Monday June 27, 2005

Comments (6) Uncategorized

What I Saw Before I Saw Again

The man sat on the couch
A particular degree facing the idiot box
Blotchy gradual tone of sephia to youngegg
Glowing deeply around

I’ve seen this before
I’ve seen this before

The fishtank frowned down at her
How disgusting of you, said it
For having fun watching the arowana snap the worm
The two boys watched intently as well

One stood
The other squatted next to her

I’ve seen this before
I’ve seen this before

The arowana snapped at the worm
Snap snap snap
Hungry arowana

The standing boy dropped another worm in
The fussy fish seemed to have lost it’s appetite
And feebly bit on the worm

They wanted to play Playstation 2
In this room with two doors perpendicular to each other

I’ve seen this before
I’ve seen this before

And i remember i remember because
I remember the doors seemed strange to me
And the light and bed played a part too

The lamp on the left made that side
Of the room green and dim and eerie
The white walls
Or were they green?
See, the light confused me
Making me think the walls were green
Maybe they were green
And the light is making me think the other way
So i’d think the walls are green but know it
And then go back to thinking they’re white

I’m confusing myself

I saw it all before
I saw it all before

The two heads bopping in excitement
The stark glow from the television
As a life-defying game of football plays
I don’t play PS2
Not really
Only when trapped

But i do play with my camera
Oh! The camera
Why didn’t i think of it before?
I can take pictures of this which i’m sure i saw before
Then when i see them tomorrow,
I can be sure that i DID see it all before

I’m being confusing plus complicated again

I throw up
Japanese mush on the road
The neighbours are outside, how embarrasing

But screw it
Cos at times like so
Saving face is not an option

Wibbly wobbly
You know those wibblywobbly things
Parents give their kids to box
And they’ll NEVER EVER fall down?
Yea, i am wobbling like that

There were bicycles with rabbit fur covering it all
It had funny handles, very unattractive
And four wheels
But four funny unattractive wheels as well

6 Responses to Monday June 27, 2005

  1. Too many words. Cannot concentrate. ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Anonymous says:

    Too many words. Cannot concentrate. ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. j0sh_w says:


  4. Anonymous says:


  5. kevin: it’s not thattttt bad….  !!!

    josh: itwasverylittleiswear

  6. Anonymous says:

    kevin: it’s not thattttt bad….  !!!

    josh: itwasverylittleiswear

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