Monday April 4, 2005

Comments (35) Uncategorized

Superman’s Krypto
Joyce’s Steven

I got Steven for my 11th Birthday
He’s an English Cocker Spaniel, obviously
His real name is Bucklandle Walwyn Prewitt


But he looked like a Steven to me so that’s what i called him

When i was 14, i calculated that he would probably only pass away when i’m 22
At that time, i sighed with relief thinking
“Thank god, that’s years and years away!”

It suddenly hit me that i’m 22 this year
And i remembered that thought i had years ago…
Where did all that time go?!

Now i’m afraid
It doesn’t hit me that hard cos he looks young for his age

Okay dowan to talk about it anymore

I played Scrabble again just now
We’re getting so addicted
Tarry has resorted to carrying the game around and bugging us to play
Kinda like a little kid hee hee

I was so tired, i spelt ‘egg’ wrong
How wrong  can you go spelling a three-letter word like that?!
I put down the letters E-E-G

Ashley: What’s that…? *stares at board*
Tarry and Sharini cock their heads as well
I squint at it upside-down

We laughed SO much upon realising what it was
We laughed more at Tarry’s funniness but i’ll leave that for others to tell…

Talk about ultimate failure



Have you ever…

Met someone and felt like you’ve known them from a previous life and had the good fortune of bumping into them again?

I have

Let me tell you about one
This was sometime in December last year
I was working for a Dunhill event in KL Tower
It paid extremely well and all i did was
Greet guests, socialise and drink
Urm though after awhile i was told to stop

But anyway
stop talking bout alcohol Joyce concentrate
Back to the story

What happened was this strange feeling that i knew someone there
Though in all honesty, i’ve never even had a proper conversation with him before

Whenever i’m emo angry upset happy drunk whatever
I write
Most of it is saved on my pc and rarely on my blog
Some are scribbled on pieces of paper
Others written down neatly in a notebook

So that night i wrote this:

So very strange and out of place

For me to barely know you

Yet feel your presence around



I don’t know you

I don’t know you


But why do I feel an




My sight

& sense

to your direction?


I don’t know you!

I don’t know you!


Yet I just know everytime

You’re somewhere around

Cos I turn

And there you are



And you know what’s the cool thing?
I actally see this person on a regular basis now
We get along grandly

He says I always seem to call at the freakiest perfect time
When they’re talking about me
Or when they just arrived back from holiday in the airport
Or when he’s just about to call as well


: : edit : :


Why is everyone getting the *wrong* impression bout this post?!
This doesn’t definitely mean i like him in a sexual way!
Is it not possible to connect with another person of the opposite sex on a friendly plane?



35 Responses to Monday April 4, 2005

  1. there was one guy i met 2 yrs ago in perth during my sis’s graduation. met him at a club. exchanged sweet glances. were introduced. knew each others names. next day, met again at graduation. after graduation ceremony, met again at a fast food outlet. next day, met again at a supermarket.

    met = bumped into.

    we felt like we knew each other for ages, and exchanged e-mails till today. we know that ‘special coincidence’ that happened, but we’re both attached anyway, but we still keep in touch in perth. ah well, you might call it serendipity. one of those “wow!” moments, but it never always end like a perfect fairytale, but when u think of it….it’s quite a ‘wow, that happened!’ quite magical.

  2. i reckon that’s the best kind of friendship
    the kind that has so much chemistry that words can’t even sum up what it means or how it happen or how good it all is

    you somehow always just know it’s perfect when you feel comfort wrap its arms around you when you’re with them
    that and you’re completely OKAY being yourself infront of them 🙂

  3. bzbee says:

    Sounds like attraction, Joyce. ^^ Chemistry in the air. Ask him out for a few drinks, like malibu and see what happens.

  4. don’t wait…marry him lah….yasmin ahmad the director of sepet told me(not in verbatim)…you make take ages to know a person but love is instant…within a minute…

  5. nightstar says:


    Can’t decide which is better..the special mood shot of you up there.. or this fairytale post… luv em both!

  6. aishoz says:

    hahahah!! so…….. i see you talkin abt him alrdy huh?! nice to see u in the air, joyce.

  7. that furry thing..err…. is that a giant hamster??

  8. banhmipate says:

    kinda like a deja vu in person?

  9. Booze gets you in the MOOD. Always.

  10. j0sh_w says:

    kinda like straight out of a movie. and that’s a nice pic.

