Thursday April 27, 2006

Comments (32) Uncategorized

Exactly a year ago, things have changed only slightly πŸ˜‰

How Joyce Is Dumb

Everytime people ask me how many people visit my site, i simply say
“Not alot la. About 200 a day…”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, it’s my blog right. Of course i’m sure. I have the counter. Stop asking me.”

And that would be that.

EelaineFireangel was asking me on MSN the same question
I replied
Not alot wan la, about 100 plus to 200 plus uniques
How can
Where is your counter? I don’t see it on your main page
Oh you can see it on my comments page

There was a long pause
Then she replied

*vomits blood*
*coughs blood*
If you put it on your comments page, it only counts the number of people visiting your comments page la!!!!
omg really
Oops heh
Can you imagine how many people visit your blog if that many visit your comments page?!

I could practically hear her yelling at me in cyberspace.
Damn scary

So after that we tried putting a counter on my main page
But stupid fucking xanga doesn’t allow me to put it on my Paid For template -_-
So she got PaulTan  to help me do it and after fiddling around with the javascript, he managed to put it on (though the only lack i have are referrals)

I told AdamPoserPan and FaiTheMai about it

Adam: I told you so! There were definitely more people then that reading it
Me: Blar, i thought my counter was correct wut

FaiTheMai: I thought you knew!
Me: No, i didn’t
FaiTheMai: I thought you knew! *repeats himself*
Me: No, i didn’t! Now i know la okay -_-

So from thinking that a few people read my blog a day to the actuality of 2,000 unique ones a day is… flattering and intimidating

Thoughts of
Eeyer… now i will think of how many people will read it before writing something more personal
comes up, to
Hee hee hee can promo TL kau kau *sneaky grin*

New Pixie Cut

I FINALLY got time to go for a haircut
This time i tried Milkah who operates from Qube @ Plaza Damas
Wee hee i love it!
After she forced me to keep my hair for one month plus, hell, it’d better be worth it!
I have this SuperThinShort fringe now which reminds me of SueThePixie

MaryBerry: You look more chinese
Me: I *am* chinese -_-

Still haven’t blogged my own birthday
Damn alot of pictures la… gonna wait till i knoW i have a few hours in a stretch to do nothing

Monday i was an indian girl’s coolie
Yesterday i was the white boy’s coolie, helping him carry groceries
The only thing i got were caramel desserts, loads and loads of tomato juice and cheese to go with my wine

I realise i got so many bottles of nice wine for my birthday! (the leftovers that weren’t consumed the same night anyway)
And it’s SO GREAT i can happily arrange my wine and alcohol stock in a corner without anyone taking it

For one, Smellie doesn’t drink
And TL drinks… Shandy! So cute! Haha

Oh yeah we finally moved

So for now, i’m all shut up about the mess cos there isn’t any
Hmm i see Smellie making an effort to be cleaner by using a plate when eating in bed
Golly! A sight never seen before.

And TL sweeps the living room before he goes to bed!

There are lots of boxes at the side from the new entertainment system someone bought

Many many boxes

Big happy boxes

“Eh… when you throw all the boxes away, can leave one for me please?”
“…*laughs* What, you wanna play with it?”
“Yeah!… sorry, was really deprived as a child, haha!”
“Okay, we’ll keep a box for you.”
*sounds like a father talking to a five-year-old child*
“Yay! I can sit in it… and urm drink wine.”
“If one day i come home from work and see you sitting in a box peeking at me, i’m walking out.”

Besides my errands of a haircut, grocery shopping, trying not to shop (hey that’s an effort okay!), i went for another driving lesson yesterday
It was damn hot
I tried dressing like a kid so that i don’t look like some old fart taking her driver’s license bloody six years after she’s legally able to

My phone rang while i was driving with the instructor next to me
I reached for it cos i never know when it’s for work
And ended up talking on the phone while practising driving
But he didn’t scold me

Oh! Oh!
I parked Smellie’s car yesterday 
He made me do it but yelled out to brake even though i was parking soooooo slowly near the wall 

I got alot of shit to do today la
Bathe StevenTheSpaniel, groom him
Sort out all my shopping

I whined to Daddy
“I have no more space to put my clothes… i’ve been having the saME two cupboards since i was 13!”
“This is good incentive for you to stop shopping

My clothes are all in my cupboard, suitcase, on the suitcase, on my bed, on my clothes rack and in a big plastic bag
And they’re all clean
And new

Ok ok no more shopping

32 Responses to Thursday April 27, 2006

  1. kanch says:

    u??? no more shopping?? bollocks lar….that will happen the day cows start flying….*rolls eyes*

  2. Anonymous says:

    u??? no more shopping?? bollocks lar….that will happen the day cows start flying….*rolls eyes*

  3. I agree with Kanch. Cos this time i can read what she say.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I agree with Kanch. Cos this time i can read what she say.

