Tuesday May 10, 2005

Comments (10) Uncategorized


I Am I Feel

Whatever happened to Alisha’s Attic?
I still love their songs

*5 minutes later*

Okay i just googled them and they’re disbanded


Two Weeks Ago

FreckledAdam was trying to quit smoking
I didn’t see why i had to hop onto the LetUsQuitSomethingBad Bandwagon too

“I know. Since i’m trying to quit smoking, why don’t you try cutting down on your drinking?”
“WHAT?! For what?!”

Should have seen my face man
So classic

10 Responses to Tuesday May 10, 2005

  1. lainieyeoh says:

    quit drinking?? Who on earth would suggest that?

  2. sigh… after so much so called ‘trauma’ still want to drink. -_- 

  3. bzbee says:

    LOL I can’t quit drinking even if I bet my life on it lol. You shouldn’t too! Have fun!

  4. jellypixie says:

    Alisha’s Attic… i still have the cassette!… eheheheheh…

  5. candi_c0rn says:

    Random props… Drinking is so hard to give up… So why do it? lol

  6. ash: EY. look at the title dammit! i wrote it some time back! iSH.

  7. nightstar says:

    hahz u goin out full time with freckledadam now? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. deadbored says:

    post more post more post more… and yes dont stop drinking..!

    whatever shall you do when the drinking stops?

  9. yknow i was wondering the same thing about Alisha’s Attic just the other day

    they had good songs

  10. kim clepe: see see all the more i shall look for you on Sunday ๐Ÿ˜‰ Let’s go Cascabel and drink coffee with cinnamon stix ooh!!

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