Tuesday October 25, 2005

Comments (48) Uncategorized

About a year ago, Joyce partied with her queer folk

Ghetto Last Thursday

was awesome, so to speak
Not crowded and happy clappy people drinking and dancing

MaryBerry and QueenKanch took fucking ages just getting out of the car and walking to the club
First they forgot something, then Mary wanted to put something in the boot, then while they were both doing that, Kanch stepped in a bit of water and wanted tissue to wipe it off, so had to open the car doors again -_- Then the car park guy had no change.

I was giving my  mata sepet look  at them the whole time wishing AshleyTheMonkey was there to share my exasperation

MaryBerry is looking sexier and sexier nowadays
I’m not sure whether QueenKanch looks miang or sleepy…

BlackChickJessie was WILD that night   

Lam was drunk and singing along to the songs
“Wow! You know all the lyrics! Cool!”
“No la, just pretend only! Nobody can hear wan!”
*continues singing loudly*

Fairy Spoilt

KinkyPugKevin and i were pottering around Kinokuniya on Saturday afternoon
I introduced him to the wonder of children’s books and we spent ages there

I hopped to my usual corner of fairy storybooks to see what new ones they had brought in
Upon setting my eyes on a new big one, i grabbed at it excitedly

“WAH! Damn nice right!!! WAHHHHH!!!”
“Hmm yea it’s quite nice, get it la.”
*turns book around* “Aiya, i’ll buy it when pay comes out la. Spend money on other things first!”
“Oh okay.”

Then we separated ways
I went to pore over photography and fashion books upstairs

As we walked to Chinoz On The Park to meet AdamPoserPan for wine,
he held out a Kinokuniya bag to me
“Oh, what did you buy?”
“It’s for you.”

He bought me the fairy book on the sly to give to me!! 
That was so fucking unexpected!!!

I jump-hugged him


My fairy book!!!

It’s illustrated by Cicely Mary Barker of www.flowerfairies.com

*happy sigh*

I am so fucking spoilt.

I read the book out loud in the dim light of Chinoz
“…a flower fairy is 5-10 centimetres tall!…”

AdamPoserPan and KinkyPugKevin continued their conversation, totally ignoring me
That’s okay. I babbled along happily to myself
Adam turned around and waved for the waiter
I thought he wanted to order something extra

“Hey waiter? Waiter? Do you think we could sit in separate tables please, yes, one just for her.”


PrincessAnna & i

PrincessAnna and i went for a food review the other day
Which totally sucked ass, ’nuff said.

Vainpot Anna and poser me in the sunny tea room –

Someone said we look like ‘tai-tais in the making’
We wish
Then we wouldn’t have to work anymore and just spend the rest of our lives traveling, eating and holiday-ing

The wonder…

*snaps out of it*

48 Responses to Tuesday October 25, 2005

  1. lainieyeoh says:

    Not like tai tais lah, no LV handbag?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Not like tai tais lah, no LV handbag?

  3. lainieyeoh says:

    he he he he he…..CHICKENLITTLE!

  4. Anonymous says:

    he he he he he…..CHICKENLITTLE!

  5. you looked HOT! wooooot!

  6. Anonymous says:

    you looked HOT! wooooot!

  7. j0sh_w says:

    No LV handbags, but got tai-tai posing happening… πŸ™‚

  8. Anonymous says:

    No LV handbags, but got tai-tai posing happening… πŸ™‚

  9. yivontai says:

    Nicely taken photo πŸ™‚

    Anna looks familiar….hmmmm


  10. Anonymous says:

    Nicely taken photo πŸ™‚

    Anna looks familiar….hmmmm


  11. yivontai says:

    Does Anna has a blog?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Does Anna has a blog?

