Monday February 13, 2006

Comments (52) Uncategorized

Exactly a year ago, and the year before that, and the year before that…
Joyce thinks Valentine’s Day is a sham
And then, she smartly embarrases Ashley in front of Chilli’s on V-Day

Happy Birthday KelvinTSD!

Yay you.
Okay la, i don’t know what else to say because we haven’t been meeting up (cos you always ffk me)
May you enjoy at least one orgasm today which happens to fall on Valentine’s Day
If not by hook or by crook, then by your hand, at the very least

Valentine’s, Schmalentine’s

Not meaning to sound like a bitter old hag
But i really detest all the commercialisation involved in Valentine’s lo
True, PrincessAnna stated (in KinkyPug’s blog) that *every* festival is already commercialised in some way or another

But to pay exorbitant prices for flowers or dinner is just plain ridiculous
Does it somehow mean that you love the person more?

I sit in a restaurant and a flyer advertising their rates for Valentine’s Day glares at me
I glare right back

I read the The Star about some giant teddy bear and hearts made of roses
I grunt

My brother tells me he’s going for a movie with his girlfriend
I roll my eyes

My cousin tells me she wishes she had a hot date tonight
I sigh in exasperation

All in all, i’m not screwing the day over in total
I just wish the flowers and dinner part would be cut out of it

Oh, and how *everyone* has to hold hands more today
That just sickens me
If you can’t hold their hand every other day
Why today?

Heck, use your imagination people!

Make your other half something – time and effort is considered more precious these days
Buy something they’ve been wanting for really long, even (see it like an extra Christmas or Birthday)
Cook dinner for them!
Hell if you don’t have time to cook or make anything, then takkan you can’t spend an hour going down on them?


The expensive dinner, flowers and couples ‘holding each other tighter today’ thing

Might as well everyone in the shopping complex hold hands together walk around in a big line right.

One love.

*bitter old hag waddles off*

Fairy Spoke Too Soon

Just when i blogged about having alot of extra time
I got flung some assignments which i didn’t turn down…
Due to pride and confidence that
hey… i can finish it… i think… no i can i can i can

So on the contrary
I’m damn busy
Stressing slightly that i might have bitten more cake then i can chew
And everything has to be handed in by Wednesday or else i can’t fly to Bangkok with peace of mind

But it’s that feeling of rush which i love as well
I get that amazing feeling of high when i’m stressed out working
Which turns into ecstacy and elation

And it doens’t matter if it’s a teeny tiny thing
Even a small thing like making a card for someone in half an hour does it

That’s what you call – Layan Diri

52 Responses to Monday February 13, 2006

  1. miakenix says:

    All the expensive bouquet of flowers, marked up prices of restaurants for couple dinners, people dressing up thier best and there’s no reason for showing affection…erm it’s Valentine’s Day

    Happy Valentine’s Day Joyce

    Is a sham isn’t it?

  2. Anonymous says:

    All the expensive bouquet of flowers, marked up prices of restaurants for couple dinners, people dressing up thier best and there’s no reason for showing affection…erm it’s Valentine’s Day

    Happy Valentine’s Day Joyce

    Is a sham isn’t it?

  3. aishoz says:

    hey woman – i so want to post pix, but it’s not my pc rite now so yea ive gotta wait for that! in the meantime, i cd only blog & email.

    hey what’s your home address?

    happy valentine’s day! *mwahhh*

  4. Anonymous says:

    hey woman – i so want to post pix, but it’s not my pc rite now so yea ive gotta wait for that! in the meantime, i cd only blog & email.

    hey what’s your home address?

    happy valentine’s day! *mwahhh*

  5. happy valentine’s day to the one and only kinkybluefairy -> the hottest fairy in the fairyland.. >-<



  6. Anonymous says:

    happy valentine’s day to the one and only kinkybluefairy -> the hottest fairy in the fairyland.. >-<



  7. I got a date! *hides*

  8. Anonymous says:

    I got a date! *hides*

  9. looney_v5 says:

    now you’re making me feel bad for buying my gf some gift that took me 30 minutes to pick out……. -_-‘ —joyce expression..

    So, I guess i’ll just have to cook her something huh???? in case corporate america turns me into a sell out.. ahhahahahaa…

  10. Anonymous says:

    now you’re making me feel bad for buying my gf some gift that took me 30 minutes to pick out……. -_-‘ —joyce expression..

