Thursday July 14, 2005

Comments (26) Uncategorized

I Don’t Care Anymore!

I don’t care anymore whose dishes it is!
I don’t care anymoe whose stupid rubbish it is
I don’t care whose ciggie butts are they
I don’t care whose mineral water bottles they belong to
I don’t care who left the damn plastic bags lying around
I don’t care whose half-empty drink cans they are

I’m sleepy
I’m tired
And i have to fucking stress out cleaning the kitchen JUST COS I WANT TO COOK SUPPER

You two
Yes, you two – Adam and Josh

DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE APARTMENT before i become that bitching girlfriend that CHUCKS EVERYTHING into BOTH YOUR ROOMS!!!!!!!!

I had a jolly happy night drinking at Bangsar, Atmos and Zouk and i come to this shit!!!!

*screams like a pontianak*

The only thing i can assure is mine are the wine glasses in the sink and i’ve washed them

holy fucking hell!!!!!

26 Responses to Thursday July 14, 2005

  1. im living with ben in buffalo yeah
    and everyday i wash the dishes
    i swear it’s a male thing
    just to be utterly messy and unhygienic

    they just leave EVERYTHING around
    tissue, rubbish, dirty dishes, cups, EVERYTHING

    and there i am, picking up the pieces, packing out the trash and cleaning this and that

    you’re not alone πŸ™

  2. Anonymous says:

    im living with ben in buffalo yeah
    and everyday i wash the dishes
    i swear it’s a male thing
    just to be utterly messy and unhygienic

    they just leave EVERYTHING around
    tissue, rubbish, dirty dishes, cups, EVERYTHING

    and there i am, picking up the pieces, packing out the trash and cleaning this and that

    you’re not alone πŸ™

  3. pigshitz says:

    omg… and i used to think i am the only one living with a retarded male housemate.

    I don’t know WHYY.. i know i ain’t very neat either, but honestly, do they have to fling everything everywhere in every single direction they could think of?

    throw those things in their room, they sssoooo deserve it…

  4. Anonymous says:

    omg… and i used to think i am the only one living with a retarded male housemate.

    I don’t know WHYY.. i know i ain’t very neat either, but honestly, do they have to fling everything everywhere in every single direction they could think of?

    throw those things in their room, they sssoooo deserve it…

  5. nightstar says:

    buahaha.playing wifey ehs!

  6. Anonymous says:

    buahaha.playing wifey ehs!

  7. LucidDr3amer says:

    *sigh*.. I so can relate.. I live with two boys as well…and there is a constant pile of cutlery, plates and cups in the sink.. it’s never ending.. i don’t even want to start on the cigarette butts or the empty styrofoam tapau packets… AARRGHH! it must be a male thing.. Why la like that?

  8. Anonymous says:

    *sigh*.. I so can relate.. I live with two boys as well…and there is a constant pile of cutlery, plates and cups in the sink.. it’s never ending.. i don’t even want to start on the cigarette butts or the empty styrofoam tapau packets… AARRGHH! it must be a male thing.. Why la like that?

  9. Men! If they aren’t queer, they just won’t clean up. Btw, hope U dun mind me subscribing 2u πŸ™‚ & keep up the good work!

    – Jacky ~_~ –

  10. Anonymous says:

    Men! If they aren’t queer, they just won’t clean up. Btw, hope U dun mind me subscribing 2u πŸ™‚ & keep up the good work!

    – Jacky ~_~ –

  11. j0sh_w says:

    Ummmmm sorry?


  12. Anonymous says:

    Ummmmm sorry?


  13. jellypixie says:

    HAhahahahahahah…. tsk tsk tsk… boys boys boys…

  14. Anonymous says:

    HAhahahahahahah…. tsk tsk tsk… boys boys boys…

  15. kim: the worst guys’ apartment i’ve seen so far is a group of friends in edinburgh. i swear the road is cleaner. seriously seriously seriously.

    pigshitz: i dunno la… seriously, it’s in their system or something! They just leave* things there ISHHHHH

    nightstar: playing wifey would be cleaning up the WHOLE place. no. fucking. way.

    Cyn: Tee hee hee damn alot of women all emo-ing man ahaha!! yea.. the dishes is so maximum blar

    Jacky: of course you’re welcome to suscribe, that’s what happy blogs do for people πŸ™‚

    josh: haha only guy to comment…

    SueThePixie: hee hee tag tag tag…

  16. Anonymous says:

    kim: the worst guys’ apartment i’ve seen so far is a group of friends in edinburgh. i swear the road is cleaner. seriously seriously seriously.

    pigshitz: i dunno la… seriously, it’s in their system or something! They just leave* things there ISHHHHH

    nightstar: playing wifey would be cleaning up the WHOLE place. no. fucking. way.

    Cyn: Tee hee hee damn alot of women all emo-ing man ahaha!! yea.. the dishes is so maximum blar

    Jacky: of course you’re welcome to suscribe, that’s what happy blogs do for people πŸ™‚

    josh: haha only guy to comment…

    SueThePixie: hee hee tag tag tag…

  17. iamsiren says:

    ummm i have a guy here who screws me cos once i cook supper i’m always too lazy to wash up? hehe..

    well, maybe cos i’m on holiday. usually i’m real neat.. u know how it is.. holiday = sleep. eat. sleep. eat.

    i cleaned up the mess. after 3 days. *hick*

  18. Anonymous says:

    ummm i have a guy here who screws me cos once i cook supper i’m always too lazy to wash up? hehe..

    well, maybe cos i’m on holiday. usually i’m real neat.. u know how it is.. holiday = sleep. eat. sleep. eat.

    i cleaned up the mess. after 3 days. *hick*

  19. Kiranjason says:

    grumpy nye….Wazzup got some crazy photo editing skills yo. πŸ˜› Your blog is my entertainment at work..during my breaks ofcourse…don’t kembang kay.!

  20. Anonymous says:

    grumpy nye….Wazzup got some crazy photo editing skills yo. πŸ˜› Your blog is my entertainment at work..during my breaks ofcourse…don’t kembang kay.!

  21. avrilchan says:

    Hahaha…my bf cleans up ALL the time and nags me when I put it off for even a MINUTE.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Hahaha…my bf cleans up ALL the time and nags me when I put it off for even a MINUTE.

  23. iamsiren: heh that sounds like me with my room… thought it took like, three years 0_o

    kiran: heh thanks you! thinking of you reminds me of your ‘i’m scared of ghosts leaving water tracks’ Remember? BWAHAHHHAHAHAHA

    avril: Lucky you. Unlucky me.

  24. Anonymous says:

    iamsiren: heh that sounds like me with my room… thought it took like, three years 0_o

    kiran: heh thanks you! thinking of you reminds me of your ‘i’m scared of ghosts leaving water tracks’ Remember? BWAHAHHHAHAHAHA

    avril: Lucky you. Unlucky me.

  25. Kiranjason says:

    hey i swear those were real man…u know it….it led right to the pool….and appeared from no where. ….if it wasn’t for us two guys with you….i think youd have peed in your pants. ..heh

  26. Anonymous says:

    hey i swear those were real man…u know it….it led right to the pool….and appeared from no where. ….if it wasn’t for us two guys with you….i think youd have peed in your pants. ..heh

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