Friday December 2, 2005

Comments (95) Uncategorized

Do Me A Favour &

Fuck Off Then.

I don’t get people who bang blogs kau kau
Yes, there are irritating blogs out there, there are superbly boring blogs out there, but if you find them so boring, why torture yourself by reading them all the time and riling yourself up?

Use your head la.

You blast me for writing about what i wear, what i say, what i did, who i went out with, etc, saying that noone gives a flying fuck about all of that.

Well, i don’t expect you to.

The reason i started writing online is for my own personal use and my friends who want to know what i’ve been up to since everyone is busy. So if it grieves you so badly to hear that i ate at a particular restaurant or watched a horror movie for the day, then why the hell click on my page for?



If you hate seeing pictures of my friends and i up, then why visit my page for? So you can get all angry at someone you’ve never even met?
I don’t wonder why you don’t have any friends. One of the things i think of when i put photos up are:
1) friends overseas can view them and see how we all are and what we’re up to
2) whoever’s in the pics can just save them off and i don’t have to freaking email them all out


I truly don’t understand people who piss themselves over things that don’t even relate to them/are harmless/unnecessary.
If everyone were like you, the world would be an unhappy place.

95 Responses to Friday December 2, 2005

  1. Anonymous says:

    i think ur blog rocks!

  2. here2
    ya i thinks yous rocks too : )

  3. Anonymous says:

    ya i thinks yous rocks too : )

  4. Ignore those idiots girl they’re just jealous you have a great and happening life, i am a truly stranger who loves your blog ALOT!!Keep up the great work right..

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ignore those idiots girl they’re just jealous you have a great and happening life, i am a truly stranger who loves your blog ALOT!!Keep up the great work right..

  6. Quilana says:

    Hey Joyce, it’s Joy here… Nessie told me you wrote about me in your blog, so that answers the sudden slew of visitors to my blog. πŸ˜‰

    I concur with this entire post. The reason I stopped blogging a couple of years ago was because people didn’t get that if they didn’t like it, they just didn’t have to read it.

    Now it’s like.. “Pssh, I don’t give a *beep* what you think”

    Annnd… because I’m lazy to comment in two places, your puppy is JUST TOO F***ING CUTE!!! *loves*

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hey Joyce, it’s Joy here… Nessie told me you wrote about me in your blog, so that answers the sudden slew of visitors to my blog. πŸ˜‰

    I concur with this entire post. The reason I stopped blogging a couple of years ago was because people didn’t get that if they didn’t like it, they just didn’t have to read it.

    Now it’s like.. “Pssh, I don’t give a *beep* what you think”

    Annnd… because I’m lazy to comment in two places, your puppy is JUST TOO F***ING CUTE!!! *loves*

  8. kamkuey says:

    Chill babe.. *passes Malibu to Fairy* Screw them…

    Your pup.. AIYOR!!!!… CAN DIE CUTE!!!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Chill babe.. *passes Malibu to Fairy* Screw them…

    Your pup.. AIYOR!!!!… CAN DIE CUTE!!!!

  10. I think it’s just one bunch of idiots. First they destroyed several well-known blogs of beautiful people in Singapore – Daphne Teo, then Sophia Lim. Now I guess they’re moving on to other cun babes like you.

    If it’s anything, that means you’re a certified babe.

    Alla the blogs attacked by these idiots are beautiful. πŸ˜‰

    Probably jealous ugly bitches, or fuckin nerds who can’t get a date.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I think it’s just one bunch of idiots. First they destroyed several well-known blogs of beautiful people in Singapore – Daphne Teo, then Sophia Lim. Now I guess they’re moving on to other cun babes like you.

    If it’s anything, that means you’re a certified babe.

    Alla the blogs attacked by these idiots are beautiful. πŸ˜‰

    Probably jealous ugly bitches, or fuckin nerds who can’t get a date.