    So, I guess i’ll just have to cook her something huh???? in case corporate america turns me into a sell out.. ahhahahahaa…

  11. nightstar says:

    i know i know. i think v-day is such a stressful day haha. but i’m a romantic at heart. if v-day is an excuse for guys to make extra effort to be sweet and alla that toothachey stuff..then so be it! haha

  12. Anonymous says:

    i know i know. i think v-day is such a stressful day haha. but i’m a romantic at heart. if v-day is an excuse for guys to make extra effort to be sweet and alla that toothachey stuff..then so be it! haha

  13. yeah going down for an hour! the best V gift EVAR!

  14. Anonymous says:

    yeah going down for an hour! the best V gift EVAR!

  15. smallswong says:


    one love. thats funny

  16. Anonymous says:


    one love. thats funny

  17. Quilana says:

    “Hell if you don’t have time to cook or make anything, then takkan you can’t spend an hour going down on them?”

    You mean some people don’t already spend at least an hour giving head on NORMAL days?!?! !!!


    Anyway, regardless of the ridiculous commercialism… happy Valentine’s day Joyce! {v}{v}{v}

  18. Anonymous says:

    “Hell if you don’t have time to cook or make anything, then takkan you can’t spend an hour going down on them?”

    You mean some people don’t already spend at least an hour giving head on NORMAL days?!?! !!!


    Anyway, regardless of the ridiculous commercialism… happy Valentine’s day Joyce! {v}{v}{v}

  19. jellypixie says:

    hahahaha… happy valentine to u la… one love!!!

  20. Anonymous says:

    hahahaha… happy valentine to u la… one love!!!

  21. oh yea. i so agree with you.

    Now, before anyone says that I’ve no’ emotions whatsoever’…. please ok… I’ve become so emo its actually embarassing admitting it to my old frends k.

    Considering how I was ‘bah’ waaay more than before… since I met my monkey. Ok la, i admit it’s nice to have a boyfreidn who wld do a lot of sweet stuff for me and make me bawl like a baby later coz the things he does… you only see it in movies.


    But true. WHY can’t people hold hands as much on every other day? tsk tsk… Valentines is just an excuse for florists to raise up prices, for restaurants and hotels to throw those expensive ‘lovers packages’.


  22. Anonymous says:

    oh yea. i so agree with you.

    Now, before anyone says that I’ve no’ emotions whatsoever’…. please ok… I’ve become so emo its actually embarassing admitting it to my old frends k.

    Considering how I was ‘bah’ waaay more than before… since I met my monkey. Ok la, i admit it’s nice to have a boyfreidn who wld do a lot of sweet stuff for me and make me bawl like a baby later coz the things he does… you only see it in movies.


    But true. WHY can’t people hold hands as much on every other day? tsk tsk… Valentines is just an excuse for florists to raise up prices, for restaurants and hotels to throw those expensive ‘lovers packages’.


  23. Psikotik says:

    i say the best thing you can do for vday is to celebrate it with your other half some other day. cuz then u avoid the exorbitant rates,corny/cheesy decor everywhere and all the minging couples who are holdier-than-thou on that day. thats my vday idea!

  24. Anonymous says:

    i say the best thing you can do for vday is to celebrate it with your other half some other day. cuz then u avoid the exorbitant rates,corny/cheesy decor everywhere and all the minging couples who are holdier-than-thou on that day. thats my vday idea!

  25. aishoz: i email you k, or remind me on msn!

    littlechillipadi: haha thanks

    pug: ho… on …. the… corner… *sings*

    looney: eh… that’s okay la. don’t worry πŸ™‚ Fairy Stamp of Approval mwahaha

    quilana: some people don’t have it so lucky -_-

    Sue: hee hee can so imagine you blahing me that! Bangkok rockkkkk!!!

    devil_undercover: well true, can’t complain if it rocks your boat right!

    psikotik: that’s what i said la

  26. Anonymous says:

    aishoz: i email you k, or remind me on msn!

    littlechillipadi: haha thanks

    pug: ho… on …. the… corner… *sings*

    looney: eh… that’s okay la. don’t worry πŸ™‚ Fairy Stamp of Approval mwahaha

    quilana: some people don’t have it so lucky -_-

    Sue: hee hee can so imagine you blahing me that! Bangkok rockkkkk!!!

    devil_undercover: well true, can’t complain if it rocks your boat right!

    psikotik: that’s what i said la

  27. timstone says:

    how bout i tie a flower to that bottle of yours before i hand it over? haha.

