Tuesday October 18, 2005

Comments (46) Uncategorized

A *bit* more then a year ago, Ash and i played  like 5-year-olds


Last Friday
Franz Ferdinand’s  album launch @ The Loft : Zouk
TwilightActionGirl night!!!



Bloggers Get Lame

Sometimes we’re so bored with lives within four walls that we resort to doing silly things just to layan ourselves via legally *hint hing looney!*

So Looney tagged me
Check out his site  for a whole amusing array of people he managed to suck into doing this


I watched The Corpse Bride  yesterday
And watching Doom  tomorrow

This is just the beginning of a whole array of movies coming in the next two months!

46 Responses to Tuesday October 18, 2005

  1. Are you sure you wanna watch Doom? I mean seriously, The Rock??

    Think twice πŸ˜‰

  2. Anonymous says:

    Are you sure you wanna watch Doom? I mean seriously, The Rock??

    Think twice πŸ˜‰

  3. kamkuey says:

    Jasper.. but it is Doom.. Doom… I lived thru boring nights in college playing Doom II.

    and joyce.. *gasp* it opens tomorrow???

  4. Anonymous says:

    Jasper.. but it is Doom.. Doom… I lived thru boring nights in college playing Doom II.

    and joyce.. *gasp* it opens tomorrow???

  5. jasper_spiller: well i guess so cos i’m going as part of work πŸ˜‰

    kamkuey: Doom opens next week i think

  6. Anonymous says:

    jasper_spiller: well i guess so cos i’m going as part of work πŸ˜‰

    kamkuey: Doom opens next week i think

  7. kamkuey says:

    Oh.. hehe.. *paiseh*

  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh.. hehe.. *paiseh*

  9. w3sologist says:

    Nude pic! Ouuuuuuu.. :)~

  10. Anonymous says:

    Nude pic! Ouuuuuuu.. :)~

  11. lainieyeoh says:

    uh…not wearing anything again? Fanbase increase 130% hehheeh

  12. Anonymous says:

    uh…not wearing anything again? Fanbase increase 130% hehheeh

  13. lainie: ok. this is so unintentional la. I just came back from paintball and was lazy to wear something *just to take a picture* when i was going to bathe -_-  Shall not happen again anytime soon!

  14. Anonymous says:

    lainie: ok. this is so unintentional la. I just came back from paintball and was lazy to wear something *just to take a picture* when i was going to bathe -_-  Shall not happen again anytime soon!

  15. nightstar says:

    hehhh. nekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiidfairy! πŸ™‚

    wow cynthia’s sr.AD?! wowowoowowww

  16. Anonymous says:

    hehhh. nekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiidfairy! πŸ™‚

    wow cynthia’s sr.AD?! wowowoowowww

  17. GAMBSKIT says:

    joyce, do da monday~sunday photo of the day mem? pls…….

  18. Anonymous says:

    joyce, do da monday~sunday photo of the day mem? pls…….

  19. looney_v5 says:

    Woooo HOoo the NAKED FAIRY!!! hehehehe!!! ehhh i really like your tatt at that angle( although u can’t see much.. but less is always more) makes me wanna find out what it actually looks like, if i didn’t already know what it looks like lah.. hahahaha.. cuz i do?

    THANKS FAIRY!!! hehehhe, now to get more victims… πŸ˜›

  20. Anonymous says:

    Woooo HOoo the NAKED FAIRY!!! hehehehe!!! ehhh i really like your tatt at that angle( although u can’t see much.. but less is always more) makes me wanna find out what it actually looks like, if i didn’t already know what it looks like lah.. hahahaha.. cuz i do?

    THANKS FAIRY!!! hehehhe, now to get more victims… πŸ˜›

  21. vernhui says:

    hey.. caught ya on tv show > uvj finale..esp. when zoom at e guy who was sitting beside you..

    mannn.. he was so bersemangat..

    wonder if he lost his voice..

  22. Anonymous says:

    hey.. caught ya on tv show > uvj finale..esp. when zoom at e guy who was sitting beside you..

    mannn.. he was so bersemangat..

    wonder if he lost his voice..