  13. nightstar says:

    gorgeouz pic babez πŸ™‚

  14. Anonymous says:

    gorgeouz pic babez πŸ™‚

  15. Oooo look at beautiful Anna and ChickenLittle!!
    Yea la damn tai tai, but very sophisticated…

    *clap clap for Ian* -_-

    Wait… ChickenLittle wearing skirt?!!! O_o

  16. Anonymous says:

    Oooo look at beautiful Anna and ChickenLittle!!
    Yea la damn tai tai, but very sophisticated…

    *clap clap for Ian* -_-

    Wait… ChickenLittle wearing skirt?!!! O_o

  17. lainie: haih budget budget! heh.


    irene: i lookED* hot? … *cries* hahaha

    yivontai: no she doesn’t

    mich: thanks πŸ™‚

    KinkyPugKev: what are you talking about… i always skirt wut… -_-

  18. Anonymous says:

    lainie: haih budget budget! heh.


    irene: i lookED* hot? … *cries* hahaha

    yivontai: no she doesn’t

    mich: thanks πŸ™‚

    KinkyPugKev: what are you talking about… i always skirt wut… -_-

  19. CHICKEN LITTLE!!!!!!!!

  20. Anonymous says:

    CHICKEN LITTLE!!!!!!!!

  21. nightstar says:

    oOoOoO I oso wannnttt!

    can we all be kinkypugkevin’s fren too ??? πŸ˜‰

  22. Anonymous says:

    oOoOoO I oso wannnttt!

    can we all be kinkypugkevin’s fren too ??? πŸ˜‰

  23. haha.. sry mistake!.. you are HOT all the time.. hehe

  24. Anonymous says:

    haha.. sry mistake!.. you are HOT all the time.. hehe

  25. nightstar:
    Only if you look like Chicken Little. -_-

    Eh a bit a lot of snaps of the book right? -_-
    Cis. Scary la. 5mm… Hmm… Like you la hehehehehee!!!
    Love ya too… MWAKS!!! ChickenLittle!!!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Only if you look like Chicken Little. -_-

    Eh a bit a lot of snaps of the book right? -_-
    Cis. Scary la. 5mm… Hmm… Like you la hehehehehee!!!
    Love ya too… MWAKS!!! ChickenLittle!!!

  27. AaaaAAaawwwWWww…….

    kinkypugkevin is so so sweet

    you are really so fucking spoilt!

  28. Anonymous says:


    kinkypugkevin is so so sweet

    you are really so fucking spoilt!

  29. sweatlee says:

    Because of you, I’m suddenly into ponies and fairies. I even shrieked when I found the little ponies with beautiful mane. that proved that I’m reading too much of kinkybluefairy’s.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Because of you, I’m suddenly into ponies and fairies. I even shrieked when I found the little ponies with beautiful mane. that proved that I’m reading too much of kinkybluefairy’s.

  31. kamkuey says:

    BUAHAHAAHA…. adam.. so eeeevirl.. kekeke

  32. Anonymous says:

    BUAHAHAAHA…. adam.. so eeeevirl.. kekeke

  33. allish:  ;p hee hee *shh* wait nobody spoil me anymore.. :p

  34. Anonymous says:

    allish:  ;p hee hee *shh* wait nobody spoil me anymore.. :p

  35. leen_mafia says:

    So sweet of your friend… I love the pics! (from the book i mean :P)

  36. Anonymous says:

    So sweet of your friend… I love the pics! (from the book i mean :P)

  37. headup says:


  38. cyberred says:

    woah fairy OTT man… kidding..

    you have good friends =)


  39. Anonymous says:

    woah fairy OTT man… kidding..

    you have good friends =)


  40. j0sh_w says:

    Haha spoilt ah. Nice bit of teamwork going on there from the boys.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Haha spoilt ah. Nice bit of teamwork going on there from the boys.

  42. You look damn cun in that last pic!

  43. Anonymous says:

    You look damn cun in that last pic!

  44. leen_mafia: eheee heee idiot, wee i love them too! *hugs book crazily*

    FaiTheMai: emo…………

    cyberred: but because it’s my blog i can FairyOTT as much as i want heh

    josh: cheh…. kevin must layan adam la cos he din get him anything hee hee

    lifeisaflower: thank you πŸ™‚

  45. Anonymous says:

    leen_mafia: eheee heee idiot, wee i love them too! *hugs book crazily*

    FaiTheMai: emo…………

    cyberred: but because it’s my blog i can FairyOTT as much as i want heh

    josh: cheh…. kevin must layan adam la cos he din get him anything hee hee

    lifeisaflower: thank you πŸ™‚

  46. inferno83 says:

    Hey Anna, I’m 6’2″, naturally muscular and I drive a 5-series. Wanna make out?

  47. Anonymous says:

    Hey Anna, I’m 6’2″, naturally muscular and I drive a 5-series. Wanna make out?

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