The Cleo Bachelor Party
Blar thought i might as well put the pictures up before a few days pass and i lose semangat for it (much like my birthday ones :p)
But my birthday ones *will* go up!
Soon… this week.
Before i went to Zouk for their after party, AdamPoserPan called me up during my dinner
“Guess what i won.”
“Most Street Smart Bachelor!”
*chokes on food*
Anyhow, i mentioned earlier i went to the party feeling damn full and sloth-like
SpicySazzy handed me a glass of champagne
A very full glass of champagne
And what did some dumbfuck bachelor do, but knock me till half of it spilt down my tits and stomach
He was trying to show some girl some dance move
Yeah way to go, idiot
He didn’t even realise -_-
I was really tame that night due to being stuffed so i didn’t even scold him
Just wiped myself off, with some other bachelor sniggering at me from a corner
I let myself get dragged around and introduced to some guys here and some guys there
Forgot all their names :p
In all honesty, i can’t tell who the bachelors are, and who are there because of invites
Cos if the ones i didn’t know personally are bachelors… then hell they look worse real life then in their pictures
Wah i’m so bitchy now
Can tell right?
I think it’s because i’m hungry and craving chicken rice
FireAngelEelaine was there that night too
She came outside when i reached and oh my Lord, that girl is LOUD
I forgot what she was cursing about… but yeah, that girl has some pretty loud speakers in that pretty tiny package
Damn scary
“Eh… why she so loud wan… i scared la,” someone whispered to me
“Erm she’s okay one la… just… …. full of emotion.”
I went to calm the fiery lady down
“Eh, don’t so loud can or not…! Maintain la abit… maintain… think ladylike. Ladylike, ladylike!”
“Oh. Okay.”
She then pretends to pose like an anime with her finger to her lips and bats her eyelashes up at me
Adam made Resh show me a video of his baby daughter
Damn cute
Resh: So when do i see one of yours? (something like that la)
Me: *eyes bulging*
Adam: Dude… don’t say that around her… don’t!
Me: *tries to maintain* DRINK! *clinks glasses with Resh*
I’m so not the mother type
Mention marriage and children around me and i FREAK out
My voice goes strangely hoarse as i go ‘hahaha’ trying to laugh it off
My eyes get an unavoidable wide-eyed, gonna-pass-out glaze
I’m the kind that says things like she’d give her kid a hangover to teach them a lesson
Or make her son wear pink to school when punishing him
Okay la i’m lazy to storytell already
Got to prepare my cam for something tomorrow
Got to go make myself look decent cos QueenKanch invited someone along for dinner and i was planning on wearing my pajamas out
Still wanna blog more pics but i have no time *Sob*
Blasted Connection!
I came home just so i could go online
We (or rather, he) hasn’t fixed the internet in the new place yet
So the fairy is internetless there
Oh woe
Got alot of magazines
Got a hell lot of DVDs
Got nice big screen
Got alot of alco
Got alot of new wine π and new glasses too
Got smellie people to rape
Got nice TL to talk to
Got alot of unwatched anime
But no internet
I feel sort of strangled without internet
So i came home
And then what happened?
NO INTERNET HAPPENED for three hours
Something was wrong with the area connection
Damn stress
Switched the wires around just to make sure
Switched the pc on and off three times
Walked around the house
Called QueenKanch to bitch about it
I started praying
It went along the lines of,
“Hi. God. I know i haven’t spoken to you for quite some time… but urhm… i know you’re doing this to me just to show how strong and powerful you are and how you control everything… and really, i KNOW you are in charge of EVERYTHING… but could you please not blar me and the internet now… please?…”
I was even looking up at the ceiling with my legs on the pc table while thinking that in my head.
It didn’t work.
God is confirmed boycotting me.
I guess he realised i couldn’t do my work after awhile so he cut me some slack… two hours after that.
Oh no, i’m not complaining! I’m grateful, i SWEAR. No wait, i didn’t just *swear* I’m being grateful, don’t cut the internet again… :p
Wow. TL Fans Galore.
