Saturday August 20, 2005

Comments (18) Uncategorized

Exactly a year ago, Joyce officially finished college

Remember To Bring Malibu

I just got back from office

I have one hour to pack and hopefully get a power nap

I don’t feel like going to the stupid rave

MaryBerry smsed me saying that it’s fucking jam to Port Dickson now
I smsed back saying i feel lethargic and need to hump
She didn’t reply

I feel the rave is being soooo overrated
Afraid it’ll be fucking crowded and cause it to be too packed and absence of enjoyment (ie Zoukfest @ Genting)
I hope to fairies the music will be hard (tho it shouLD be, seeing who’s spinning)

Please be hard
Please be hard
Please be hard
Please be hard
Please be hard

Already i have people smsing and calling me for where they can get extra tix
I’m not a dispenser oi!

Which brings Zoukfest back to mind on how i should have bought lots and lots and lots of extra tix and sell them for exorbitant prices outside the door

Sure make money one, woohoo!

Everyone say hello to KevinHan‘s work (click for larger view):

My precious MaryBerry and i *kiss*

My darling AdamPeterPan *hump*

More of the pics he took of us here.

18 Responses to Saturday August 20, 2005

  1. GAMBSKIT says:

    aish..i think im falling in love with ur site…so random..yet so addictive.. mebbe its bcoz i am u (in kennysia’s msian blogger quiz)…grea work joyce..great work

  2. Anonymous says:

    aish..i think im falling in love with ur site…so random..yet so addictive.. mebbe its bcoz i am u (in kennysia’s msian blogger quiz)…grea work joyce..great work

  3. liljooules says: the pic..sweet..really..

  4. Anonymous says: the pic..sweet..really..

  5. yishyene says:

    HA comel sekali! lol ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Anonymous says:

    HA comel sekali! lol ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. iamsiren says:

    woooooooooo… nice pictures. i want to be able to take pictures like tat :[

    i also want pictures liddat :[

    ish.. so demanding right? by now u should know how the rave went.. eeeyuck!!!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    woooooooooo… nice pictures. i want to be able to take pictures like tat :[

    i also want pictures liddat :[

    ish.. so demanding right? by now u should know how the rave went.. eeeyuck!!!!!

  9. juzmich says:

    aww random props =]

    hehe i like that pic ..its sweet __

  10. Anonymous says:

    aww random props =]

    hehe i like that pic ..its sweet __

  11. GAMBSKIT: Woohoo you need more peeps like me in the world! (can so imagine my friends shuddering at the thought)

    liljooules: wee thanks

    yish: macam kami semasa hari bersekolah la (gosh my bm damn teruk wei)

    lily: haih everything osoyouwan. tsk* yeaH! Rave = yuck

    juzmich: ;D

  12. Anonymous says:

    GAMBSKIT: Woohoo you need more peeps like me in the world! (can so imagine my friends shuddering at the thought)

    liljooules: wee thanks

    yish: macam kami semasa hari bersekolah la (gosh my bm damn teruk wei)

    lily: haih everything osoyouwan. tsk* yeaH! Rave = yuck

    juzmich: ;D

  13. MunYeen says:

    Nice pic u got there…..

    Good angle, nice color combination.

    However, you should force adam to eat more…. so that he’ll look more chubby.  Else, he looks skinner than you.

    **Not saying that you are fat.  You have perfect figure.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Nice pic u got there…..

    Good angle, nice color combination.

    However, you should force adam to eat more…. so that he’ll look more chubby.  Else, he looks skinner than you.

    **Not saying that you are fat.  You have perfect figure.

  15. lainieyeoh says:

    I scrolled here, saw the pic of you holding Adam, and

    “Please be hard
    Please be hard
    Please be hard
    Please be hard
    Please be hard”

    Arent you glad I made it a point to read the whole entry….

  16. Anonymous says:

    I scrolled here, saw the pic of you holding Adam, and

    “Please be hard
    Please be hard
    Please be hard
    Please be hard
    Please be hard”

    Arent you glad I made it a point to read the whole entry….

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