Monday October 10, 2005

Comments (42) Uncategorized

It’s Settled Then.

I’m Getting A New Baby.


Yup, i’m getting a new baby!
I thought that i might as well write this here instead of explaining to everyone bla bla bla

When it was first brought up to me
I was stunned
Then i got kinda worried about the financial side
Thought of asking my parents
But my dad just started his own enviromental consultation company so i feel really bad for burdening him with extra costs when he now has to take on other bills like wages, office space rent, etc
I wasn’t too into asking Adam about it cos it really is *mine* at the end of the day
But he insisted and insisted on helping me out

Now, I can’t wait…
I’m going to kiss it and love it and cuddle it and take lots and lots of pictures, you can be sure!  *click*


42 Responses to Monday October 10, 2005

  1. lainieyeoh says:

    can i adopt your baby for you?

  2. Anonymous says:

    can i adopt your baby for you?

  3. I’ll be the gay stepdad! Yay!


  4. Anonymous says:

    I’ll be the gay stepdad! Yay!


  5. avrilchan says:

    OOOh. D70. BEst!

  6. Anonymous says:

    OOOh. D70. BEst!

  7. jctang says:

    i want a d70 too! *whines*

  8. Anonymous says:

    i want a d70 too! *whines*

  9. oh nice

    how much it cost?

  10. Anonymous says:

    oh nice

    how much it cost?

  11. initially i thought it was a phone, then i smacked myself…and told meself, “duh, of course it has to be a camera!” o’wise, we won’t be seeing any fairy pics.

  12. Anonymous says:

    initially i thought it was a phone, then i smacked myself…and told meself, “duh, of course it has to be a camera!” o’wise, we won’t be seeing any fairy pics.

  13. Anonymous says:

    new toy…w00t!

  14. jellypixie says:


    i only have a Canon EOS50 i think..hahaha…. since college wei…damn long ago…and now in a box! = / 

  15. Anonymous says:


    i only have a Canon EOS50 i think..hahaha…. since college wei…damn long ago…and now in a box! = / 

  16. kamkuey says:

    Fuhyor… Nikon D70.. cool… I wan it too, but considering I have some (read : One) accessory for Canon DSLR.. thinking about the EOS350D. Pricey thought.. at about 4K

  17. Anonymous says:

    Fuhyor… Nikon D70.. cool… I wan it too, but considering I have some (read : One) accessory for Canon DSLR.. thinking about the EOS350D. Pricey thought.. at about 4K

  18. yishyene says:

    Wow cool!!

    Anyway, I was bored so I went looking around at my sitemeter stats.. and then I saw someone got to my site via an MSN search of ‘Joyce’s Panties’… LOL


  19. Anonymous says:

    Wow cool!!

    Anyway, I was bored so I went looking around at my sitemeter stats.. and then I saw someone got to my site via an MSN search of ‘Joyce’s Panties’… LOL


  20. jenifur84 says:


    Pheewwitt!!! Ur baby is so cool!!!

  21. Anonymous says:


    Pheewwitt!!! Ur baby is so cool!!!

  22. j0sh_w says:

    New baby is huge. Can you actually carry it? πŸ™‚

  23. Anonymous says:

    New baby is huge. Can you actually carry it? πŸ™‚

  24. lainie: lol. …..



    KinkyPugKevin: yeaH! you can be the gay everything la :p hee hee

    flybabypiglet: market price now is 4k but i got it at a sweet deal πŸ˜€

    kimberly_cun: not just anY toy! The Toy i wanted for so long!!!

    jellypixie: eh. damn wasting right. gimme.

    yish: eeyerrrr

    josh_w: omg you should see the one i’m currently using – D1. super mega heavy haha. so this is supER light for me

  25. Anonymous says:

    lainie: lol. …..



    KinkyPugKevin: yeaH! you can be the gay everything la :p hee hee

    flybabypiglet: market price now is 4k but i got it at a sweet deal πŸ˜€

    kimberly_cun: not just anY toy! The Toy i wanted for so long!!!

    jellypixie: eh. damn wasting right. gimme.

    yish: eeyerrrr

    josh_w: omg you should see the one i’m currently using – D1. super mega heavy haha. so this is supER light for me

  26. looney_v5 says:

    Ooooooooooooooooo… nice cam πŸ˜›

  27. Anonymous says:

    Ooooooooooooooooo… nice cam πŸ˜›

  28. ZashiaQSharr says:

    Cheh potong stim only … I thought you pregnant … >.>

  29. Anonymous says:

    Cheh potong stim only … I thought you pregnant … >.>

  30. looney: yay! you pose for me la when you come back haha

    zashia: hee hee *cheeky grin*

  31. Anonymous says:

    looney: yay! you pose for me la when you come back haha

    zashia: hee hee *cheeky grin*

  32. AsyrafLee says:

    How much actually you got it? More than 3900, then you kena con already, since D70/s is selling like hot cakes.

  33. Anonymous says:

    How much actually you got it? More than 3900, then you kena con already, since D70/s is selling like hot cakes.

  34. Heh don’t worry, i think i’d know better then to kena con. Getting it for abit over 2k

  35. Anonymous says:

    Heh don’t worry, i think i’d know better then to kena con. Getting it for abit over 2k

  36. looney_v5 says:

    ahhahaha, ehhh no need wei! u’r like paparazzi! always take candid shots.. at first when i read the headings of this post i swore you were gonna adopt a vietnamese orphan or something! hehehehe… joyce the mommy.. πŸ˜›

  37. Anonymous says:

    ahhahaha, ehhh no need wei! u’r like paparazzi! always take candid shots.. at first when i read the headings of this post i swore you were gonna adopt a vietnamese orphan or something! hehehehe… joyce the mommy.. πŸ˜›

  38. looney: i’d be a YummyMommy! bwahahhaa

  39. Anonymous says:

    looney: i’d be a YummyMommy! bwahahhaa

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