The Other Woman
“I’m thinking of getting a puppy…” started AdamPoserPan the other day.
I lifted my head in lagging shock.
Uh-oh. Puppies are cute, yes.
But puppies also mean cleaning up.
Lots of cleaning up…
“Who’s gonna take care of the puppy?!” i said in a somewhat shrill voice, “You’re always out at work.”
“You’ll help me take care of it right?..”
Great. He gave me the puppy-dog voice and i got sucked into being happy clappy with a puppy.
Meet Angel.
I swear.
The first time i met her, she gave me *the* look.
FYI, i didn’t name her.
She’s called Angel because she’s black and it’s supposed to be ironic.
Cheh… if wanna be ironic then can call it Vodka… or Malibu right.
Okay i know it’s many many puppy pictures for one post…
Just one more picture, just one more picture!
awww.. so cute.. angel reminds me of my sister’s shihh tzu (mable) and beagle (biscuit).. i tell you wat.. they’ll bite everything that they can reach.. especially biscuit who bite her fathers new bought 700 bucks timberland shoe!! (almost fainted because i was baby sitting her that time)..But i doubt it that angel can be that notty.. she is so cute.. *grinz* cute!! i wish i have a dog like tat..then i can sayang her all the time…
anyways, iam tzewa here and i just love reading ur blog..very intresting..keep it up gurl! muakss. cute!! i wish i have a dog like tat..then i can sayang her all the time…
anyways, iam tzewa here and i just love reading ur blog..very intresting..keep it up gurl! muakss.
so CUTE!!!!! tell Poser i wanna met her!!! Joyce, you no fight already la! like the first picture said “Move Over, Bitch!” hehehehhe….. jgn marah,k?
miss both you damn alot! hope to see you both soon!
so CUTE!!!!! tell Poser i wanna met her!!! Joyce, you no fight already la! like the first picture said “Move Over, Bitch!” hehehehhe….. jgn marah,k?
miss both you damn alot! hope to see you both soon!
littlechillipadi: walau… if she bit my expensive shoes i sure emo wan…!!
bhavesh: haha i BET you’ll be coming over for wine soon
come come come!
littlechillipadi: walau… if she bit my expensive shoes i sure emo wan…!!
bhavesh: haha i BET you’ll be coming over for wine soon
come come come!
[…] ago: I was dating AdamPoserPan and he blogged about AzwinAndy while i was away (NSFW) 4 years ago: AdamPoserPan decided to get a puppy. 5 years ago: I went to party with Mooky at Bar […]