  12. kimberly_cun says:

    people who don’t have a life tends to be envious of those who do. i love your blog..coz you *in ali g tone* keep it real

  13. Anonymous says:

    people who don’t have a life tends to be envious of those who do. i love your blog..coz you *in ali g tone* keep it real

  14. man i love reading your blogs although i dunno you.

    you certified beautiful blogger =)

  15. Anonymous says:

    man i love reading your blogs although i dunno you.

    you certified beautiful blogger =)

  16. sotong88 says:

    eventhough the blog is all about you and your life, you still have a way to make it well NOT boring to read unlike loads of other blogs out there.. so lepak la.. if they want to visit your page and get angry their prob la.. as long as you *da fairy* and we *good readers* are happy!


  17. timstone says:

    Joyce is fabulous and always will be. End of story. Kinky Silly Fairy For The Win!

  18. Anonymous says:

    eventhough the blog is all about you and your life, you still have a way to make it well NOT boring to read unlike loads of other blogs out there.. so lepak la.. if they want to visit your page and get angry their prob la.. as long as you *da fairy* and we *good readers* are happy!


  19. azxel says:

    irritating aint it… aren’t you glad you could just delete off those bastid’s comments? leave ’em be kbf.

    adam’s pup (or rather.. erm.. yours?) is dem kawaiii wished my doggie was a puppy again… easier to toilet train them >_<

  20. Anonymous says:

    irritating aint it… aren’t you glad you could just delete off those bastid’s comments? leave ’em be kbf.

    adam’s pup (or rather.. erm.. yours?) is dem kawaiii wished my doggie was a puppy again… easier to toilet train them >_<

  21. Ponk says:

    my blogs boring. but if you know xanga can block users too. everythings there fer yer usage. πŸ˜›

  22. Anonymous says:

    my blogs boring. but if you know xanga can block users too. everythings there fer yer usage. πŸ˜›

  23. your blog’s way cool la. and it cracks me up too. and after reading some of the posts i realised i’m also such a alcoholic, and i’m not the only one who thinks it cures all! yay!! πŸ˜›

    so pls dont ever ever close the blog or whtever. screw those ppl. who asked them to visit in the 1st place? brainless…

    ooh and the puppy… oh so schweeet. i love doggies. love em.

  24. Anonymous says:

    your blog’s way cool la. and it cracks me up too. and after reading some of the posts i realised i’m also such a alcoholic, and i’m not the only one who thinks it cures all! yay!! πŸ˜›

    so pls dont ever ever close the blog or whtever. screw those ppl. who asked them to visit in the 1st place? brainless…

    ooh and the puppy… oh so schweeet. i love doggies. love em.

  25. i meant to say I’m BECOMING more of an alco as days go by. hahah… couldn’t bring home my Madfish Chardonnay. So sad… Margeret River wine…

    And nothing beats duty free liqour with me daddy’s and cousin’s airline staff discounts!

  26. Anonymous says:

    i meant to say I’m BECOMING more of an alco as days go by. hahah… couldn’t bring home my Madfish Chardonnay. So sad… Margeret River wine…

    And nothing beats duty free liqour with me daddy’s and cousin’s airline staff discounts!

  27. Wow. Damn alot of comments… urm didnt’ expect there to be so much feedback 0_o

    azxel & Ponk: Eh? The only comment  deleted recently is someone slandering a colleague of mine. I didn’t write this because of a comment someone left here.

    Joy: Well i memang thought that hence my continuous blogging… πŸ™‚ I like your blog la btw, write more kenonot! Especially the ‘church choir krispy kreme’ line, lol

    Tim: *muaks*

    devil_undercover: eh eh dun so alco wei….!

    Thanks for all the comments

  28. Anonymous says:

    Wow. Damn alot of comments… urm didnt’ expect there to be so much feedback 0_o

    azxel & Ponk: Eh? The only comment  deleted recently is someone slandering a colleague of mine. I didn’t write this because of a comment someone left here.

    Joy: Well i memang thought that hence my continuous blogging… πŸ™‚ I like your blog la btw, write more kenonot! Especially the ‘church choir krispy kreme’ line, lol

    Tim: *muaks*

    devil_undercover: eh eh dun so alco wei….!

