i’m taking yet another break from doing my marker visualising. i’m so stoned from staring at different shades of brown brown brown god help me.
I got teased mercilessly earlier on thursday night. expecially by ryan mukati. It lasted for a whole hour, i swear to god! The teasing ranged from my ‘super slotting skills’ to ‘my driving’ (or LACK OF more like it!). I was *trying* to gain sympathy by telling a friend about the part where they (Ryan, Ash, Mooky, Michelle) were banging me that when i *do* start driving, traffic reports should inform everyone on where i would be so that they can avoid those roads at all cost. wtf i can’t even drive yet dammit!
So anyhow, this fellow says:
“oh, that’s kinda mean and judgemental of them! i mean you can’t even drive yet right?….. [pauses] … but seeing that you walk into glass doors and run into walls now… “
fucking hell.