Monday March 6, 2006

Comments (20) Uncategorized

KinkyBlueFairy Blow-up Dolls

I was having a jolly time with QueenKanch, FaiTheMai and Akhi
AdamPoserPan called

“Are you going to sleep over tonight?”
“Erm…. maybe….”
“What? Sleep over!”
“Dowan.” *jual mahal*
“oKAY. What about your room?! Are you gonna clean your room?!”
“We’ll clean it together tonight okay?”

End of conversation.
Wait a minute.
That wasn’t part of the deal…
Why do *i* have to help when i didn’t CREATE the mess

After midnight and alcohol
Like a regular good girlfriend, i pottered home

Bugger was gaming -_-

“Hey… i thought you were gonna clean your room
“I’m tired baby…”
“Tired, always tired. Always blame work. Then ask me to stay over for WHAT.”
“… … cos i wanted to sleep next to you…”
“Might as well get a blow-up doll that looks like me.”

Evil Joyce.

George Gershwin. I Like.

You know you’re a fan of George Gershwin
When you step in from fiddling with the lock in the storm
(Why is it always i get the wrong key when it’s pouring and i’m too vain to carry an umbrella…)
And upon flopping down, my mother’s choice of radio
Washes over me
And its my favourite tune from him – Rhapsody in Blue

All is right again

Joyce loves George

Bottom L-R: JD (from Pop Shuvit, the only reason i remember JD is cos i think ‘ooh Jack Daniels :p ), ME, GermanMurat, Cammy in pretty pink skirt.
2nd row: Roshan from K-Town Clan holding a can, Rudy, SmallSerenaC,Β  and JJ at the end
3rd row: Smellie in the middle, with Pietro next to him
Back: i see PhatFabes, Adam from Dragonred and bla bla bla lazy already

Just one picture first from last weekend cos now i have to go out

: : edit : :

ok let’s see
WELL. I had an excellent night out with WongEugene
At Vogue

I forced him to go there cos i had photography i had to pass to Jovin
And we had lots of happy beer and chit chat
He’s one of those guys i don’t have to think when i talk to him
Just flow flow flow chitty chat


20 Responses to Monday March 6, 2006

  1. kamkuey says:

    Eh… you look like a Form 3 student on a ‘rombongan lawat sambil belaja’ .. ahahahaha

    It was meant to be a compliment ar…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Eh… you look like a Form 3 student on a ‘rombongan lawat sambil belaja’ .. ahahahaha

    It was meant to be a compliment ar…

  3. Quilana says:

    Heehee so petite, so cute.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Heehee so petite, so cute.

  5. legallybimbo says:

    i love gershwin tooooo.

  6. Anonymous says:

    i love gershwin tooooo.

  7. placid26 says:

    GROUP HUG!!!

  8. miakenix says:

    wikked bout ‘blow up doll’ wouldn’t be a scary sight?? *winks*

  9. Anonymous says:

    wikked bout ‘blow up doll’ wouldn’t be a scary sight?? *winks*

  10. quilana: oi oi oi i’m BENDING MY KNEES. so i wouldn’t block the guy behind! i’m not THAT short okay!!

    legallybimbo: hee hee πŸ™‚ i always listen to his stuff while i work

  11. Anonymous says:

    quilana: oi oi oi i’m BENDING MY KNEES. so i wouldn’t block the guy behind! i’m not THAT short okay!!

    legallybimbo: hee hee πŸ™‚ i always listen to his stuff while i work

  12. timstone says:

    deflate the doll and maybe we’ll finally have a skinny looking joyce =p

  13. Anonymous says:

    deflate the doll and maybe we’ll finally have a skinny looking joyce =p

  14. j0sh_w says:

    Haha πŸ™‚

    If you need a nickname for Cammy, I came up with one last nite. It’s Camilla Skankzilla. She approves. πŸ˜›

  15. Anonymous says:

    Haha πŸ™‚

    If you need a nickname for Cammy, I came up with one last nite. It’s Camilla Skankzilla. She approves. πŸ˜›

  16. placid26 says:

    You are that SHORT. But better short than FAT!

  17. Anonymous says:

    You are that SHORT. But better short than FAT!

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