Wednesday August 3, 2005

Comments (26) Uncategorized

Clickety Click

VainPotLouis sucked MaryBerry and i to get jiggy with it
He’s coming back soon so he can buy me fairy stuff
Fairy stuff, Louis!!!! Don’t forget!!!

I tried fixing up PassedOutBen with EditorIan (erm not in a sexual way) but Ben lost the plot

Was reading KennySia‘s blog today and i cried in the office


Hot Like Hai

The weather has been atrocious ever since the haze started yesterday
It’s like as if it’s engulfing us all in this gloomy heat ball

Horror of horrors i had to take pictures outdoors
Don’t get me wrong, i love outdoors
I actually likE walking and usually AdamPeterPan can’t stand that i wanna walk so fast when there’s no rush and keep on tugging on his arm

But it’s different when it’s fucking hot
To the extent where my gel starts melting
And the only thing i can think about to keep me alive is MalibuOnTheRocks or cold beer

Just look la how damn sweaty i was

I had an extra egg (don’t ask me why i have eggs in the park)
So i broke it on the floor and took a picture for fun

Don’t you just feel like stepping on the eggshell and squishing it crackly?
Well, *i* do when i see the picture :p

Then i got bored of taking pictures of the stupid egg
And poured some leftover milk next to it
(Don’t ask why i have milk in the park)

I like the bottom right of the pic where the egg white was oozing…
Looks so surreal

I’m going to go recover now from last night…

So i can party with my MaryBerry tonight!

What’s up la with other clubs all starting nights similar to Mambo @ Velvet…
Last Wednesday, Liquid launched their Retro Retro night
And tonight The Loft @ AHR launches their Disco Motion

Can’t be arsed to go to the launch which is in an hour
Sleep first! Getting headache already.


Drank banyaks last night…

Stupid Sow kept on calling Malibu ‘santan’  *grrr*

Had Brand’s Chicken Essence of Chicken first thing at work in the pathetic belief that it will miraculously make me jump around and do cartwheels energetically

Having hot tea now

So dehydrated….

i need tomato juiceeeeeeeeeeeee

someone pls get me tomato juiceeeeeeeeeee

26 Responses to Wednesday August 3, 2005

  1. and i stayed home like an old uncle.
    had a whole packet of pagoda peanuts… then a cup of milo. blah.


  2. Anonymous says:

    and i stayed home like an old uncle.
    had a whole packet of pagoda peanuts… then a cup of milo. blah.


  3. ladyshanice says:

    i love tomato juice too! slurrrppzzzz

  4. Anonymous says:

    i love tomato juice too! slurrrppzzzz

  5. tomato juice?! bueks….

  6. Anonymous says:

    tomato juice?! bueks….

  7. oi tomato juice KICKS ASS okay! Especially gays’ asses…. no matter how tight they are, honey.

  8. Anonymous says:

    oi tomato juice KICKS ASS okay! Especially gays’ asses…. no matter how tight they are, honey.

  9. ong_debbie says:

    what exactly is Malibu? is it a cocktail or… like those pure alcohol drinks ?

  10. Anonymous says:

    what exactly is Malibu? is it a cocktail or… like those pure alcohol drinks ?

  11. nottifish says:

    its coconut santan

  12. Anonymous says:

    its coconut santan

  13. ong_debbie: It’s coconut rum, comes in a white bottle, filled with heaven πŸ™‚

    it’s linked at the bottom of the links list btw πŸ˜€

    POB: fuck you la! coconut santan -_-

  14. Anonymous says:

    ong_debbie: It’s coconut rum, comes in a white bottle, filled with heaven πŸ™‚

    it’s linked at the bottom of the links list btw πŸ˜€

    POB: fuck you la! coconut santan -_-

  15. timstone says:


  16. Anonymous says:


  17. j0sh_w says:

    Eh, figured it was hot enough today to cook that egg.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Eh, figured it was hot enough today to cook that egg.

  19. LucidDr3amer says:

    Hot, hot, hot.. wanna die oredi… please rain..

  20. Anonymous says:

    Hot, hot, hot.. wanna die oredi… please rain..

  21. kennysia says:


    Now. How much do I have to pay you and Mary to do one for

  22. Anonymous says:


    Now. How much do I have to pay you and Mary to do one for

  23. j0sh_w says:


    Wouldn’t have seen it if not for Kenny πŸ™‚

  24. Anonymous says:


    Wouldn’t have seen it if not for Kenny πŸ™‚

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