I blog about TL and people start smsing me, squealing at me, and interrogating me where he is even
A stranger asked me where TL was when i was out drinking last weekend
Someone smsed me after she saw the picture of TL hugging the pillow:
“Mahai, had to put up such a cute pic of him izit? Tempting me more only … -_-“
Bumped into a girlfriend over the weekend and she didn’t even ask me how i was
She started squeaking about TL
“Omg! I opened your blog today and EeeeEEEeee!! The picture of TL SO CUTE!!! EeeEEeee!!! I was like, *gasp!*”
Other TL moments:
One night after drinking, someone dangles the teh ais straw from their fingers and points it
tipsily at another drunk someone, “Eh. I heard you like TL too. Keep away you hear?”
Apparently some guys are getting agitated that TL is getting so much attention
“TL cute meh? Huh.”
“Cute wut…”
While Smellie, TL and i were busy moving all weekend, out of nowhere someone asks me
“Oh, TL will be there right?”
“Uh huh.”
“Oh… hmmm…. want me to come and help?”
Mahai, this is coming from someone who doesn’t stay nearby and wants to come help me MOVE HOUSE because of TL and not because of the exulted honour of helping a fairy?!
I should start a TL Fan Club… and charge people money to join
Then i can stalk him, and take pictures of him, and report what he eats, and i’ll be damn rich cos everyone is so obsessed with him and will want to know!
And guys will pay me money to join too, if not because their gay, but because they’d want to know WHAT makes all the girls click for TL
I’ll be RICH!
mwahahaha…. mwahahaha….. *evil laughter dying off*
I support the Fairy, O=
In all her misdeeds (…..and deeds).
I support the Fairy,
I’ll follow where she leads……
…..Now hopefully, that’ll be to Fairyland or summat. Tho’ none of those other Fairies will be as cool as JoyceTheFairy. =3
I support the Fairy, O=
In all her misdeeds (…..and deeds).
I support the Fairy,
I’ll follow where she leads……
…..Now hopefully, that’ll be to Fairyland or summat. Tho’ none of those other Fairies will be as cool as JoyceTheFairy. =3
well to be honest TL does look cute in that pillow picture. But he looks too much like a kid. Hot would be too strong for him. other than that i think he’s kinda like a normal joe.
BTW… your hair cut looks great! Reaelly goes with your face!!!! : )
well to be honest TL does look cute in that pillow picture. But he looks too much like a kid. Hot would be too strong for him. other than that i think he’s kinda like a normal joe.
BTW… your hair cut looks great! Reaelly goes with your face!!!! : )
Hmmm… being netless can be quite frus hor?
And.. dem.. when are they coming out with a new Austin Powers Movie???????
Hmmm… being netless can be quite frus hor?
And.. dem.. when are they coming out with a new Austin Powers Movie???????
KAKAKAAAAA… You’ve created a monster…
KAKAKAAAAA… You’ve created a monster…
Yea I know rite.. it’s wierd how wired we are to internet nowadays!
I’ve noticed a scary pattern of me, my bro, my sis, waking up and headin straight to the computer to go online. Lunch go online. Dinner go online. Bored go online. Angry go online. Happy go online. Before sleep go online. Cannot sleep, go online! OMG. What have we become?! (O_o)
We’re all a new generation of computer geeks who can’t live without internet! ;p
Yea I know rite.. it’s wierd how wired we are to internet nowadays!
I’ve noticed a scary pattern of me, my bro, my sis, waking up and headin straight to the computer to go online. Lunch go online. Dinner go online. Bored go online. Angry go online. Happy go online. Before sleep go online. Cannot sleep, go online! OMG. What have we become?! (O_o)
We’re all a new generation of computer geeks who can’t live without internet! ;p
Night… myself is… wake up, lunch, dinner, bored, happy, kenot sleep…all just WISH for net connection at home π
So lame rite? No net connection at home *paiseh*
Night… myself is… wake up, lunch, dinner, bored, happy, kenot sleep…all just WISH for net connection at home π
So lame rite? No net connection at home *paiseh*
TL fan! TL fan!!! *jumps up and down*
ooer .. what anime leh??
