Saturday November 26, 2005

Comments (24) Uncategorized

TAG Topped It Off Nicely

I’m going to leave office in a bit
Coming to work on a SATURDAY is NO FUN.

I feel like i need a detox. Like, really really really.
My phlegm was green, red (abit of blood) and blue (?) this morning…


Heh. KinkyPug was a sweetheart and temaned me to my events last night, making it a super night.
9 hours together, margaritas at TGIFs in kl, Thai Club (yuk), Armada Hotel (-_-), jug of Vodka Redbull at Terrace Bar, jug of beer at TAG, Velvet, then TAG again…

“Hey isn’t that Kenny Sia?” Kevin pointed out to me
I’m always oblivious to everything around me at times.
I turned to where he was pointing.
“Hee hee it is!”

I crept up to KennySia sms-ing someone on the dancefloor
And popped my face right into his
He glanced up in surprise, “Hey! What are you doing here?”
“What am i doing here? I practically live here. Which is really sad, actually.”

Then i introduced Kenny to Keith, who made him drink :p

TAG is back to normal hoorah!

KinkyPug and i were supposed to go back to Velvet.
But everytime we were about to leave, another nice song would come on and we’d turn back
>_< Woohoo. Damn broke.
Thank god, let’s see, pay comes in… four days.
Can make it :p

And you know what else comes in 6-7 days?

ASH is coming backkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 Responses to Saturday November 26, 2005

  1. may_devil says:

    Take good care of urself ^_^

  2. Anonymous says:

    Take good care of urself ^_^

  3. Mei_cheah says:

    Hi, just a random-dropper by.. from suilin’s blog.

    Nice blog, gal. And hope you’ll feel better soon πŸ˜€

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi, just a random-dropper by.. from suilin’s blog.

    Nice blog, gal. And hope you’ll feel better soon πŸ˜€

  5. iamsiren says:

    yeahhhh kinkypugkevin was so nice lah.. temaning u all nite. shweet.. see u soon babe. take care yeah.

  6. Anonymous says:

    yeahhhh kinkypugkevin was so nice lah.. temaning u all nite. shweet.. see u soon babe. take care yeah.

  7. lullaby18 says:

    you’ve got colorful phlegm!? lol whoaa.

  8. Anonymous says:

    you’ve got colorful phlegm!? lol whoaa.

  9. JerayN says:

    hello,am juz ramdom dropperby too.i like ur’s nice.n d photoz r nice.keep i t on

  10. Anonymous says:

    hello,am juz ramdom dropperby too.i like ur’s nice.n d photoz r nice.keep i t on

  11. lainieyeoh says:

    damn you la, sick still look good in photos.

  12. Anonymous says:

    damn you la, sick still look good in photos.

  13. Yay to Thai Club and Wharf. -_-

  14. Anonymous says:

    Yay to Thai Club and Wharf. -_-

  15. lainieyeoh says:

    oooh su-yin πŸ˜€

  16. Anonymous says:

    oooh su-yin πŸ˜€

  17. placid26 says:

    Coloured phlegm is so cool. Green, yellow, blue, red.

    I want to pub/club hop too. Wahhhhhhh.

    3 days and counting to payday.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Coloured phlegm is so cool. Green, yellow, blue, red.

    I want to pub/club hop too. Wahhhhhhh.

    3 days and counting to payday.

  19. LucidDr3amer says:

    Happy night, even with germs πŸ™‚ Alco kills germs! Eh, Kev wearing the t-shirt I gave him πŸ˜›

  20. Anonymous says:

    Happy night, even with germs πŸ™‚ Alco kills germs! Eh, Kev wearing the t-shirt I gave him πŸ˜›

  21. iamsiren says:

    gonna send u your pictures now.. but guess it’s too late haha.. i’ve been too ‘busy’ to even sit in front of my pc πŸ™‚

  22. Anonymous says:

    gonna send u your pictures now.. but guess it’s too late haha.. i’ve been too ‘busy’ to even sit in front of my pc πŸ™‚

  23. kennysia says:

    OMFG. She was there at that same night, at that same place!

    Holy cow mother of god. That must be the weirdest coincidence ever.

  24. Anonymous says:

    OMFG. She was there at that same night, at that same place!

    Holy cow mother of god. That must be the weirdest coincidence ever.

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