16 hours out
College. Bitching with Aishah. The love of my college life.
Aishah and i. Taken today. In college.
Ben and i bonded today. Till almost the wee hour of four. I was killing a mosquitoe when he said, “Don’t! it miGHT be a fairy!!!” hmph… making fun of them i see…
I don’t usually get really piped up about something. Today i did. But fuck it.
Louis & James. Airport:
The fairy and both suckball boys went to the airport tonight.
James was to leave for Manchester.
For good.
The boys sang loudly to 3EB in the car whilst the fairy sat at the back.
She didn’t know the lyrics.
Though according to them, she sings awfully enthusiastically when on Malibu.
At the airport, it was quieter…
James cut his fingernails.
Standing up in the airport.
So chic -_-
Then it was time for his family and him to leave.
Oh. Not a tear was shed.
Cos so manly are they. *grunt*grunt*
So we waved.
As James walked across that long stretch to the passport counter.
“Suckball!” shouted Louis.
“You just hAD to right..” i said.
“yup” said he.
And then there was one…
miss my college dayz..boo hooz