Monday September 5, 2005

Comments (14) Uncategorized

Exactly a year ago, HotJason came back from Canada and the country cheered

White Stripes, Beck, Weezer


The Arcade Fire


That’s what i’m blasting in the office while working today
Waiting for the photographs to load up on Photoshop on the imac
*doop dee doo*
Mahai taking damn long wei…

Enlightenment, The Loft & Wine

Something not so great happened at first last night

Then i got all happy again when i was taking pictures
I gave up calling all the Miss Malaysia finalists by name cos some of them really look the same to me…
All tall (okay la, i knoW all taller then puny me), most have the same hairstyle, all wearing alot of make up, all pretty, all… kinda…. similar.
After calling some of the girls by the wrong name, i stopped and would just grin idiotically instead.

I got a nice surprise when one of the finalists came up to me and asked, “Are you Joyce?”
It was LadyShanice from xanga whom i had no idea was even a contestant
Anyway she’s much taller then i imagined….
Just as i’m much shorter then most expect as well…

So i took pictures snap snap snap
PassedOutBen, AzwinAndy and Mooky were all hitting on PrincessAnna
I think AzwinAndy was gaining more points by making her laugh
Alotta bandboys were there from DragonRed, PopShuvit etc
I din have time to take food from the buffet so LandSlide took salmon and roast beef for me and forced me to makan it all
Like little girl liddat

I happily drank lotsa wine after working
Went back to Adam’s, watched one episode of Scrubs, forgot what we talked about and crashed


Joyce’s Monday night.

MMW finalists

14 Responses to Monday September 5, 2005

  1. it’s always so much fun reading ur xanga. :D.

    long live ponies and fairies! and long live kinkybluefairy (so we can get more happy joy joy posts!)

  2. Anonymous says:

    it’s always so much fun reading ur xanga. :D.

    long live ponies and fairies! and long live kinkybluefairy (so we can get more happy joy joy posts!)

  3. jctang says:

    i caught white stripes in perth, and they were fantastic! and oh, weezer brings back so many memories of my school days.

  4. Anonymous says:

    i caught white stripes in perth, and they were fantastic! and oh, weezer brings back so many memories of my school days.

  5. memnoch: aww πŸ™‚  i can just imagine some of my friends going, ‘die fairies die!’

    jctang: you lucky beeatch! i’m so addicted to some of their songs now. i think my colleague sitting near me is sick of me playing it over and over again by now

  6. Anonymous says:

    memnoch: aww πŸ™‚  i can just imagine some of my friends going, ‘die fairies die!’

    jctang: you lucky beeatch! i’m so addicted to some of their songs now. i think my colleague sitting near me is sick of me playing it over and over again by now

  7. lainieyeoh says:

    I think quite a few guys would have enjoyed your night πŸ™‚

  8. Anonymous says:

    I think quite a few guys would have enjoyed your night πŸ™‚

  9. Actually Joyce, i think she said ‘You’re the Fairy right?’


  10. Anonymous says:

    Actually Joyce, i think she said ‘You’re the Fairy right?’


  11. lainie: wee hee hee yup yup

    sure_fire_pick_up_lines: eh… yeaH i thINK so too… how do yoU know?


  12. Anonymous says:

    lainie: wee hee hee yup yup

    sure_fire_pick_up_lines: eh… yeaH i thINK so too… how do yoU know?


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