Monday August 1, 2005

Comments (16) Uncategorized

Adam No Likey Chinese Tea

This is a story with no pictures
The digicam wouldn’t fit into my little Lulu  clutch purse
So i was at despair for a bit
Be classy and carry nice clutch purse…
Or carry normal handbag and bring digicam





*ponder somemore*

Fuck it.
Be classy la
Won’t die one don’t take pictures for ond night…

*looks up at ceiling*

So i wore a black dress and AdamPeterPan wore a long coat
He looked rather dashing and the coat made him look less skinny haha

We went for this Feast With Pride dinner at Starhill
It was a charity event for breast cancer
Plus Starhill  just launched a whole bunch of new restaurants as well

We were registering at the counter and security was pretty tight
Sorry Kenny, i don’t think you’d have been able to get in armed with an SLR!

I kept on staring and staring at this lady’s eyelashes
I mean, she was pretty refined with polished nails and all
But her eyelashes damn fail man
It was all clumpy and entangled
I swear her eyelashes were actually entangled
So yea, i kept on staring at it thinking
Boy, she reaaaaally needs an eyelash comb…

We were having dinner at Luk Yu Tea House
AdamPeterPan doesn’t like chinese tea
He kept on peering into another restaurant (the party was in diff restaurants downstairs) where Pepsi was being served

“Hmm, they’re having Pepsi and we’re having crappy chinese tea…” he grumbled
“HeY!” i said defensively.

I likE chinese tea okay.

Went to say hi to his friend Thana and met some of the finalists for Miss Malaysia World 2005
(Adam finally got his Pepsi)
They’re all freaking tall
So i tried sitting down most of the time while talking to them haha

Talking to some of them was interesting
In a good way, i mean
I was wondering why they kept on going to the stage
Emmeline said there was a supersuperhot *ignores Adam’s stare* guitarist called Dominique there

So i kay-pohed and went to look…

And oh my fucking god they were right.

He was hot beyond belief
So regret not bringing the camera now
Though i bet Adam is happy i didn’t have the camera


16 Responses to Monday August 1, 2005

  1. qizod says:

    s’how the world works.  chinese tea can’t solve the world’s problems nor can chicken noodle soup.  i’m just passing by and saying hello.  i would have said i’m just passing by and saying hi, but as much as i love to rhyme i’d much rather keep it simple for a hello.

  2. Anonymous says:

    s’how the world works.  chinese tea can’t solve the world’s problems nor can chicken noodle soup.  i’m just passing by and saying hello.  i would have said i’m just passing by and saying hi, but as much as i love to rhyme i’d much rather keep it simple for a hello.

  3. nightstar says:

    ur always there where anything and everything happens πŸ™‚

  4. Anonymous says:

    ur always there where anything and everything happens πŸ™‚

  5. Zhillian says:

    hey… saw the 2 of you as well last nite…. tell Adam his coat was nice…you’re right it made him look less skinnier…*laughs* And now I’ve got a clearer picture of your tatoo… *nice*

  6. Anonymous says:

    hey… saw the 2 of you as well last nite…. tell Adam his coat was nice…you’re right it made him look less skinnier…*laughs* And now I’ve got a clearer picture of your tatoo… *nice*

  7. iamsiren says:

    who hot who hot who hot???

  8. Anonymous says:

    who hot who hot who hot???

  9. Zhillian: you got a picture of my tattoo?! Did i meet you…?




  10. Anonymous says:

    Zhillian: you got a picture of my tattoo?! Did i meet you…?




  11. lynnzter says:

    Tangled eye lashes? Wow. I want long lashes like that. But well groomed of course. πŸ™‚

    Adam? Pepsi? Wahhhh, lousy Coke ambassador! πŸ˜› (it is him in that Coke ad right?)


  12. Anonymous says:

    Tangled eye lashes? Wow. I want long lashes like that. But well groomed of course. πŸ™‚

    Adam? Pepsi? Wahhhh, lousy Coke ambassador! πŸ˜› (it is him in that Coke ad right?)


  13. derrickflc says:

    helloz. just wanted to say hi and that i enjoy reading your blog alot, especially with all the nice picts! hahah…
    btw, Chinese Tea rules, and Pepsi sucks to the max. Summore he was in the Coke ad. Haih… what is the world coming to? What a traitor of a boyfriend you have. You bettter be careful! First it’s Pepsi, next thing you know, ooo, another girl on the side. :p

  14. Anonymous says:

    helloz. just wanted to say hi and that i enjoy reading your blog alot, especially with all the nice picts! hahah…
    btw, Chinese Tea rules, and Pepsi sucks to the max. Summore he was in the Coke ad. Haih… what is the world coming to? What a traitor of a boyfriend you have. You bettter be careful! First it’s Pepsi, next thing you know, ooo, another girl on the side. :p

  15. lynnzter: walau… now i gt think before i write right… 0_o brands and all …. 0_o crap. even working with the mag now oso i gt think before banging any brand who *might* be advertising with us… politics *ptui*

    derrickflc: nice to know you enjoy πŸ™‚ yea chinese tea rocks boats! helps wash down oil and dinner (that’s what my aunt says…?)

    hmm just msn-ed with Adam and he’s not contracted to Coke, so there! haha… anyway it was a Pepsi-sponsored event :p so no choice πŸ™‚

    Ah.. i’m not too worried bout the ‘other girl’ thing πŸ˜€

  16. Anonymous says:

    lynnzter: walau… now i gt think before i write right… 0_o brands and all …. 0_o crap. even working with the mag now oso i gt think before banging any brand who *might* be advertising with us… politics *ptui*

    derrickflc: nice to know you enjoy πŸ™‚ yea chinese tea rocks boats! helps wash down oil and dinner (that’s what my aunt says…?)

    hmm just msn-ed with Adam and he’s not contracted to Coke, so there! haha… anyway it was a Pepsi-sponsored event :p so no choice πŸ™‚

    Ah.. i’m not too worried bout the ‘other girl’ thing πŸ˜€

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