flash everyone
No bikini

Yes. World Cup is starting.


Football parties everywhere, almost everynight
At least it’s freeflow 

Went out for lunch with an exboyfriend yesterday
Then Smellie had to sibuk and come join us at TGIF @ The Curve
Allah which i don’t mind, i’d rather my bf gets along with an ex then not at all right!

So there was the exboyfriend sitting on my left…
The current boyfriend sitting on my right…
And they’re both yakking for damn long about cars and football

Anyway gotta run
QueenKanch throwing a fit cos i don’t want to go out yet cos i wanted to blog first

Urhg… i have work to do… all weekend….

14 Responses to Friday June 9, 2006

  1. placid26 says:

    Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place. Fairies do not do well in between I figure.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place. Fairies do not do well in between I figure.

  3. W A L A U . his eyes. O_O are they real? omg. can die. *melts*

  4. Anonymous says:

    W A L A U . his eyes. O_O are they real? omg. can die. *melts*

  5. i would like to request an entire post to marcos!! hahaha. he’s hooootttt!! and i rarely say that about guys. probably too busy checking out other chicks :p

    btw… may i ask what camera you’re currently using? i really want to get a new one.

  6. Anonymous says:

    i would like to request an entire post to marcos!! hahaha. he’s hooootttt!! and i rarely say that about guys. probably too busy checking out other chicks :p

    btw… may i ask what camera you’re currently using? i really want to get a new one.

  7. Loon82 says:

    Hi Joyce, whats that shop with really gigantic cushions? is it a shop? or is it an office? i really really really want one of those cushions. Thanks

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hi Joyce, whats that shop with really gigantic cushions? is it a shop? or is it an office? i really really really want one of those cushions. Thanks

  9. lainieyeoh says:

    ahh, and the party posts make a return!
    bah to worldcup I say. pfft.

  10. Anonymous says:

    ahh, and the party posts make a return!
    bah to worldcup I say. pfft.

  11. ash: yeah, haha

    forbiddenmyth: eh… apa ni… suddenly everyone wants to know bout him -_-

    camera? get a casio exilim! so leet….

    loon: it’s Homelife at Megamall πŸ˜‰ yeah it’s SO comfy, price = 500

    lainie: Bitch. Haha. I don’t fancy football! But footballers are fit tho *phwoar*

  12. Anonymous says:

    ash: yeah, haha

    forbiddenmyth: eh… apa ni… suddenly everyone wants to know bout him -_-

    camera? get a casio exilim! so leet….

    loon: it’s Homelife at Megamall πŸ˜‰ yeah it’s SO comfy, price = 500

    lainie: Bitch. Haha. I don’t fancy football! But footballers are fit tho *phwoar*

  13. aishoz says:

    dude. that guy u didnt kno the name of is.. umm… Syarul la.
    *awkward moment*

    btw, marcos is just UNREAL. the hell…his eyes… can kill, i tell ya.

  14. Anonymous says:

    dude. that guy u didnt kno the name of is.. umm… Syarul la.
    *awkward moment*

    btw, marcos is just UNREAL. the hell…his eyes… can kill, i tell ya.

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