TL fan! TL fan!!! *jumps up and down*
ooer .. what anime leh??
Gmme a T
Gimme a L
Gimme TL!!! Yipeeee…
ohkay.. i sounded like a crayzee bitch now.. >_<
Loved ur hair cut joyce.. u looke cute with the super short fringe..*winks*
Gmme a T
Gimme a L
Gimme TL!!! Yipeeee…
ohkay.. i sounded like a crayzee bitch now.. >_<
Loved ur hair cut joyce.. u looke cute with the super short fringe..*winks*
Geez I KNOW what u mean! The bachelors that nite was behaving rather..un-gentlemanly haha. So not appealing at all..eeeee.
Adam should’ve won ‘Most Like A Duracell Bunny Bachelor’. He’s so full of energy! π
ps: Gee whats with the chicken rice craving?? I’ve been raving and raving about it on my site and FINALLYs I get taken to the best ever [he thinks it is] chicken rice store on Monday..NAM HEONG..! haha
Geez I KNOW what u mean! The bachelors that nite was behaving rather..un-gentlemanly haha. So not appealing at all..eeeee.
Adam should’ve won ‘Most Like A Duracell Bunny Bachelor’. He’s so full of energy! π
ps: Gee whats with the chicken rice craving?? I’ve been raving and raving about it on my site and FINALLYs I get taken to the best ever [he thinks it is] chicken rice store on Monday..NAM HEONG..! haha
Eh… joyce.. your first pic dem mengancam lar. skerry.. keke.
Night.. u HAVE to try the chicken rice in taman desa…
Eh… joyce.. your first pic dem mengancam lar. skerry.. keke.
Night.. u HAVE to try the chicken rice in taman desa…
I bet you and smellie will have very interesting looking kids….
I bet you and smellie will have very interesting looking kids….
eh. can you like tell people that i’m damn cute, not scary. π
eh. can you like tell people that i’m damn cute, not scary. π
i have so many bad things to say about the cleo part, but hell i’ll be nice for a day.
and the tl part… can i be the treasurer so i can treasure him… bwahaha.
damn cheesy right? ok confirm i must go hang out with him at the apartment now.
i have so many bad things to say about the cleo part, but hell i’ll be nice for a day.
and the tl part… can i be the treasurer so i can treasure him… bwahaha.
damn cheesy right? ok confirm i must go hang out with him at the apartment now.
haha. i KNOW what it’s like to b internet-less.
Fuck, wireless just magically died 2 weeks back and I was fucking emo abt it, and hounded my kid bro to go buy a new router.
Luckily we found the old DSL modem and it worked.
But cldn’t tahan the whining so we got a new router. That doesn’t die. And doesn’t screw up the connection. bwhahaha…’
No internet = more devilish me than normal. *whine*
As for that pic of TL… aiyoh so cuuute. hehehe. You had to put tht pic up la. LoL. Had to…
haha. i KNOW what it’s like to b internet-less.
Fuck, wireless just magically died 2 weeks back and I was fucking emo abt it, and hounded my kid bro to go buy a new router.
Luckily we found the old DSL modem and it worked.
But cldn’t tahan the whining so we got a new router. That doesn’t die. And doesn’t screw up the connection. bwhahaha…’
No internet = more devilish me than normal. *whine*
As for that pic of TL… aiyoh so cuuute. hehehe. You had to put tht pic up la. LoL. Had to…
haha. i KNOW what it’s like to b internet-less.
Fuck, wireless just magically died 2 weeks back and I was fucking emo abt it, and hounded my kid bro to go buy a new router.
Luckily we found the old DSL modem and it worked.
But cldn’t tahan the whining so we got a new router. That doesn’t die. And doesn’t screw up the connection. bwhahaha…’
No internet = more devilish me than normal. *whine*
As for that pic of TL… aiyoh so cuuute. hehehe. You had to put tht pic up la. LoL. Had to…
haha. i KNOW what it’s like to b internet-less.
