I’m back.
Perhaps skipping my sleep for Friday night was a mistake… cos i obviously wouldn’t have been getting any on Saturday night.
A bruise on my foot.
Three terrible ulcers from braces and dehydration.
My side hurts from dancing.
A cut on my mutant toe.
4 hours sleep in 70 hours.
But it was
worth it.
Cos i what i got in return:
7 hours of super happy joyful layan dancing.
Met up with Sarah in Johore.
Met up with Rajesh in S’pore.
Bonded with some fucking amazing people on my trip.
Exhiliration that will prollie last a week.
Because there is just one word to describe it.
Wait… No… i changed my mind.
There are three words to describe it.
Fucking. Fucking. Awesome.
*Ashley darling, i wish you came. You woulda loved the R&B part.
Dammmit why does all the most happening stuffz happen when i’m NOT FREE to parrrtyyy GAHHHHHH