  5. kanch: maybe if you bloody stop asking me to go into spaces with cheap beautiful clothes i won’t be so awful *GRRR*

    Kevin: *bwek*

  6. Anonymous says:

    kanch: maybe if you bloody stop asking me to go into spaces with cheap beautiful clothes i won’t be so awful *GRRR*

    Kevin: *bwek*

  7. nightstar says:

    i know rite! my cupboard is so bursting it’s like a miracle keepin the clothes from tumbling out everytime i open the doors! and i really must stop shoppin cos i haven’t worn quite a few stuffs out yet hehhz…

    ps: wine only?? the malibu whacked already ahh? haha


  8. Anonymous says:

    i know rite! my cupboard is so bursting it’s like a miracle keepin the clothes from tumbling out everytime i open the doors! and i really must stop shoppin cos i haven’t worn quite a few stuffs out yet hehhz…

    ps: wine only?? the malibu whacked already ahh? haha


  9. fredaism says:

    Heya, I don’t know if you managed to sort the counter thing out but I use a tracker from which allows you to choose what it counts. I *think*. I’m pretty blur when it comes to all this technical jargon stuff…  

  10. Anonymous says:

    Heya, I don’t know if you managed to sort the counter thing out but I use a tracker from which allows you to choose what it counts. I *think*. I’m pretty blur when it comes to all this technical jargon stuff…  

  11. placid26 says:

    2000 hits a day. Not bad. You should start charging people real money for peeking into your life.

    I think it’s to premature to say that you are going to stop shopping. Especially you of all people. I want to see more slutty clothing on you la. Hhahahahaha

  12. Anonymous says:

    2000 hits a day. Not bad. You should start charging people real money for peeking into your life.

    I think it’s to premature to say that you are going to stop shopping. Especially you of all people. I want to see more slutty clothing on you la. Hhahahahaha

  13. jellypixie says:

    now that ur new fringe reminds you of me… GOOD!

    then you will be reminded constantly to pass me the make up book…. hahahahaha! =P

  14. Anonymous says:

    now that ur new fringe reminds you of me… GOOD!

    then you will be reminded constantly to pass me the make up book…. hahahahaha! =P

  15. vampuke says:

    so popular! :p

  16. Anonymous says:

    so popular! :p

  17. hehe.. would love to see u dress like a kid. show us? πŸ˜›

  18. Anonymous says:

    hehe.. would love to see u dress like a kid. show us? πŸ˜›

  19. nottifish says:

    hits whore nerd…

  20. Anonymous says:

    hits whore nerd…

  21. ya… im one of your almost daily reader of your blog.

    update us on your life…

    keep up the good work… 2000… i think my blog have less than 20 daily…. lol..

    Take care,


  22. Anonymous says:

    ya… im one of your almost daily reader of your blog.

    update us on your life…

    keep up the good work… 2000… i think my blog have less than 20 daily…. lol..

    Take care,


  23. Quilana says:

    Eh, I thought you knew about the counter thing also. Like you didn’t want to show people how many hits you really got per day. Hahaha. Dumbass ;P

  24. Anonymous says:

    Eh, I thought you knew about the counter thing also. Like you didn’t want to show people how many hits you really got per day. Hahaha. Dumbass ;P

  25. looney_v5 says:

    you know, when you posted a link to my page, it jumped almost 1000 hits!?!? god damn!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha.. fairy’s famous! think you have consistent readership in almost every continent.. (i guess i was wrong; people still believe in fairies. Myself included :P)

  26. Anonymous says:

    you know, when you posted a link to my page, it jumped almost 1000 hits!?!? god damn!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha.. fairy’s famous! think you have consistent readership in almost every continent.. (i guess i was wrong; people still believe in fairies. Myself included :P)

  27. i told you la! remember! i said cannot be your blog got only 200 hits. haha! and totally agree on kanch’s comment.

  28. Anonymous says:

    i told you la! remember! i said cannot be your blog got only 200 hits. haha! and totally agree on kanch’s comment.

  29. victoriaho says:

    you’re famous, i told you you have a fan forum somewhere online! πŸ˜€

  30. Anonymous says:

    you’re famous, i told you you have a fan forum somewhere online! πŸ˜€

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