Sunday August 22, 2004

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Fairy Finger *sob*

Wow. i was rushing to college on a Sunday till i didn’t finish my sentence in the post below.

i had an accident today. fuck i’m typing damn slow i can’t touch type argh

i was cutting and mounting work for the exhibition when,

horror of HORRORS…
i sliced a CHUNK off my finger. I was using my pointer and thumb to hold down the ruler while i cut the board with a blade. I saw the blade go thru my finger and stoned…
did that really happen?
Then the piece that i cut off went *piak* on the floor. I was like ‘oHHHHH FUCKK!!!!!!!!!!” but nobody really paid attention cos i’m always swearing when i cut a board size wrong.

I couldn’t see.
I was panicking like Mary-thinking-of-what-to-wear-clubbing.
It started bleeding profusely and i ran to the bathroom leaving a trail of droplets on the way.

I stained the sink with blood.
I stained the wall with blood.
I stained the floor with blood.

Miraculously i didn’t stain my nice clothes with blood. Now, THAT would have been disastrous…

I held huge wads of tissue to my finger and jumped around the bathroom while trying not to cry. Girls are so emotional and weak in times of pain.

After my face wasn’t so white anymore i went back downstairs. My lecturer asked me what was wrong. “i cut my finger. shit… sEEEEE.” and held up the piece of flesh i had found on the floor to her. She covered her face with her hands and backed away.
In case you have no clue how it got cut, here:

See that part beyond the red line? I don’t have it anymore. I was only able to survey the damage at the doctor’s when the bleeding FINALLY stopped. I was staring and staring and staring cos it just looked SO STRANGE.

I officially have a mutated finger.
I am so special.

I sent my dad an sms in the afternoon:
Something happened. I cut my finger. A piece fell off in college. Ashley is taking me to the doctor now. More bills for you.

There’s so much more i want to blog but typing is being a painful bitch so you have to wait it out.
I think i shall go draw a happy face on my bandage now…

5 Responses to Sunday August 22, 2004

  1. yishyene says:


    That I cannot hug you because pressure will increase and it will PRESS the blood out of your finger!

    Loveness, yishyene.

  2. dawnsquirl says:


    ….but it’s actually pretty darn cool, no? 😀

  3. fwsy says:

    fuckin’ hell!! O_o

    i sooo don’t envy ya, mate!! 

    when i was reading ur blog, all the sfx was emmitting from my mouth…


  4. […] was even so kind as to remind me of the time i cut a piece of my finger off in college.  (I think it’s scary how i’ve been blogging for so long that i even […]

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