Thursday July 28, 2005

Comments (16) Uncategorized

Dmitri @ Velvet

AdamPeterPan and i had dinner with MichaelSwitow who was up from S’pore
Then we had to rush off to meet Jason and co. at Velvet

My hours are fucking up.

Last night i slept at 5 am
Then woke up at 6 am *the tragedy* for AdamPeterPan to send me home so that he could go to work
I continued sleeping
Then i had to wake up for work  like usual

By evening i’m dying for a nap
Becoming such an auntie, i swear

I wanna spend time with him after his work tonight
So that means….. i’m going to take a nap now
Then i can stay awake later tonight

Couldn’t see him after *my* work cos then that’s *his* sleeping time which he definitely needs before his night work

But the thing is, i don’t mind being an old biddy and resting at home
Because i really want to see him
And i’d rather see him then club
*goodbye GhettoHeaven and FengAtAtmos*

It’s like i’m trying to decide which one to give more time to –
Adam, partying or sleep?

Okay, maybe the answer is really obvious for you all but i adore partying!


Retro Retro on Wenzdays

Went to some old man’s joint in Hartamas before adjourning to
Retro Retro Night at Liquid

It’s suposed to play ori 80s with no pretentiousness, so says Jay
I got irritated that he got irritated that i was going to Mambo @ Zouk after that
Whatever la ha

I didn’t take that many photos last night
Actually… i realise that ever since my job involves me taking pictures almost everyday
I’m not as SnapHappy as last time

Must be cos i’m already fulfilling my daily quota for Taking Pictures All The Time

Don’t fret!
More pics at AshleyTheMonkey’s  site

Mambo was crowded and i reckon i would have had more fun if not for some unforseen incident

As i was mingling outside Zouk after mambo was over
Someone put his head right next to mine and went,

I turned around, couldn’t recognise the fellow and thought
Oh shit prollie someone that i met before and forgot damndamndamn

So i confident only, showing face like i knew him but he piped up
“I’m mild seven!”
Huh… what?

Turns out they were xangans MildSeven  and Ponk  who read my blog
Obviously they had real names la…

Eh… it’s imran right…?
Remember i asked you for your name agAIN after 5 seconds
Sorry la, i got damn goldfish memory wan…!

16 Responses to Thursday July 28, 2005

  1. iamsiren says:

    kelynn looks like a lot like my friend renee.. maybe she has an identical twin *confused*.. but renee is married to a guy named alvin so it can’t be the same person. aiks!

  2. Anonymous says:

    kelynn looks like a lot like my friend renee.. maybe she has an identical twin *confused*.. but renee is married to a guy named alvin so it can’t be the same person. aiks!

  3. ZashiaQSharr says:

    AHHHHHHHHHH holy shit, you know peoples I know! LMAO …

    Azrin, Nain … !!! Hmm I knew Azrin through HELP Ins. when I studied there, and Nain through Joanne Low (One of my best friends) Aish your social network keng man … *worship*

  4. Anonymous says:

    AHHHHHHHHHH holy shit, you know peoples I know! LMAO …

    Azrin, Nain … !!! Hmm I knew Azrin through HELP Ins. when I studied there, and Nain through Joanne Low (One of my best friends) Aish your social network keng man … *worship*

  5. lynnished says:

    eyyyyy? what’s brenda doing there? therethere!

  6. Anonymous says:

    eyyyyy? what’s brenda doing there? therethere!

  7. why is that ryan so familiar…? hmm…

  8. Anonymous says:

    why is that ryan so familiar…? hmm…

  9. timstone says:

    I look like I just got punched in that pic with Nain… bleh…

  10. Anonymous says:

    I look like I just got punched in that pic with Nain… bleh…

  11. TaSia_ness says:

    haha.. man i currently experiencin hours-malfunction. sleep in da mornin wake up at nite. 

    i gave up ravin for my bf. at 1st i hated it.. coz i love parties too much but then i guess u eventually learn to grow with it. though i’d kill to club once more.. or mayb.. loads more. but my bf’s a strict-ass.. he’d lock me up which ultimately led me to b such a bore-ass.

    anyway.. gluck contemplatin which ever choices u think dat works out much better on urself! =) 

  12. Anonymous says:

    haha.. man i currently experiencin hours-malfunction. sleep in da mornin wake up at nite. 

    i gave up ravin for my bf. at 1st i hated it.. coz i love parties too much but then i guess u eventually learn to grow with it. though i’d kill to club once more.. or mayb.. loads more. but my bf’s a strict-ass.. he’d lock me up which ultimately led me to b such a bore-ass.

    anyway.. gluck contemplatin which ever choices u think dat works out much better on urself! =) 

  13. TaSia_ness says:

    btw have i ever told u dat u’re such a cutehottie?!

  14. Anonymous says:

    btw have i ever told u dat u’re such a cutehottie?!

  15. mildseven says:

    anymore position for photo-slutting?…nice one ..gotta do this more often..

  16. Anonymous says:

    anymore position for photo-slutting?…nice one ..gotta do this more often..

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