I Feel Like The Luckiest Girl Alive
I’ve been so happy lately it’s incredible
Hung out with AshleyTheMonkey and FaiTheMai at Terrace Bar last night
We had crispy duck pancakes and too much beer
Saw Little Miss Jellypixie
Had champagne with Loga&Co. at Poppy for a bit
Then a cocktail with Adam & Marion
Then i left everyone to say hi to Fono & Terence in Zouk
Came out and lost everyone
And they didn’t pick up their mobile phones
All of them
Walked around The Loft hunting for a familiar face
Which proves difficult to do when it’s extremely dark and i’m extremely tipsy
Mr. Brightside suddenly came on!
So i stood there and layan diri
Not shy
Finally someone felt the miss calls and called me back
Hung out in Velvet
Decided to leave
Did my pass out thing in the car
And fell asleep on Marion’s sister
Damn shy
I’m wearing my new shoes out tonight!!!
If anyone steps on them i will KICK THEM!!!!!
If you’re going out dancing that would be pretty hard to avoid.
Well, that seems to be the case *everytime* I go out over here anyway.
Have fun!