    Thanks for all the comments

  29. Quilana says:

    Haha yeah I love yours too. I’ve been to your blog a few times whenever Ash linked from hers. As someone mentioned earlier, you keep it real. πŸ˜‰

    I just started my blog! Give me time la πŸ™‚

  30. Anonymous says:

    Haha yeah I love yours too. I’ve been to your blog a few times whenever Ash linked from hers. As someone mentioned earlier, you keep it real. πŸ˜‰

    I just started my blog! Give me time la πŸ™‚

  31. shuenura says:

    hey girl, i’m your new reader. i understand how u feel cuz i used to be a victim of this kinda case too. whenever i posted my pics with frens, those silly anonymous just had to post offensive comments on my blog. if the particular blog is such an eyesore to u jealousy crowd, then why are u still reading it? don’t hurt your eyes, fuck off.

  32. Anonymous says:

    hey girl, i’m your new reader. i understand how u feel cuz i used to be a victim of this kinda case too. whenever i posted my pics with frens, those silly anonymous just had to post offensive comments on my blog. if the particular blog is such an eyesore to u jealousy crowd, then why are u still reading it? don’t hurt your eyes, fuck off.

  33. andyrascal says:

    yeah wei, some people are just stupid….

  34. Anonymous says:

    yeah wei, some people are just stupid….

  35. i for one, am a happy click-surfer who loves your blog πŸ™‚
    ah. i’ve had my share of blog drama. roll with it, have some malibu and you’ll be fine.

  36. Anonymous says:

    i for one, am a happy click-surfer who loves your blog πŸ™‚
    ah. i’ve had my share of blog drama. roll with it, have some malibu and you’ll be fine.

  37. shaun7 says:

    yeah i think that person should fuck off. fuck off i say.

  38. Anonymous says:

    yeah i think that person should fuck off. fuck off i say.

  39. iamsiren says:

    thank you for writing that. thank you thank you thank you. seriously.. with all the shit going on with blogs, i think it’s time someone stood up. sigh.. it’s just so simple and stupid. don’t like, don’t read. why the fuck do dey even go thru the whole trouble of reading, den commenting? i like joyce’s blog. tat’s why i’m reading it. i love her photos. so there. i’m staying. you fucking idiots.. just *aarghh!* just go :]

  40. Anonymous says:

    thank you for writing that. thank you thank you thank you. seriously.. with all the shit going on with blogs, i think it’s time someone stood up. sigh.. it’s just so simple and stupid. don’t like, don’t read. why the fuck do dey even go thru the whole trouble of reading, den commenting? i like joyce’s blog. tat’s why i’m reading it. i love her photos. so there. i’m staying. you fucking idiots.. just *aarghh!* just go :]

  41. lullaby18 says:

    Skoo the drama weihh.


    ’nuff said. πŸ˜‰

  42. Anonymous says:

    Skoo the drama weihh.


    ’nuff said. πŸ˜‰

  43. laineylashes says:

    they can say whatever they wanna say but we’re still here reading your blog, babe πŸ™‚

    & seriously, why do people blog about hating bloggers anyway? sheesh..

    keep smiling!

  44. Anonymous says:

    they can say whatever they wanna say but we’re still here reading your blog, babe πŸ™‚

    & seriously, why do people blog about hating bloggers anyway? sheesh..

    keep smiling!

  45. JayLond says:

    Ah, that’s what the ‘delete comment’ and ‘ban user’ functions are for! You know, to help people who can’t help themselves.

    That said, you don’t seem to be short on appreciative readers anyway πŸ™‚

  46. Anonymous says:

    Ah, that’s what the ‘delete comment’ and ‘ban user’ functions are for! You know, to help people who can’t help themselves.

    That said, you don’t seem to be short on appreciative readers anyway πŸ™‚

  47. now why would anyone wants to bang your piccies?
    theyre awfully pretty to look at.

  48. Anonymous says:

    now why would anyone wants to bang your piccies?
    theyre awfully pretty to look at.

  49. hey babe, i think i know who you’re referring to. don’t worry they’re a bunch of losers who refresh the page every second to check new postings. they have too much time to waste.

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