Fuck, wireless just magically died 2 weeks back and I was fucking emo abt it, and hounded my kid bro to go buy a new router.
Luckily we found the old DSL modem and it worked.
But cldn’t tahan the whining so we got a new router. That doesn’t die. And doesn’t screw up the connection. bwhahaha…’
No internet = more devilish me than normal. *whine*
As for that pic of TL… aiyoh so cuuute. hehehe. You had to put tht pic up la. LoL. Had to…
Pimpy Blue Fairy… ;P
Pimpy Blue Fairy… ;P
who cares about tl when you know the strings into azwin andy’s pants
omg omg azwin andy’s so nice looking
fiancee and i just sat oogling at me with my poor boyfriend staring at us like we were possessed last weekend when we strategically placed our chairs so we could just have a perfect angle of oogling at him the whole night we were damn
damn gatal ok
ok must stop perving
he’s so nice looking though… π
(i want)
who cares about tl when you know the strings into azwin andy’s pants
omg omg azwin andy’s so nice looking
fiancee and i just sat oogling at me with my poor boyfriend staring at us like we were possessed last weekend when we strategically placed our chairs so we could just have a perfect angle of oogling at him the whole night we were damn
damn gatal ok
ok must stop perving
he’s so nice looking though… π
(i want)
oOOOooo… Jing Yen! u start TL fan club i start Azwin Andy’s fan club.. at the end we see who got more fan k?? HAHAHA !!! then we can sell their merchandise like Mawi!! ok wurt…
oOOOooo… Jing Yen! u start TL fan club i start Azwin Andy’s fan club.. at the end we see who got more fan k?? HAHAHA !!! then we can sell their merchandise like Mawi!! ok wurt…
nightnyx: haha you simply made that up is it?
madelinetan: haiya, looks like a kid only mar. I also look like a kid right. It’s the character that defines the regular joes from the exceptional π
kamkuey: yeaH. no net = damn frus *growl*
Cyn: not a bad monster right? π
Mich: yeah that’s so true!
kamkuey: what chicken rice…? whatsit called
placid26: OI. 0_- IF we did, they’d be hyper little gangly things with big foreheads, freckles, big anime eyes, snub noses, funny toes, etc etc
Eelaine: ahaha but you ARE dman cute also wut. but that’s already so obvious… so state the nonobvious la π
Kev: treasurer? -_-‘
devil_undercover: yeah that happened to me last year. was so *UGH* till my bro bought a new router
Joy: where got so pimp… π i should charge mwahaha… eh i like that vid of you and your foot. damn cute π
Kim: Cos i’ve known him for soooo long? ogling at azwin where? mwahahah… omg never seen you so slut for a guy before tsk tsk!
cheehooi: walau, how to beat Mawi wei… Mawi world. haha
nightnyx: haha you simply made that up is it?
madelinetan: haiya, looks like a kid only mar. I also look like a kid right. It’s the character that defines the regular joes from the exceptional π
kamkuey: yeaH. no net = damn frus *growl*
Cyn: not a bad monster right? π
Mich: yeah that’s so true!
kamkuey: what chicken rice…? whatsit called
placid26: OI. 0_- IF we did, they’d be hyper little gangly things with big foreheads, freckles, big anime eyes, snub noses, funny toes, etc etc
Eelaine: ahaha but you ARE dman cute also wut. but that’s already so obvious… so state the nonobvious la π
Kev: treasurer? -_-‘
devil_undercover: yeah that happened to me last year. was so *UGH* till my bro bought a new router
Joy: where got so pimp… π i should charge mwahaha… eh i like that vid of you and your foot. damn cute π
Kim: Cos i’ve known him for soooo long? ogling at azwin where? mwahahah… omg never seen you so slut for a guy before tsk tsk!
cheehooi: walau, how to beat Mawi wei… Mawi world. haha
Like Spongebob?
Like Spongebob?