Friday June 2, 2006

Comments (10) Uncategorized

Exactly a year ago, Joyce blogged about the pug and the pan in Penang

Exactly two years ago, Joyce and Ash got traumatized in the 1U shopping mall carpark


Perfection, Or So I Think

I’m having one of those moments where i think nothing can get anymore perfect for the time being!
I’m lying on my stomach with the duvet wrapped around me like a cocoon, my hands sticking out in the cold as i type this
OhDrunkSomeone has already pottered off home, sober
I’m waiting for Smellie to buy be back KFC cos he just finished some football game

I’ve been eating like a little piggy all week
And i think it’s time to focus so that i’ll be bikini-worthy in time for Kuching in July

“Oh yea, must jaga abit now. I want to be bikini-worthy by July!”
“Good luck! *sarcastic*”

-_- I can do it if i want to okay… just have to… stop thinking about eating all the time

Gonna watch The Fastest Clock In The Universe @ KLPac tomorrow! Should be good and looking forward to it

Feeling happy lazy now
Gonna lie in bed and bury myself in pillows for a few minutes more
Then continue with The Historian while waiting for my KFC (oh and Smellie too) to come home to me


Oh What A Night!

KinkyPugKevin, SuperstarAdlin (because one day he WILL be a superstar!) and me went for a nice quiet dinner
Okay, so SuperstarAdlin and me were late cos of the jam

We had a nice Friday dinner (no frills and no big bills) at Lucky Garden @ Bangsar
Before heading to Attic for Alan’s surprise birthday party

Good night
Lazy to write bout it now without pictures to boot
I drove us home mwahaha… SEE how convenient it is that the person with the better alcohol tolerance is present to drive certain drunk people home…
And the certain drunk someone is passed out on AdamPoserPan’s sofa right now

I’m so nice to save some people’s face and not mention names 😀

I came home and Smellie told me MareDiva had my chrysanthemum tea with vodka
Since there was leftover (tea, really) i chucked in vodka and OH MY!
She’s absolutely right!
That girl is genius!
I never thought of it before!!

It’s bloody awesome!

Or… maybe *i* just think it’s awesome now because i’m already fed with wine and sangria

So i drove back, rather proudly i might add
Luckily no cops cos erm i haven’t picked up my license yet

Threw OhDrunkOne on the couch and went to take a shower
Made a drink
And watched Smellie and TL play football on PS2

I realised i was tipsy when i started commenting on the game
Dahlah i NEVER bother watching real football games… but to get (even ever so slightly) excited at a fake PS2 game?

Confirm tipsy

So i came into the bedroom
And here i am now


I have no life

I come back from partying and i blog -_-

Luckily AshleyTheMonkey and QueenKanch is on MSN

And besides them, someone surprising MSN-ed me out of nowhere!
Maarten from Filterheadz!
I haven’t spoken to them since meeting Bert and him last year when they were in KL

He said he reads my blog, i didn’t know he reads my blog!


I have european superstar DJs

reading my blog!!!


*bounces around*

okay you know what

I’d better just shut up and stop writing now before i type more nonsense in this state


10 Responses to Friday June 2, 2006

  1. headup says:

    hope to see u later! 🙂
    yeah it has been a while.

  2. Anonymous says:

    hope to see u later! 🙂
    yeah it has been a while.

  3. lainieyeoh says:

    wootness. total streetcred

    by the way – the sheep book is great so far.

  4. Anonymous says:

    wootness. total streetcred

    by the way – the sheep book is great so far.

  5. Quilana says:

    Heh, I wanted to go see ‘The Fastest Clock In The Universe’ too. But something put me off – can’t remember what it was now.

    How quaint is the Attic, though? I was there last Thursday covering them for one of our programs. Got to try some of the dishes that were still in the “drawing board” stages. Yummers.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Heh, I wanted to go see ‘The Fastest Clock In The Universe’ too. But something put me off – can’t remember what it was now.

    How quaint is the Attic, though? I was there last Thursday covering them for one of our programs. Got to try some of the dishes that were still in the “drawing board” stages. Yummers.

  7. placid26 says:

    Famousnessnessess. You are going to be so big in Europe now.

    You say you have no life, yet so many want your kinda lifestyle.

    Ironic isn’t it?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Famousnessnessess. You are going to be so big in Europe now.

    You say you have no life, yet so many want your kinda lifestyle.

    Ironic isn’t it?

  9. theadlin says:

    i wonder who that person is. the one whose identity you’re keeping secret. what an irresponsible loof. i tell you people these days. drinking without thinking.

  10. Anonymous says:

    i wonder who that person is. the one whose identity you’re keeping secret. what an irresponsible loof. i tell you people these days. drinking without thinking.

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