Bitch Bitch Bitch
Good fucking gawd. I am bitching so much in thought i might as well write it.
I’m playing on friendster –
Number one, how the fucK can people write such awfully long testimonials?! You know, the ones that take up your entire screen when you view it. That is, IF you can view the whole thing on screen without scrolling!
Anyhow, i think the testimonial thing is BULLCRAP. of COURSE people are gonna say nice things about you on testimonials! And. If it did sucK like ASS, you wouldn’t dare approve it would you? NOW WOULD YOU.
Plus, i read testis on people i actually *know* and goddamn it’s so misleading! I’m not saying i’m utter perfection, heck, if you wrote i won Miss Malaysia Petite i would approve it too!
Number two. The thing that sparked me to write this is cos i physically and actually GAGGED (yes i even made a sound) reading a stupid testimonial cum love letter from this guy to this girl (i kinda dislike, but that’s besides the point). It includes words like hugglez (i know right, WTF), mostest from my heart, hunni, gazillion trillion million, and something similar to ‘i’ll save you from everything’.
If i could say ‘GET A ROOM GODDAMMIT’. I would. But it’s friendster.
Plus they have countless grammar and spelling errors which are prollie intentional so that it will ‘supposedly’ sound cuter. *GAG*