  28. Anonymous says:

    how bout i tie a flower to that bottle of yours before i hand it over? haha.

  29. as long as the flower doesn’t cost 10 bucks, that’s fine by me πŸ˜‰

  30. Anonymous says:

    as long as the flower doesn’t cost 10 bucks, that’s fine by me πŸ˜‰

  31. timstone says:

    you just want the bottle really don’t you haha. muax!

  32. Anonymous says:

    you just want the bottle really don’t you haha. muax!

  33. the bottle is so fabulous, it honestly doesn’t NEED a flower, Tim πŸ˜‰

  34. Anonymous says:

    the bottle is so fabulous, it honestly doesn’t NEED a flower, Tim πŸ˜‰

  35. mouthless_ap says:

    don’t really know what’s wrong with the world these days. bloggers from kenny sia to xia xue to you seem to have launched a war against V-day. I know all it does is suck money out of fools but if you and I are not fools, why bother attacking a so-called  ‘special day’ like this at all?

    oh btw, hung out at the mall today for a short while today. didn’t really see anything out of the ordinary @ka ‘couples holding hands more than usual’. 411, they do it everyday.  

  36. Anonymous says:

    don’t really know what’s wrong with the world these days. bloggers from kenny sia to xia xue to you seem to have launched a war against V-day. I know all it does is suck money out of fools but if you and I are not fools, why bother attacking a so-called  ‘special day’ like this at all?

    oh btw, hung out at the mall today for a short while today. didn’t really see anything out of the ordinary @ka ‘couples holding hands more than usual’. 411, they do it everyday.  

  37. looney_v5 says:

    hahahaHHAhahah! gee.. thanks..

    since u’r ‘jobless’ maybe you should start your own collumn..called “ASk the fairy!”

    AHHAakkakakaka.a….. hmmmmmmmm…..

  38. Anonymous says:

    hahahaHHAhahah! gee.. thanks..

    since u’r ‘jobless’ maybe you should start your own collumn..called “ASk the fairy!”

    AHHAakkakakaka.a….. hmmmmmmmm…..

  39. mouthless: it wasn’t like we ganged up and said “oh let’s ALL hate Valentine’s Day together. It will be so cool”


    I like the idea where you tell loved ones you love them

    “All in all, i’m not screwing the day over in total
    I just wish the flowers and dinner part would be cut out of it”

    Looney: oi oi oi i’m “full-time jobless”…. but not utterly jobless la! >_<

    devil_undercover: i did the devil test thing on your blog for fun. Damn. Confirmed going to hell. 0_o

  40. Anonymous says:

    mouthless: it wasn’t like we ganged up and said “oh let’s ALL hate Valentine’s Day together. It will be so cool”


    I like the idea where you tell loved ones you love them

    “All in all, i’m not screwing the day over in total
    I just wish the flowers and dinner part would be cut out of it”

    Looney: oi oi oi i’m “full-time jobless”…. but not utterly jobless la! >_<

    devil_undercover: i did the devil test thing on your blog for fun. Damn. Confirmed going to hell. 0_o

  41. kennysia says:

    Fairy Valentine’s Day!

  42. Anonymous says:

    Fairy Valentine’s Day!

  43. WEE! you’re the first person to say that to me this year!

    Extra points for you.

    Many many points can be exchanged for Fairy Kisses.


  44. Anonymous says:

    WEE! you’re the first person to say that to me this year!

    Extra points for you.

    Many many points can be exchanged for Fairy Kisses.


  45. hahaha.. yealah… i so know… i’m confirmed going to hell.

  46. Anonymous says:

    hahaha.. yealah… i so know… i’m confirmed going to hell.

  47. I just saw the thing. You got like… 14%?

    hehe. nvm la.. go to hell also i bet it’ll be more fun then heaven.

    I mean, good girls go to heaven and naughty girls go everywhere, right? *winks*

  48. Anonymous says:

    I just saw the thing. You got like… 14%?

    hehe. nvm la.. go to hell also i bet it’ll be more fun then heaven.

    I mean, good girls go to heaven and naughty girls go everywhere, right? *winks*

  49. placid26 says:

    Roses are going for RM50 a pop me thinks.

  50. Anonymous says:

    Roses are going for RM50 a pop me thinks.

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