  23. LucidDr3amer says:

    Happy TAG piccies! πŸ™‚ Sr Account Director…am just a lowly account director cum coolie person la… wanna talk to my boss about a promotion? He might consider if it came from a fairy *wink* : P

  24. Anonymous says:

    Happy TAG piccies! πŸ™‚ Sr Account Director…am just a lowly account director cum coolie person la… wanna talk to my boss about a promotion? He might consider if it came from a fairy *wink* : P

  25. nightstar: eh… maybe i was wearing tube top leh!

    looney: it’s a FAIRY TATTOO WEI!!!! *emo gila* NOT an angel!!!!! And you saw it before la last time. wtf. forgot issit

    vernhui: yeah man… i went deaf on my left ear for a bit after that!

    Cyn: got somemore happy tag piccies! didn’t have time to upload yet πŸ˜‰ if i suggested that, don’t blame me if your boss kicks you AND me off 0_o

  26. Anonymous says:

    nightstar: eh… maybe i was wearing tube top leh!

    looney: it’s a FAIRY TATTOO WEI!!!! *emo gila* NOT an angel!!!!! And you saw it before la last time. wtf. forgot issit

    vernhui: yeah man… i went deaf on my left ear for a bit after that!

    Cyn: got somemore happy tag piccies! didn’t have time to upload yet πŸ˜‰ if i suggested that, don’t blame me if your boss kicks you AND me off 0_o

  27. lainieyeoh says:

    WHAT? Oh no, don’t you DARE blame future lack of half naked photos on me!

    MAD AH? Take that back!

  28. Anonymous says:

    WHAT? Oh no, don’t you DARE blame future lack of half naked photos on me!

    MAD AH? Take that back!

  29. headup says:

    that was my hand!


  30. Anonymous says:

    that was my hand!


  31. lainie: lol riot la you

    fai: haha idiot

  32. Anonymous says:

    lainie: lol riot la you

    fai: haha idiot

  33. Joyce, yr a hottie la!! I love the pictures manz!!! Keep it coming! Yr spunky short hairdo is really cool on you!! hehehe

  34. Anonymous says:

    Joyce, yr a hottie la!! I love the pictures manz!!! Keep it coming! Yr spunky short hairdo is really cool on you!! hehehe

  35. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=”100%” cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=”100%” border=0 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>
    <TR height=”100%” UNSELECTABLE=”on” width=”100%”>
    <TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width=”100%” background=”” height=250 UNSELECTABLE=”off”>ohhh…. mata sepet lah now???!!!
    <TR UNSELECTABLE=”on” hb_tag=”1″>
    <TD style=”FONT-SIZE: 1pt” height=1 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>

  36. Anonymous says:

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=”100%” cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=”100%” border=0 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>
    <TR height=”100%” UNSELECTABLE=”on” width=”100%”>
    <TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width=”100%” background=”” height=250 UNSELECTABLE=”off”>ohhh…. mata sepet lah now???!!!
    <TR UNSELECTABLE=”on” hb_tag=”1″>
    <TD style=”FONT-SIZE: 1pt” height=1 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>

  37. shit…. I fucked up the first one…. hahaa… anyway… *ahem*

  38. Anonymous says:

    shit…. I fucked up the first one…. hahaa… anyway… *ahem*

  39. looney_v5 says:

    ALAMAK!!! ANGLE not ANGEL.. ahahhaha i know it’s a fairy you fairy!!!!

  40. Anonymous says:

    ALAMAK!!! ANGLE not ANGEL.. ahahhaha i know it’s a fairy you fairy!!!!

  41. Yay! TAG pics always fun. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!




  42. Anonymous says:

    Yay! TAG pics always fun. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!




  43. jellypixie says:

    drink! drink! drink!

    jump! jump! jump!

  44. Anonymous says:

    drink! drink! drink!

    jump! jump! jump!

  45. TheSariPartyGirl: hahaha mWAH

    BracesAaron: waddaya mean how la? the piCTURE la! nothing better then visual PROOF hee hee

    KinkyPugKevin & SueThePixie: omg. You both like damn high lol

  46. Anonymous says:

    TheSariPartyGirl: hahaha mWAH

    BracesAaron: waddaya mean how la? the piCTURE la! nothing better then visual PROOF hee hee

    KinkyPugKevin & SueThePixie: omg. You both like damn high lol

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