Friday May 6, 2005

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The Cheek

I just found out its some malay fucker who has in possession all my things
He had the cheek* to email me saying he’s more ‘tertarik and nak berkenalan’ with me
Prollie cos my email was on all my new name cards
I just hope the evil fairies get him one day… *chants spell*

Ivan from Zouk said he and security found my non-valuable (to everyone else but me) things strewn around the rave area
Namecards EvitaPeroniScrunchie HouseKeys MakeUp
Daddy will be relieved to know the housekeys aren’t lost
Though we changed the locks already just in case as my address is in my wallet
I won’t even write down everything else i lost cos it’s just silly to mourn over it

I got a new haircut
Very pixie punk
“New cut, new beginning,” said FreckledAdam
“Shit you look more like me,” said AshleyTheMonkey

I like

I feel like a boy when i wash my hair
Of course, not everyone likes it
There are still the boys who think that girls are more alluring with long lustrous hair
(to brush their bare breasts with when it bed, i presume?)

I went to Bliss for the Henessy thing
RainbowGayDave was tipsy and gave my jeans pocket a sip of Henessy

Atmos was holding the first qualifying round of the shuffling competition
It was kinda boring but i thought ThisGirlChristina had some excellent moves

The MTV Digi Party was at Espanda
was *such* a kinky thing just now…
Never in my life have i seen him so outgoing!

The Loft had awesome music as usual where i slutted with MafiaMary
Zouk had it hard

And then i pottered home cos i have to go off for a wedding shoot
At 6 am
It’s now… almost 5 am… crap

I WOKE up at 6 pm yesterday… so my sleeping time is damn screwed up now

12 Responses to Friday May 6, 2005

  1. soohk says:

    quite dangerous, got all your personal things…

  2. That email might be a random generated email because I got something like that too. Did he specifically say that he got your info from your wallet? Sucks that you lost your things..I feel your pain. I had something like that happen to me once.

  3. nightstar says:

    oh me gawd. wot a lowlife loser!

  4. soohk: true…. but better that than me… 0_o

    theendlessenigma: yes it’s that person… cos the email address it came from was which is where i lost my stuff. damn lame right make email just to send me that. ish.

    nightstar: …. so geli man… i’m damn glad my housekeys were chucked back

  5. bzbee says:

    I’m glad you have at least recovered some of your things back. What a loser; I hope that you will find him one day and give him a piece of your own mind.

  6. CaKaLusa says:

    dah cheeeeeek is in check

  7. shaun7 says:

    asshole alert !

  8. j0sh_w says:

    Karma says that one day he’d ‘tertarik and nak berkenalan’ (whatever that means) with some big hairy guy in a cell.

    Yeah, I caught a glimpse of pixie punk as she crossed the road to Espanda. Was waiting for people; next time I’ll say hi.

  9. I also got an email from with the same message. Either way, the guy is a freak and should be shot to death.

  10. lainieyeoh says:

    If that Christina is Xes’ friend, I’ve seen her shuffle before..Real smooth, looks like she’s floating.

    My drunk friend cornered her in the ladies’ and got her to demo for us ๐Ÿ˜›

  11. bzbee: he doesn’t need a piece of my mind… he needs a piece of his finger cut off.

    cakalusa: check that

    shaun: gatal alert! *points at sha… stranger*

    josh_w: heh i was* there but i wasn’t crossing the road TO espanda…. 0_o

    theendlessenigma: really?! okay la. then i’m mistaken lor.

    lainie: yup it’s ThatGirlChristina, i can’t remember whether i met her before or not :p heh

  12. avrilchan says:

    Hey, I got the same email from the sepang freak. I tot that line looked familiar…

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