Thursday January 5, 2006

Comments (16) Uncategorized

Joyce’s New Year’s Eve 2005 *click*

I’m Not Dying To…

…take your stupid picture okay.
I hate covering yucky events at Rush cos it’s just so rowdy, dodgy and unclassy


The worst is when i have to take pictures of some people for the mag and upon approaching them, they shy away like i’m aiming a shotgun at them instead of a camera

The thing is, i tend to talk/mutter to myself especially when alone
Again, some guy looked at me in disdain and shook his head cos he didn’t want to take a picture
And i caught myself mumbling under my breath
“Mahai… not like i fucking want to take your picture okay…”

Obviously i do that when i’m walking away la, so as not to spoil the mag’s name in front of ppl  >_<

Speaking about hating clubs, I HATE GHETTO as well
I have been able to avoid the damn night for months, and when i finally went there last week (to layan HotJason, Louis, Mary, etc)
It just reminded me all over again WHY I HATE IT

Damn crowded. Damn kutu.
I forced myself to move on the dancefloor to layan MaryBerry
Some massive guy kept on pushing me more and more, making the space for us girls less and less
I can such a superbitch when i want to, and elbowed him away
Mr. Massive looked down at me in annoyance a few times but everytime he did, i’d close my eyes and dance away, pretending to be drunk so he couldn’t/wouldn’t blar me


Even pretending to be on alcohol gives you excuses to be an asshole.

*reads above*

I just realised this is SUCH a negative bitching post. 0_o
Bleargh, i had a 16-hour work day and alot of things are screwing up.
Gonna go shower now.

*looks over at Smellie gaming*

I don’t think he’s going to shower… :p

16 Responses to Thursday January 5, 2006

  1. nightstar says:

    Damn kutu. Hahhahahaha. Shit i hope that wasn’t racist. hahahaahaa.

    Ghetto wasn’t so bad during the Raya. Enjoyed myself hee..

  2. Anonymous says:

    Damn kutu. Hahhahahaha. Shit i hope that wasn’t racist. hahahaahaa.

    Ghetto wasn’t so bad during the Raya. Enjoyed myself hee..

  3. i share the sentiment. i dont really like it when i have only 2cm to dance with. cant do my lawnmower dancemoves.

  4. Anonymous says:

    i share the sentiment. i dont really like it when i have only 2cm to dance with. cant do my lawnmower dancemoves.

  5. cyberred says:

    hugs hope u have a better day =)


  6. Anonymous says:

    hugs hope u have a better day =)


  7. placid26 says:

    Packed like sardines with sweaty, smelly armpits, hairy bodies (that are always statically charged for some reason) and being bounced around like some pinball. Gosh that must have been loads of fun.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Packed like sardines with sweaty, smelly armpits, hairy bodies (that are always statically charged for some reason) and being bounced around like some pinball. Gosh that must have been loads of fun.

  9. boysfearme says:

    I hate Rush. Too many ahbengs and ahlians.

    Ghetto’s always packed :/

  10. Anonymous says:

    I hate Rush. Too many ahbengs and ahlians.

    Ghetto’s always packed :/

  11. hannna says:

    i saw you in OU!

    30 seconds of
    “eh do u read kinkybluefairy?”
    “yeah why”


  12. Anonymous says:

    i saw you in OU!

    30 seconds of
    “eh do u read kinkybluefairy?”
    “yeah why”


  13. LucidDr3amer says:

    Oooo… hate Rush, with a passion… Ghetto sometimes bearable, depending on the crowd. At least its Friday πŸ™‚ TAG, TAG, TAG

  14. Anonymous says:

    Oooo… hate Rush, with a passion… Ghetto sometimes bearable, depending on the crowd. At least its Friday πŸ™‚ TAG, TAG, TAG

  15. reza_djembe: lawnmower dancemoves??!!

    That i want to see. πŸ˜‰

    placid26: hmm actually that sounds more like the mosh pit at Rock The World   0_o

    boysfearme: yes too many of those… young young ones somemore who fucking shuffle to rnb. WTF. *emo*

    hannna: heh yeah i always go there… >_<  near my house mar. next time just say hi πŸ™‚

    Cyn: tag next week k? i misssssssss ittttttttt

  16. Anonymous says:

    reza_djembe: lawnmower dancemoves??!!

    That i want to see. πŸ˜‰

    placid26: hmm actually that sounds more like the mosh pit at Rock The World   0_o

    boysfearme: yes too many of those… young young ones somemore who fucking shuffle to rnb. WTF. *emo*

    hannna: heh yeah i always go there… >_<  near my house mar. next time just say hi πŸ™‚

    Cyn: tag next week k? i misssssssss ittttttttt

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