Sunday May 9, 2004

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Last night, i went to Dinesh’s apartment with MaryAaronSeongZherwynBobby to watch movies and drink Malibu. AshleyKanchFai were asking me to go to their place to watch movies too.

Both parties were giving me the EXACT same line on the phone
“we have Malibu…. and juice to go with it too…”

This is bribery! *stamps size-5 foot*
I feel so easily baited. All you have to do is mention Malibu and my ears perk up and all logic and slotting plans fly out the window.

While sipping on my Malibu cocktail, i chucked in Gone With The Wind (cos it’s been ages since i last saw it and i ADORE old movies). Oh, and the only way i managed to put it in without someone stopping me is cos we were waiting for Seong to come back with more mango juice. I vaguely remember voices in the bg saying things like:
“oh my god. are we seriously watching this?”
“this is a boring show. look, it’s just starting.. but it’s so boring it looks like it’s ending”
Next thing i know, everyone went outside to smoke and talk leaving me and my Gone With The Wind. Pftt…

Yishyene the Marvel

I got this marvellous belated birthday card from Yishyene  in Melb. I simply must storytell about Yishyene. She was a major part of my life in secondary school. And probably we both evolved to become the eccentric whack people we are today. We have similar handwriting and there is just so much more i don’t know where to start.
She used to torture me in class.
Yes, that was the main thing.
She was a bully to me! (not as much as linitha tho)
And she would bring strange things like a fan, a pillow and sunblock. (i’m actually laughing while typing this).
I remember her bringing beans to eat in school. I would look at her eat her beans while she grinned at me chanting “Beans are good! The more you eat, the more you fart, the more you fart, the better you are!” or something like that.
She wouldn’t call me by my normal name either. She would call me Daria (the MTV cartoon):

Okay, she *does* give me cool things. Like this Mr. Blobby toy. We used to obsess over Mr. Blobby in high school and draw him everywhere. He’s actually a British thing that somehow became this strange cult in the 90’s cos of his song and it shot to # 1. Now, you can’t get Mr. Blobby toys here so it’s special!!

Here’s a cartoon i found that she drew in form 5 i think. It was a story she concocted about my dog and i and i died in the end. Yes… i remember now… Joyce And Her Dog. Another of her evil jokes.

Back to the strange bits bout her, see this photo of me on Sports Day? I was wearing a big decent t-shirt. But no. Yishyene doesn’t think it’s flattering and cuts me out like so. (i found the cartoon and pic in a box filled with notes, letters, crap, odds and ends mostly given by her)

Now you can see how i became so traumatised in school.
Once, she stole a group photo of 5 girls (incl. me and her) and cut out  *only* our chest areas and wrote ‘Guess who? Ha.‘ on the back.

And this is the marvel herself. She’s the one grabbing innocent me of course.

see. SEE. She’s at it again.
Bullying me.
As usual.

One Response to Sunday May 9, 2004

  1. […] ago: nobody could recognise me when i cut my hair and wore corporate clothes -_- 6 years ago: i wrote about Yishyene, whom i’m gonna see in London next […]

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