  11. shaun7 says:

    ooOohh… what’s his name again? (dating agency???) i think you should stay *ducked* girl.. 😛  hahaha..

  12. jellypixie says:

    awww… *speechless*

  13. may_devil says:

    love ur pic – lookin hella HOT

  14. kimfluttersby: that’s pretty cool, Kim 🙂

    eyesshutoropen: THANK YOU, you’re one of the few that prollie goT* what i wrote! ARGH! *shouts in relief*

    bzbee: surely you would guess that since we already hang out on a regular basis, we have drunk together countless times!

    thefrogcroaks: that was falling *in* love in less than a minute… no? :p see you soon 🙂

    nightstar: thanks!

    aishoz: oi. you. are. saying. all. the. wrong. things. online. woi.

    kakicucuklangit: it’s my dog… 🙂

    banhmipate: i guess you could say that

    reckless_eagle: speaking from experience? 🙂

    josh_w: perhaps it was in actuality the movies made out of real life, you think? thanks for the comment on the pic 🙂

  15. looney_v5 says:

    Looney’s Commandment : Man and Woman shall never be “Just” friends.

  16. fifie says:

    hey did you know that having a large forehead is supposed to mean that ur a clever person?
    Some Asian superstition thing.
    Large forehead = big brains hehe.
    And anyways. Majority of supermodels have large forehead anyways. Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum, etc.

  17. aishoz says:

    hahahahah!!! teeeeheee! i KNEW it couldnt be “you-in love” kinda thing… it just dont make sense.. hahahahah!! *wipes tears* oh. ok. well. i’ll get u a wonderful birthday present.


  18. PiK says:

    cool dog, it likes to pose for pictures w/ u

  19. nightstar says:

    Bucklandle Walwyn Prewitt? Bucklandle Walwyn Prewitt??? Bucklandle Walwyn Prewitt????

    OMG joyce. Admit it. You WERE DRUNK on malibu when you named your pretty dog… drunk when you were 14.. tsktsktsk… ;p;p;p;p;p;p

  20. ahh…my monitor kinda tua already. not showing the shadow properly. too dark to can only show the head of your dog.

  21. hugoswee says:

    cute dog !!!!

  22. Zhillian says:

    cute pics fairy!!

  23. looney: … i would like* to believe otherwise…

    fifie: oh trust me, i’ve heard it allll, means you’re clever, means you won’t be disturbed by spirits, means you’ll be rich, etc

    aishoz: lol stop it!!!!!!!!!!

    pik: heh yea he’s a natural poser, keeps pretty still

    nightstar: bucklandle walwyn prewitt was given by the lady that bred him la… she was Polish or something and her surname was Prewitt. Hence…

    kakicucuklangit: hee hee nvmind, got other pics now 🙂

    hugoswee: i know *proud*

    Zhillian: thankyoo

  24. TaSia_ness says:

    omg ….. super cute dog wit a super hot owner ~~ ^^

  25. shaun7 says:

    steven looks so cute. whoa your forehead rivals his head.. cool..

  26. liljooules says:

    oh steven is such a sexy thang..

  27. ladyshanice says:

    awwwww.. ur dog is sooOOooo cute!~ i always wanted a dog but my mum prohibit me frm owning one.. *frown*

  28. Cute dog. There’s one that looks just like it where I’m staying. Pretty cute, except when it shits and urinates all over the place. God, it stinks. Haha. Oh, and I know your secret. Tee-hee! 🙂

    – –

    Josh (you know which one)

  29. liljooules: erm sexy was never an adjective i used to describe him….

    ladyshanice: well, my mom hATED dogs too, till my dad brought him home and there was nothing she could do about it!

    josh: yes i know which one :p haha why don’t you bug its owner to clean up more often teeheehee. Oh, whAT secret? if you’re talking bout the post, then you’re talking bout the wrong* secret. And the other one ISN:T a secret anymore since you already know it….

  30. nicktay says:

    The mutt is soooo cute!!

  31. cykster says:

    Dave likes Steven, hates Krypto.

  32. nicktay: yes of course. he *is* mine after all 🙂

    cykster: oi i like steven *and* krypto okay…. hmph

  33. laineylashes says:

    steven’s such a darling! :o)

  34. lynnzter says:

    Aieeeeeeeeee … your spaniel’s such a cutie! Makes me miss mine 🙁

    – Lynnzter

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